Yunjia Li

Professor, Dr. Sc. ETH
School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xianning Road 28, 710049 Xi’an, China

Specialty: Design, process, and system integration of MEMS sensors, actuators and energy harvesters
09/2009-03/2014 Ph. D., Micro and Nanosystems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Title: Vertical comb-drive actuators for millimeter waveguide applications
Full text available:
Supervisor: Prof. Christofer Hierold, Prof. Farrokh Ayazi, Prof. Christian Hafner
09/2007-09/2009 M. S., Micro and Nanotechnology for Integrated Systems
EPF Lausanne, Switzerland, 09/2008-02/2009
INP Grenoble, France, 02/ 2008-07/2008
Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 09/2007-02/2008
Grade: 110/110, Master thesis: Polymer micro cantilever for biosensor applications;
09/2002-07/2006 B.S., Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Work experience
01/2022-present Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an China.
  • Research interests: Sensors, actuators, energy harvesters, and Instrumentation
  • Teaching: MEMS sensors and actuators technologies.
01/2016-12/21 Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an China.
  • Research interests: MEMS design, process, reliability, circuit and system.
  • Teaching: MEMS sensors and actuators technologies.
Academic activities  
  • IEEE senior member
  • IEEE IES Technical Committee MEMS and nanotechnologies
Steering committee member
  • IEEE Nanotechnology Council AdCom
Member, representative
  • IEEE IES AdCom
Member (non-voting)
  • IEEE IES Publication Committee