① 本科生课程:哲学导论、西方哲学史、德国古典哲学、西方哲学原著选读、马克思主义哲学经典著作选读、《纯粹理性批判》导读、西方政治哲学导论、西方马克思主义、现代科学与政治的哲学基础
② 研究生课程:德国观念论专题研究、德国古典哲学导读、《精神现象学》导读、《1844年经济学哲学手稿》讲读
l Research Areas:
1. Main Research Areas:
Classical German Philosophy; Modern Western Philosophy; Marxist Philosophy; Foreign Marxism
2. Recent Researh Interests:
Philosophical anthropology; philosophy of life; economic philosophy (critique of political economy); social critical theory
l Teaching Courses:
1. Undergraduates: Introduction to Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy, Classical German Philosophy, Selected Readings of Original Works of Western Philosophy, Selected Readings of Classic Works of Marxist Philosophy, Introduction to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Introduction to Western Political Philosophy, Western Marxism, Philosophical Foundation of Modern Science and Politics.
2. Graduates: Topics on German Idealism, Introduction to Classical German Philosophy, Introduction to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, Introduction to Marx’s 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts.