Basic information


Jian Liu Ph. D., Professor of Physiology

Director of Chinese Physiological Society

Vice President of Physiological Society-Shaanxi Province

Job achievements

  • Engaging in the teaching of Physiology, and basic interest in Neuroscience Research.
  • Studied and worked in University of Zurich Switzerland for four years.
  • Currently focusing on Parkinson’s disease-related depression, anxiety and cognitive deficits, and these changes involved the neurotransmitters, receptors and the neural pathways.
  • Total international publications are more than 60.
  • Hosted and participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other research projects.
  • Second and third prize holder of a scientific and technological progress in Shaanxi Province, China.

Contact Information

Add: Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi’an 710061, China

Tel: 029-82657490-801
