

Assistant Professor, Dr. Youshui Lu


研究方向 Research Areas:


1,区块链技术及其应用 Blockchain Technology and Its Applications

2,能源交易、碳交易、需求响应电力市场 Energy and Carbon Trading、DR Electricity Market

3,数据安全与隐私保护 Data Security and Privacy-Preserving

4,物联网安全 IoT Security

5,智能电网 Smart Grid



课题组欢迎有志青年的加入!(于你,科研只是大学生活的一部分,更重要的是加深对生活的理解,培养自己社会责任感,帮助需要帮助的人,报效社会;于我,希望用自己的一点经验给有志青年 传道 授业 解惑。)

Looking for self-motivated students who are interested in my research area. (Not the right place for retired-minded students.)




教育/工作经历 Education&Working Experience:


2021.3月至今 西安交通大学, 助理教授

2017.9-2021.3 西安交通大学, 博士

2014.7-2017.7 Rayrock Investment (Sydney, Australia) Project Manager

2014.3-2015.10 The University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia), Master Degree

2012.3-2013.12 The Australian National University (Canberra, Australia), Bachelor Degree

2010.5-2012.3 Apple Inc. (Singapore), Technical Specialist(Product)

2007.3-2010.5 The Australian National University (Singapore), Bachelor Degree


近5年代表性论文 Publications:


  • STRICTs: A Blockchain-enabled Smart Emission Cap Restrictive and Carbon Permit Trading System, Applied Energy (1st Author, Top Journal, 中科院1区, JCR Rank 1, IF:11.446, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • Say No to Price Discrimination: Decentralized and Automated Incentives for Price Auditing in Ride-hailing Services, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (1st Author, CCF A, JCR Rank 1, IF:6.075, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • Accelerating at the Edge: A Storage-­Elastic Blockchain for Latency­-sensitive Edge Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (1st Author, 中科院1 区, CCF BIF: 9.551, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • Safety Warning! Decentralized and Automated Incentives for Disqualified Drivers Au­diting in Ride-hailing Services, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (1st Author, CCF A, JCR Rank 1, IF:6.075, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • Secure Deduplication­-based Storage Systems with Resistance to Side­-Channel Attacks via Fog Computing, IEEE Sensors Journal (1st Author,中科院2 区, JCR Rank 1, IF:4.325)
  • Cpds: Enabling Compressed and Private Data Sharing for Industrial IoT over Blockchain, IEEE Trans­actions on Industrial Informatics. (2nd Author,中科院 1 区, IF: 11.648, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • Efficient Data Access Control with Fine­ Grained Data Protection in Cloud­ Assisted IIoT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2nd Author, 中科院 1 区, IF: 10.238, Highest International Impact Journal)
  • TouristGo: a location­-based mobile game to improve tourist experience by visiting path optimisation, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, volume. 24(3): 405­418 (2020) (WOS:000495209500001) (1st Author, CCF C, IF: 3.006)
  • Serving at the Edge: A Redactable Blockchain with Fixed Storage, WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications pp 654­667 (Corresponding Author, EI)
  • Pbsx: A practical private boolean search using Intel SGX, Information Sciences, Volume 521, 2020, Pages 174­194, ISSN 0020­0255 (Fifth Author, CCF B, 中科院1 区, IF: 8.233, Highest International Impact Journal)



Office: 创新港3-4217

Email: lucienlu@xjtu.edu.cn

