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Jianbin Liu, PhD
The School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Please see the Chinese version for updated information.
Jianbin Liu, PhD
The School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
My research interests including quantum optical coherence theory, ghost imaging, Feynman's path integral theory, cold atomic gases.
Ph.D. (Sept. 2006 – Jul. 2011)
My selected publications:
1. Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang, "Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman's path-integral theory", Physics Review A 82, 013822 (2012).
2. Jianbin Liu and Yanhua Shih, "Nth-order coherence of thermal light", Physics Review A 79, 023819 (2009).
Refereed Journals:
1. Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “The second-order interference between laser and thermal light,” Europhysics Letters, 105, 64007 (2014).
2. Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Wentao Wang, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Experimental study of the second-order coherence of partially polarized thermal light,” Optics Communications, 317, 18 (2014).
3. Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Changing correlation into anticorrelation by superposing thermal and laser light,” Journal of Optical Society of America A, 31, 1481 (2014).
4. Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, WentaoWang, Rui-feng Liu, Kang He, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, "Spatial second-order interference of pseudothermal light in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer," Optics Express, 21, 19209 (2013).
5. Peilong Hong, Jianbin Liu, Guoquan Zhang*, “Two-photon superbunching of thermal light via multiple two-photon path interference”, Physcial Review A, 86, 013807 (2012).
6. Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Resolution and Visibility Enhancement of the Third-order Thermal Light Ghost Imaging in the Photon Counting Regime”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 29, 377 (2012)
7. Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang*, “Observation on the incompatibility between the first-order and second-order interferences with laser beams”, 2011, Optics Communications, 284, 2658 (2011).
8. Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman’s path-integral theory”, Physical Review A, 82, 013822 (2010).
9. Yu Zhou*, Jason Simon, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Third-order correlation function and ghost imaging of chaotic thermal light in the photon counting regime”, Physical Review A, 81, 043831 (2010).
10. Jianbin Liu* and Yanhua Shih, “Nth-order coherence of thermal light”, Physical Review A, 79, 023819 (2009).
1. Jianbin Liu*, Mingnan Le, Bin Bai, Wentao Wang, and Zhuo Xu, “Transient first-order interference of two independent thermal light beams,” Oral presentation, URSI GASS, Beijing, China, Aug. 17-23, 2014.
2. Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “The second-order subwavelength interference with single-mode continuous wave laser”, Poster, The 14th quantum optics of
3. Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Observation of nontrivial 3-photon correlation of chaotic thermal light”, Oral presentation, CLEO/QELS,