
  1. 刘慧君, 肖群鹰:艾滋病的跨区域扩散与统筹治理,社会科学文献出版社,2014年9月
  2. 刘慧君, 李树茁、果臻、朱正威. 性别失衡的社会风险研究,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2014年7月
  3.  刘慧君, 中国农村艾滋病性传播:性别角色与风险行为,西安交通大学出版社,2011年12月
  4.  蔡艳芝, 刘慧君. 西部地区新农村建设村镇区域开发模式研究. 西安交通大学出版社, 2009年6月
  1. Gou H, Liu H, Wang Y, Li X, Feldman MW. Migration, Social Networks, and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Involuntary Bachelors in Rural China, AIDS and Behavior,2020,1-11.DOI:10.1007/s10461-020-03052-4. SSCI, to be indexed
  2. Xiao Q, Liu H, Feldman MW. Is change of natural capital essential for assessing relocation policies? A case from Baihe county in western China. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, April, 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14615517.2020.1748805.SSCI indexed, WOS:000526486700001
  3. Liu H, Zhao M,Wang Y, M W Feldman MW, Xiao Q. The sexual networks of female sex workers and potential HIV transmission risk: an entertainment venue-based study in Shaanxi, China. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2020, 31(5):402-409.( SSCI indexedWOS:000523042200002)
  4. Liu H, Feng Z. Support for Older People in Households With Bare Branches in Rural China: Vulnerability, Dilemmas, and Possible Solutions. Journal of Applied Gerontology.2019 online. DOI: 10.1177/0733464819884268 (SCI indexedWOS:000492618600001)
  5. Liu H, Feng Z, Wu B. Social participation and self-perception of being old in China. Aging and Human Development 2019. DOI: 10.1177/0091415019875456 (SSCI indexedWOS:000488360500001 )
  6. Liu H, Feng Z, Jiang Q, Feldman MW. Family structure and competing demands from aging parents and adult children among middle-aged people in China. Journal of Family issue. 2019, 41,(2):235-261. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X19873358 (SSCI indexedWOS:000485057500001)
  7. Xiao Q, Liu H, Wu B. How bachelorhood and migration increase the HIV transmission risk through commercial sex in China? AIDS and Behavior.2020, 24:791-801 (SSCI indexedWOS:1.915000513210500011)
  8. Wang Y, Liu H, Zhao M, Feldman MW, Williams AB. Sex with partners met online: risky sexual behavior among bachelors in rural China. AIDS Care, 2020,32(5):572-576. DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1640849 (SSCI indexed, WOS:000474999100001)
  9. Cheng X, Li X, Liu H. Widowhood and the Subjective Well-being of Older People in China: The Mediation Effects of Lifestyle. Applied Research in Quality of life, 2019.Online (SSCI indexed, WOS:000541776000001 )
  10.  Liu H, Jiang Q, Feldman MW. Widowhood and mortality risk of older people in rural China: do gender and living arrangement make a difference? Ageing & Society. 2019 40(9):1939-1955. doi:10.1017/S0144686X19000436 (SSCI indexedWOS:000556241900005)
  11. Xiao Q, Liu H, Feldman MW. Assessing Livelihood Reconstruction in Resettlement Program for Disaster Prevention at Baihe County of China: Extension of the Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) Model. Sustainability, 2018, 10, (8):1-12.  (SSCI indexed, WOS:000446767700329)
  12. Xiao Q, Liu H, Feldman MW. How does trust affect acceptance of a nuclear power plant (NPP) : a survey among people living with Qinshan NPP in China. Plos one, 2017, 12(11): e0187941.SCI indexedWOS:000416291900024
  13. Xiao Q, Liu H, Feldman MW. Tracking and predicting hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) epidemics in China by Baidu queries. Epidemiology and Infection, Feb., 2017,145(8): 1699-1707. doi:10.1017/S0950268817000231SCI indexed, WOS:000402918700021
  14. Liu H, Eggleston KN, Min Y. Village senior centres and the living arrangements of older people in rural China: considerations of health, land, migration and intergenerational support. Ageing and Society.201737(10):2044-2073. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X16000714. (SSCI indexed, WOS:000413163400004)
  15. Eggleston KN, Liu H, Min Y, Tan B. China’s Rural Left-Behind ElderlySenior Centers and Psychological Well-being.121-143. Karen Eggleston Policy Challenges from Demographic Change in China and India. Brookings Institution Press.2016.
  16. Liu H, Xiao Q, Cai Y, Li S. The Quality of Life and Mortality risk of Elderly People in Rural China: The Role of Family Support. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.2015,27(2): NP2232-45. DOI: 10.1177/1010539512472362. SSCI indexedWOS:000352586200208
  17. Liu H, Han X,Xiao Q, Li S, Feldman MW. Family Structure and Quality of Life of Elders in Rural China: The Role of the New Rural Social Pension Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 2015,27(2): 107-122. (SSCI 000354628000002
  18. Liu H, Li S, Xiao Q, Feldman MW. Social Support and Psychological Well-Being Under Social Change in Urban and Rural China, Social Indicators Research.2014,119(2): 979-996.SSCI, WOS:000343223100026
  19. Liu H, Li S, Feldman MW. Gender in Marriage and Life Satisfaction under Gender Imbalance in China: The Role of Intergenerational Support and SES. Social Indicators Research.2012,114(3): 915-933.SSCI, WOS:000326405800009
  20. Liu H, Li S, Feldman MW. Forced bachelors, migration and HIV transmission risk in the context of China's gender imbalance: A meta-analysis AIDs Care-Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2012,24(12):1487-95SSCI, WOS:000310484200004
  21. 肖群鹰,刘慧君. COVID-19疫情的危机生命周期模型与分期应急管理.城市治理研究,20205.
  22.  刘慧君, 肖群鹰.在疫区导入流动医院项目,推进上门“行”医的应急预案建言. 新冠肺炎疫情防控决策建言专刊,西安交通大学社会科学处2020-2-10.
  23.  刘慧君,杨汝. 农村老人丧偶与死亡风险的关系研究——居住安排的调节作用及年龄组差异.南方人口.2019(04):59-69
  24. 王莹, 刘慧君. 青年学生HIV感染及传播的风险扩散研究. 中国艾滋病性病,2019(10): 1059-1062.
  25.  王遵伍,刘慧君,王莹,中国艾滋病流行空间分布及集聚特征. 中国公共卫生 2019,35(12)1593-1597.
  26. 肖群鹰,刘慧君. 突发灾难事件对老人生存质量的影响.人口与社会,2019,35(4):18-27.
  27.  刘慧君.农村“光棍”的养老选择. 澎湃新闻. 2019-01-02. https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_2803392
  28. 刘慧君, 赵敏.女性性工作者社会关系网络分析. 中国性科学. 2018, 11:158-160.
  29. 王莹, 刘慧君, 苟欢迎. 农村大龄未婚男性网络涉性行为影响因素分析. 中国公共卫生. 35(12): 1661-1665.
  30. 刘慧君, 苟欢迎. 从婚配经历看农村大龄未婚男性的择偶困境及心理应对——基于陕南地区的调查研究. 人口与社会2018, ,34(4):64-77.
  31. 刘慧君. 脆弱性视角下农村大龄未婚男性的生存质量:现状与未来——基于陕南地区的调查研究[J]. 人口与社会, 2017(1):33-43.
  32. 刘慧君,谢晓佩农村大龄未婚男性养老选择的代际差异及其养老脆弱性[J]. 人口与社会,2017,33(03):42-52. [2017-08-07]. DOI10.14132/j.2095-7963.2017.03.005
  33. 肖群鹰,刘慧君.核电项目周边居民邻避效应量表编制初探. 心理技术与应用, 2017,(9): 560-566.
  34. 肖群鹰,朱正威,刘慧君.重大工程项目社会稳定风险的非干预在线评估模式研究. 公共行政评论,2016, 9(1):86-109.
  35. 刘慧君.移民搬迁中的社会支持机制与农村老年人的心理健康. 人口与社会.2016,32(3):3-13/22.
  36. 刘慧君,唐荷娟. 社会转型期农村养老困境的破解——老年公寓和新农保对农村老人心理福利的影响. 人口与社会. 2016,32(1):38-50.
  37.  刘慧君. 农村社会养老保险如何影响家庭养老意愿.中国人口报.2016-7-11
  38. 刘慧君,韩秀华. 家庭结构变迁下新农保政策与农村老人生存质量———基于陕西省A 市的调查, 人口与经济, 2014, (5): 76-86.
  39.  刘慧君,蔡艳芝, 李树茁.农村老人生存质量与死亡风险中的家庭支持机制。西安交通大学学报.2013(3):60-69.
  40. 刘慧君,李树茁,马克•费尔德曼. 性别失衡下的人口流动与艾滋病传播风险——基于风险选择的元分析.人口与经济.2012(6):16-24.
  41. 刘慧君,李树茁. 中国社会转型下的心理福利与社会支持。公共管理学报.2012(2):23-32.
  42. 闫绍华, 刘慧君. 社会化变迁中性别失衡在中国演化的机制分析.西安交通大学学报(社科版). 2012(1):52-56.
  43. 刘慧君,李树茁. 性别失衡下的人口健康与公共安全:国际视野与历史经验,人口学刊,20115):32-40.
  44. 刘慧君,李树茁.出生性别比下降的路径选择与有效机制,人口与经济.2011(04)1-9
  45. 刘慧君. 婚姻与心理福利的性别差异性分析,中国人口科学,20114):30-40.
  46. 刘慧君.性别失衡议题中的多元利益格局与政策博弈.公共管理学报.2011 (1):61-70
  47. 刘慧君, 李树茁. 性别失衡背景下的社会风险放大及其治理——基于群体性事件的案例分析,中国软科学,20105):152-160
  48. 刘慧君, 李树茁.性别失衡风险的社会放大与政府危机应对:一个分析模型.中国行政管理, 2010(12): 108-113.
  49. 刘慧君, 闫绍华. 西方艾滋病性风险行为研究的社会性别视野. 妇女研究论丛, 2009,(2:67-72.
  50. 刘慧君. 中国农村生殖健康状况的社会性别透视. 人口与经济, 2009, (1): 25-30.



  1. 刘慧君,王莹, 郭丽娟.艾滋病感染者何时走出歧视的“阴霾”.中国公共管理专业学位 教学案例中心案例.案例编号:201912520009
  2. 刘慧君,肖群鹰. 腾龙芳烃“PX项目”选址:为什么漳州可以,厦门不可以? 中国公共管理专业学位教学案例中心案例.案例编号:201712520011.
  3. 肖群鹰, 刘慧君. 情绪与关注:江门鹤山反核事件的大数据预警. 中国公共管理专业学位教学案例中心案例. 案例编号:201412520070