- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “PHY-layer cover-free coding for wireless pilot Authentication in IoV communications: Protocol design and ultra-security proof,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 171-187, Feb. 2019. (IF: 9.515)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Independence-checking coding for OFDM channel training authentication: Protocol design, security, stability, and tradeoff analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.14, no. 2, pp. 387-402, Feb. 2019. (IF: 6.211)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Hierarchical 2-D feature coding for secure pilot authentication in multi-user multi-antenna OFDM systems: A reliability bound contraction perspective,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.14, no. 3, pp. 592-607, Mar. 2019. (IF: 6.211)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Reliability and accessibility of low-latency V2I channel training protocol using cover-free coding: Win-win or tradeoff?” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2294-2305, Mar. 2019. (IF: 5.339)
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, and Xiao Tang, “Joint network coding and ARQ design towards secure wireless communications,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no.5, pp. 3351-3362, May. 2019. (IF: 5.690)
- Hongliang He and Pinyi Ren, “Secure communications in cooperative D2D networks by jointing Wyner’s code and network coding”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 34533-34540, Mar. 2019. (IF: 4.098)
- Hongliang He and Pinyi Ren, “Joint artificial noise and repetition coding for secure wireless communications in TDD systems”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1700-1703, Dec. 2019. (IF: 3.546)
- Qiang Li, Pinyi Ren, and Dongyang Xu, “Security enhancement and QoS provisioning for NOMA-based cooperative D2D networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 129387-129401, Sep. 2019. (IF: 4.098)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhu Han, “Hierarchical competition as equilibrium program with equilibrium constraints towards security-enhanced wireless networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1564-1578, Jul. 2018. (IF: 7.172)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhu Han, “Jamming mitigation via hierarchical security game for IoT communications,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 5766-5779, 2018. (IF: 3.557)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, and Hai Lin, “Combat Hybrid Eavesdropping in Power-Domain NOMA: Joint Design of Timing Channel and Symbol Transformation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 4998-5012, Jun. 2018. (IF: 4.432)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Design in Power-Domain NOMA: Eavesdropping Suppression in the Two-User Relay Network with Compensation for the Relay User,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1068-1079, Aug. 2018. (IF: 2.497)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “PHY-layer cover-free coding for wireless pilot authentication in IoV communications: protocol design and ultra-security proof,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted to appear, 2018. (IF: 5.874)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, James A. Ritcey, and Y. Wang, “Code-frequency block group coding for anti-spoofing pilot authentication in multi-antenna OFDM systems,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1778-1793, Jul. 2018. (IF: 5.824)
- Hongliang He and Pinyi Ren, “Secure ARQ protocol for wireless communications: performance analysis and packet coding design,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 7158-7169, Aug. 2018. (IF: 4.432)
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Li Sun, “Security-aware waveform and artificial noise design for time-reversal-based transmission,” IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 5486-5490, Jun. 2018. (IF: 4.432)
- Bilal Hussain, Qinghe Du, and Pinyi Ren, “Semi-supervised learning based big data driven anomaly detection in mobile wireless networks,” China Communications, vol. 15, no., pp. 41-57, Apr. 2018. (IF: 1.514)
- 任品毅,唐晓. 面向5G 无线网络的物理层安全技术综述[J],北京邮电大学学报. 2018,41(5): 1-5.
- 秦鹏翔,任品毅,杜清河,孙黎,基于SDR 平台的噪声聚合物理层安全传输方案的设计与实现[J],计算机应用研究,2018.
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Houbing Song, and Qinghe Du, “Security-aware waveforms for enhancing wireless communications privacy in cyber-physical systems via multipath receptions,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1924-1933, Dec. 2017. (IF: 7.596)
- Hongbin Xu, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Yichen Wang, "Cooperative privacy preserving scheme for downlink transmission in multiuser relay networks",IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 825-839, Apr. 2017. (IF: 4.332, Citations: 3)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Security provisioning for MISO vehicular relay networks via cooperative jamming and signal superposition,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 10732-10747, Dec. 2017. (IF: 4.066, Citations: 3)
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Hai Lin, “Joint feedback and artificial noise design for secure communications over fading channels without eavesdropper's CSI,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 11414-11418, Jul. 2017. (IF: 4.066 )
- Jing Xu, Pinyi Ren, Chongbin Xu, and Yizhai Zhang, “Distributed cooperative two-cell zero-forcing precoding with local channel correlation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 8086-8102, Sep. 2017. (IF: 4.066 )
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Julian Cheng, and Yichen Wang, “Achieving full secrecy rate with energy-efficient transmission control,” IEEE Transactions on Communication, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 5386-5400, Dec. 2017. (IF: 4.058)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Julian Cheng, “Cooperative secure communication in two-hop buffer-aided networks,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications. (IF: 4.058)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren and Zhu Han, "Distributed power optimization for security-aware multi-channel full-duplex communications: A variational inequality framework," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 4065-4079, Sep. 2017.(IF: 4.058, Citations: 4)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Feifei Gao and Qinghe Du, "Interference-aware resource competition toward power-efficient ultra-dense networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 5415-5428, Dec. 2017. (IF: 4.058)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang and Zhu Han, "Combating full-duplex active eavesdropper: A hierarchical game perspective," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1379-1395, Mar. 2017. (IF: 4.058)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Julian Cheng, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang, and Li Sun, "Secure transmission for mixed FSO-RF relay networks with physical-layer key encryption and wiretap coding," Optics Express 25, 10078-10089 (2017). (IF: 3.307, Citations: 2)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang. “Design in power-domain NOMA: Eavesdropping suppression in the two-user relay network with compensation for the relay user.” Mobile Networks and Applications, published online, 2017. (IF: 3.259)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang, and Li Sun “Secure cooperative transmission against jamming-aided eavesdropper for ARQ based wireless networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 3763-3776, Mar. 13, 2017. (IF: 3.244, Citations: 2)
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren and Zhu Han, "Power-efficient secure transmission against full-duplex active eavesdropper: A game-theoretic framework," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 24632-24645, 2017. (IF: 3.244)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Towards win-win: Weighted-Voronoi-diagram based channel quantization for security enhancement in downlink cloud-RAN with limited CSI feedback,” Science China Information Sciences (Sci. China Inf. Sci.), vol. 60, no. 4, pp.1-17, Apr. 2017. (IF: 1.628)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Code-frequency block group coding for anti-spoofing pilot authentication in multi-antenna OFDM systems,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, accepted to appear, 2017.
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Houbing Song, Qinghe Du, “Security Enhancement for IoT Communications Exposed to Eavesdroppers With Uncertain Locations.” IEEE Access 4: 2840-2853 (2016)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Houbing Song, “Precoder-and-receiver design scheme for multi-user coordinated multi-point in LTE-A and fifth generation systems.” IET Communications 10(3): 292-299 (2016)
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, “Hybrid secure beamforming and vehicle selection using hierarchical agglomerative clustering for C-RAN-based vehicle-to-infrastructure communications in vehicular cyber-physical systems.” IJDSN 12(8) (2016)
- Qinghe Du, Weidong Zhao, Weimin Li, Xuelin Zhang, Bo Sun, Houbing Song, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Yichen Wang, “Massive Access Control Aided by Knowledge-Extraction for Co-Existing Periodic and Random Services over Wireless Clinical Networks.” J.” Medical Systems 40(7): 171:1-171:8 (2016)
- Mukhtar Hussain, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, “Security enhancement for video transmission via noise aggregation in immersive systems.” Multimedia Tools Appl.” 75(9): 5345-5357 (2016)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, “Active ming for multi-user information security improvement with the access statuses of users.” Security and Communication Networks 9(16): 3893-3910 (2016)
- Qinghe Du, Wanyu Li, Ling Liu, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Li Sun, “Dynamic RACH Partition for Massive Access of Differentiated M2M Services.” Sensors 16(4): 455 (2016)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang, “Reciprocally-Benefited Secure Transmission for Spectrum Sensing-Based Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks.” Sensors 16(12): 1998 (2016)
- Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang, “Fountain-Coding Aided Strategy for Secure Cooperative Transmission in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks.” IEEE Trans.” Industrial Informatics 12(1): 291-300 (2016)
- Li Sun, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, “Two Birds With One Stone: Towards Secure and Interference-Free D2D Transmissions via Constellation Rotation.” IEEE Trans.” Vehicular Technology 65(10): 8767-8774 (2016)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, “Reciprocally Benefited Spectrum Access Scheme With Joint Power and Subcarrier Allocation in a Software-Defined Network.” IEEE Access 3: 1248-1259 (2015)
- Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang, Zhenzhen Gao, “Security-Aware Relaying Scheme for Cooperative Networks With Untrusted Relay Nodes.” IEEE Communications Letters 19(3): 463-466 (2015)
- Hongbin Xu, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, “Securing Two-Way Cooperative Systems With an Untrusted Relay: A Constellation-Rotation Aided Approach.” IEEE Communications Letters 19(12): 2270-2273 (2015)
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, “ESPS scheme for two-tier interference suppression in a heterogeneous network with cooperative femtocells.” Int.” J.” Communication Systems 28(17): 2214-2238 (2015)
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang, “Downlink and Uplink Cooperative Transmission for Primary Secrecy Based Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks.” IJDSN 11: 152851:1-152851:14 (2015)
- Qinghe Du, Houbing Song, Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, “Interference-controlled D2D routing aided by knowledge extraction at cellular infrastructure towards ubiquitous CPS.” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19(7): 1033-1043 (2015)
- Qichao Xu, Zhou Su, Kuan Zhang, Pinyi Ren, Xuemin Sherman Shen, “Epidemic Information Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks With Opportunistic Links.” IEEE Trans.” Emerging Topics Comput.” 3(3): 399-409 (2015)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, “Optimal Power Allocation for Underlay-Based Cognitive Radio Networks With Primary User's Statistical Delay QoS Provisioning.” IEEE Trans.” Wireless Communications 14(12): 6896-6910 (2015)
- Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, “Distributed source-relay selection scheme for vehicular relaying networks under eavesdropping attacks.” EURASIP J.” Wireless Comm.” and Networking 2014: 109 (2014)
- Chao Zhang, Pinyi Ren, “Two-pilot channel estimation scheme for amplify-and-forward relay networks.” Int.” J.” Communication Systems 27(3): 499-512 (2014)
- Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, and Qinghe Du, "CAD-MAC: A channel-aggregation diversity based MAC protocol for spectrum and energy efficient cognitive ad hoc networks," Accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. (SCI Source)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Feifei Gao, and Zhou Su, "A hybrid underlay/overlay transmission mode for cognitive radio networks with statistical Quality-of-Service provisioning," Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. (SCI Source)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Jun Cai, and Zhou Su, “A pilot-aided detector for spectrum sensing of DVB-T signals in cognitive radio networks,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no. 13, pp. 1177-1191, Sep. 2013. (SCI Source)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Fan Li, and Qinghe Du, "Joint sensing and transmission for AF relay assisted PU transmission in cognitive radio networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2249-2261, Nov. 2013. (SCI: 238UR)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Jun Cai, and Zhou Su, “Performance of energy detector in the presence of noise uncertainty in cognitive radio networks,” Wireless Networks, Online Published, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 629-638, Jul. 2013. (SCI: 170YR)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Chao Zhang, “A DOF-based Dynamic Spectrum Auction Algorithm in Cognitive Femtocell," WILEY Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1126-1143, Jun. 2013.(SCI: 132MX)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Feifei Gao, “Power allocation for statistical QoS provisioning in opportunistic multi-relay DF cognitive networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 43-46, Jan. 2013. (SCI: 046XR)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Chao Zhang, “Optimal resource allocation for spectrum sensing based cognitive radio networks with statistical QoS guarantees,” ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 711-720, Dec. 2012. (SCI: 036LT)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du , “Recall-based dynamic spectrum auction with the protection of primary users,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 2070-2081, Oct. 2012. (SCI: 027DP)
- Hao Chen, Qinghe Du, and Pinyi Ren, “A joint routing and time-slot assignment algorithm for multi-hop cognitive radio networks with primary-user protection”, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 403-416, Sep. 2012. (SCI:958RT)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Fan Li, and Zhou Su, “Cross-layer based power allocation over cognitive wireless relay link with statistical delay QoS guarantees,” WILEY Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1239-1251, Aug. 2012. (SCI: 970JX)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Yichen Wang, “Delay and throughput oriented continuous spectrum sensing schemes in cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 2148-2159, Jun. 2012. (SCI: 964MS)
- Pinyi Ren, Jia Feng, and Yichen Wang, “A directional MAC protocol with long-range communication ability in ad hoc networks,” Science China: Information Sciences, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 765-777, Jun. 2012. (SCI: 909MI)
- Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, and Jing Xu, “A survey on dynamic spectrum access protocols for distributed cognitive wireless networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2012, no. 60, pp. 1-21, Feb. 2012. (SCI: 919PE)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, and Zhou Su, “Dynamic spectrum allocation based on MEG algorithm,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E94-B, no. 11, pp. 3077-3088, Nov. 2011. (SCI: 843LR)
- Hong Zhang, Xue Li, Suming, Lai, and Pinyi Ren, “A high-linearity 264MHz source-follower-based low-pass filter with high-Q second-order cell for MB-OFDM UWB,” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E94-C, no. 6, pp. 999-1007, Jun. 2011. (SCI: 788YR)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhou Su, “A POMDP based Distributed Adaptive Opportunistic Spectrum Access Strategy for Cognitive ad hoc Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E94-B, no. 6, pp. 1621-1624, Jun. 2011. (SCI:788YO)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhou Su, “Polarization based Long-range Communication Directional MAC Protocol for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E94-B, no.05, pp. 1265-1275, May 2011. (SCI: 790VO)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Zhou Su, and Ruijuan Ma, “A multiple antenna spectrum sensing scheme based on space and time diversity in cognitive radios,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E94-B, no. 05, pp. 1254-1264, May 2011. (SCI: 790VO)
- Pinyi Ren, Qiang Yuan, Rui Wang, and Jun Cai, “Low complexity construction for quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes by progressive-block growth,” Science China: Information Sciences, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 371-380, Feb. 2011. (SCI: 726EY)
- Pinyi Ren, Rui Wang, and Shijiao Zhang, “Rectangle blocking matrices based unitary multistage Wiener reduced-rank joint detection algorithm for multiple input multiple output systems,” Science China: Information Sciences, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 2116-2126, Oct. 2010. (SCI: 648DG)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Guangen Wu, “A throughput-aimed MAC protocol with QoS provision for cognitive ad hoc networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E93-B, no. 6, pp. 1426-1429, Jun. 2010. Received IEICE Communications Society 2010 Best Letter Award. (SCI: 616ZK)
- Pinyi Ren, Jun Wang, and Shaoqian Li, “A dynamic spectrum acess network based cognitive radio,” Journal of Electronics (China), vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 577-610, Sep. 2010.
- Shuangcheng Yan, Pinyi Ren, and Wenquan Hu, “An effective suboptimal power loading scheme in OFDM-based cognitive radio systems,” Journal of Electronics (China), vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 655-663, Sep. 2010.
- Minkang Gong and Pinyi Ren, “A channel assignment algorithm via conflict shifiting for distributed cognitive networks,”Journal of Electronics (China), vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 647-654, Sep. 2010.
- Guomei Zhang, Shihua Zhu, Feng Li, and Pinyi Ren, “Improved SISO MMSE detection for joint coded-procoded OFDM under imperfect channel estimation”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E93-B, no. 3, pp. 757-761, Mar. 2010. (SCI: 584NZ)
- Jun Cai, Attahiru S. Alfa, Pinyi Ren, Xuemin Shen, and John W. Mark, “Packet level performance analysis in wireless user-relaying networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 5336-5345, Dec. 2008. (SCI: 387AM)
- Xingle Feng, Shihua Zhu, and Pinyi Ren, “Transmit antenna selection in V-BLAST system,” Journal of electronics (CHINA), vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 510-514, Apr. 2006.
- Xingle Feng, Shihua Zhu, and Pinyi Ren, “Antenna selection for V-BLAST systems in correlated channel,” High Technology Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 69-73, Mar. 2007. (EI: 071910594616)
- 任品毅,冯佳,王熠晨,”Ad Hoc网络中具有远距离通信能力的方向性MAC协议“,中国科学:信息科学,第41卷,第10期,pp. 1238-1250,2011年。
- 任品毅,裴彬,王熠晨,汪瑞,“频率选择性衰落信道中一种低复杂度的正交空时分组码译码算法”,电子与信息学报,第31卷,第6期,pp. 1376-1380,2009年。(EI: 20092812177063)
- 任品毅,汪瑞,张世娇,“多输入多输出系统中基于长方阻塞矩阵的酉多级Wiener降秩联合检测算法”,中国科学:信息科学,第40卷,第8期,pp. 1120-1129,2010年。
- 任品毅,袁强,汪瑞,蔡俊,“低复杂度准循环低密度奇偶校验码的逐块构造法”,中国科学:信息科学,第40卷,第9期,pp. 1240-1250,2010年。
- 任品毅,魏莉,廖学文,“一种增强型选择放大转发机会协作分集协议”,西安交通大学学报,第44卷,第8期,pp. 53-57, 2010年。(EI: 20103813251698)
- 种稚萌,任品毅,朱世华,吕刚明,“分布式Alamouti空时码的信道容量及最优资源分配方案”,电子与信息学报,第1卷,第31期,pp. 27-31,2009年。(EI: 090811914411)
- 任品毅,裴彬,王熠晨,汪瑞,“频率选择性衰落信道中一种低复杂度的正交空时分组码译码算法”,电子与信息学报,第6卷,第31期,pp. 1876-1881,2009年。(EI: 20092812177063)
- 吴广恩,任品毅,战明浩,“认知网络中基于快速多赢家多频段拍卖的动态频谱分配”,中国科学技术大学学报,第10卷,第39期,pp. 1070-1075,2009年。
- 令洁,任品毅,裴彬,秦川,“贝尔实验室垂直分层空时系统中简化的最大似然检测算法”,西安交通大学学报,第2卷,第42期,pp. 743-746,2008年。 (EI: 20082811370963)
- 任品毅,权良辉,“基于多级维纳滤波器的降秩自适应MIMO均衡算法研究”,西安交通大学学报,第2卷,第42期,pp. 218-222,2008年。(EI: 20081311174869)
- 廖学文,任品毅,朱世华,曾二林,“一种符号间干扰下的超宽带发射参考接收机”,电子与信息学报,第30卷,第4期,pp. 805-806,2008年。(EI:20082011256721)
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren and Dongyang Xu, "Combating unknown eavesdropper by using multipath wireless receptions," in Proc. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019), Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019.
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Hongliang He, Qiang Li, “Jamming-immune receiver design for MIMO-NOMA systems using optimal manifold filtering,” in Proc. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 15-18, 2019.
- Yuncong Xie, PInyi Ren, Yichen Wang, and Jiuchao Li, “Power consumption-oriented resource allocation strategy for ultra-reliable low-latency communication,” in Proc. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 15-18, 2019.
- Qiang Li, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Dongyang Xu and Yuncong Xie, “Safeguarding NOMA enhanced cooperative D2D communications via friendly jamming,” in Proc. 2019 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, USA, Sep. 22–25, 2019.
- Qiang Li, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Dongyang Xu and Yuncong Xie, “Optimal full-duplex jamming for safeguarding two-hop relay networks,” in Proc. 2019 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, USA, Sep. 22–25, 2019.
- Yuncong Xie, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Dongyang Xu, Qiang Li, and Qinghe Du, “Power-efficient uplink resource allocation for ultra-reliable and low-latency communication,” in Proc. 2019 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, USA, Sep. 22–25, 2019.
- Wenyan Ding, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, “Scheduling and resource allocation over LAA-WLAN co-sited networks,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2019), Changchun, China, Aug. 11-13, 2019.
- Wenyan Ding, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, “Fountain code transmission in dual connectivity based on partial overlapped data,” in Proc. 2019 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2019), Xi’an, China, Oct. 23-25, 2019
- Nan Lu, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Pinyi Ren, “Traffic driven intrusion detection for massive MTC towards 5G networks” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM2018 Workshop on MobiSec, Hawaii,USA, Apr. 15-19, 2018, pp. 426-431.
- Bilal Hussain, Qinghe Du, and Pinyi Ren, “Deep learning-based big data-assisted anomaly detection in cellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13, 2018, pp. 1-6.
- Jun Li, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Pinyi Ren, “Queue-Aware joint ACB control and resource allocation for mMTC networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13, 2018, pp. 1-6.
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhu Han, “Energy efficiency competition for visible light communication under illumination constraint,” in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, Honolulu HI, Nov. 2018, pp. 932-936.
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, and Zhu Han, “Securing small cell networks under interference constraint: a quasi-variational inequality approach,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018, pp. 1-6.
- Pengxiang Qin, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Li Sun, “Security enhancement for IoT video streaming via joint network coding and retransmission design”, in Proc. 4th EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaas), Xi’an, China, November 17-18, 2018, pp. 1-8.
- Wenjun Yang, Qinghe Du, Xinlei Xiong, Li Sun, and Pinyi Ren, “Development of 3D exhibition system for IoT-oriented simulation platform” in Proc. 4th EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaas), Xi’an, China, November 17-18, 2018, pp. 1-8.
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Dawei Wang, “Channel-aware secure communication via hybrid wiretap encoding and secret key generation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018, pp. 1-6.
- Qian Xu and Pinyi Ren, “Secrecy energy efficiency of massive MIMO AF relaying system with low-resolution ADCs,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018.
- Dawei Wang and Pinyi Ren, “Energy-efficient primary security provisioning for the fullduplex cognitive radio networks”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018.
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren and Zhu Han, "Hierarchical power competition for security enhancement in wireless networks," in Proc. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, and Li Sun, “ICA-SBDC: A channel estimation and identification mechanism for MISO-OFDM systems under pilot spoofing attack,” in Proc. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Combat eavesdropping by full-duplex technology and signal transformation in non-orthogonal multiple access transmission,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
- He Zhang, Qinghe Du, Pinyin Ren, and Zehua Wang, “Social stability enhanced mobile D2D relay networks: An optimal stopping approach,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
- Chen Tian, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “An artificial noise-based security scheme for interference alignment-based wireless networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017.
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Optimal Grassmann manifold eavesdropping: A huge security disaster for M-1-2 wiretap channels,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017.
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Design for NOMA: Combat eavesdropping and improve spectral efficiency in the two-user relay network,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017.
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Physical layer security improvement by constellation selection and artificial interference,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2017), San Francisco, USA, Mar. 19-22, 2017.
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, "Outage constrained secrecy rate maximization for relay networks against unknown eavesdroppers," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2017), San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 19-22, 2017.
- Chen Tian and Pinyi Ren, “Enhancing physical layer security through the use of suprathreshold stochastic resonance and jamming,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2017), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 4-7, 2017.
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Weighted-Voronoi-diagram based codebook design against passive eavesdropping for MISO systems,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2017), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 4-7, 2017.
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Signal conversion: Combat eavesdropping for physical layer security improvement,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2017), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 4-7, 2017.
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Julian Cheng, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, and Yichen Wang, “Cooperative secure transmission for two-hop relay networks with limited feedback," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2017), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 24–27, 2017.
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, and James A. Ritcey, “Artificial-noise-resistant eavesdropping in MISO wiretap channels: Receiver construction and performance analysis,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2017), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 24–27, 2017.
- Chenxi Zhang, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “A contextual multi-armed bandit approach to caching in wireless small cell network,” in Proc. 2017 9th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing, China, Oct. 11-13, 2017.
- Chao Lyu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Li Sun, “Fountain-coding aided symmetrical encryption for secure wireless transmission,” in Proc. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom), Xi’an, China, Oct. 10-13, 2017.
- Zhihao Ding, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “System-level simulation platform for device-to-device communications in 5G networks,” in Proc. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom), Xi’an, China, Oct. 10-13, 2017.
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Jamming or Forwarding? Full-Duplex Relaying for Physical Layer Security.” GLOBECOM Workshops 2016: 1-6
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang,”Secure Communication Using Noisy Feedback.” GLOBECOM 2016: 1-6
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Zhu Han,”Iterative Power Optimization Towards Secure Multi-Channel Full-Duplex Communication.” GLOBECOM 2016: 1-6
- Hongbin Xu, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang, Zhenzhen Gao,”Cooperative Physical-Layer Approach for Downlink Privacy Preserving in Multiuser Relay Networks.” GLOBECOM 2016: 1-7
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Zhu Han,”Combating full-duplex active eavesdropper: A game-theoretic perspective.” ICC 2016: 1-6
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”On achievable secrecy rate by noise aggregation over wireless fading channels.” ICC 2016: 1-6
- Meng Liu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Wenchao Ou, Xinlei Xiong, Guobing Li,”Design of system-level simulation platform for 5G networks.” ICCC 2016: 1-6
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Optimal power allocation for cognitive radio sensor networks under primary secrecy outage constraint.” ICCS 2016: 1-5
- Fengyi Bai, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”A hybrid channel estimation strategy against pilot spoofing attack in MISO system.” PIMRC 2016: 1-6
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Full-Duplex or Half-Duplex? Hybrid Relay Selection for Physical Layer Secrecy.” VTC Spring 2016: 1-5
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Secure and Energy Efficient Transmission in Multiuser Uplink Wireless Networks.” VTC Fall 2016: 1-5
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Cooperative Relaying and Jamming for Primary Secure Communication in Cognitive Two-Way Networks.” VTC Spring 2016: 1-5
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Primary Secure Communication with the Cooperation of Energy Harvesting Secondary System.” VTC Fall 2016: 1-5
- Qian Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Secure Secondary Communications with Curious Primary Users in Cognitive Underlay Networks.” VTC Spring 2016: 1-5
- Wanyu Li, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang,”Security enhanced via dynamic fountain code design for wireless delivery.” WCNC 2016: 1-6
- Mukhtar Hussain, Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren,”Security protection over wireless fading channels by exploiting frequency selectivity.” WCSP 2016: 1-5
- Xuejie Zhu, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren,”Credit-aware power control for device-to-device underlaying cellular networks.” WCSP 2016: 1-5
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Li Sun, Qinghe Du,”Two-path successive relaying and jamming for securing the primary system.” WPMC 2016: 166-171
- Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Bei Qi, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Cyclic-Shifting Based Sequential Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Strategy for Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks.” GLOBECOM 2015: 1-5
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Securing Wireless Transmission against Reactive Jamming: A Stackelberg Game Framework.” GLOBECOM 2015: 1-6
- Dongyang Xu, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Weidong Zhao, Zunhe Hu,”AF-Based CSI Feedback for User Selection in Multi-User MIMO Systems.” GLOBECOM 2015: 1-6
- He Zhang, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun,”Joint Battery-Buffer Sustainable Guarantees in Energy-Harvesting Enabled Wireless Networks.” GLOBECOM 2015: 1-6
- Yiyan Zhang, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang,”Antenna Tilt Assignment for Three-Dimensional Beamforming in Multiuser Systems.” GLOBECOM 2015: 1-6
- Hongliang He, Qinghe Du, Houbing Song, Wanyu Li, Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren,”Traffic-aware ACB scheme for massive access in machine-to-machine networks.” ICC 2015: 617-622
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Interference cancellation based transmission strategy using primary ARQ for cooperative CRNs.” ICC Workshops 2015: 1003-1008
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”User association as a stochastic game for enhanced performance in heterogeneous networks.” ICC 2015: 3417-3422
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Power allocation for cognitive radio networks with statistical QoS provisioning of primary users.” ICC 2015: 7719-7724
- Wanyu Li, Qinghe Du, Lingjia Liu, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Li Sun,”Dynamic Allocation of RACH Resource for Clustered M2M Communications in LTE Networks.” IIKI 2015: 140-145
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Cooperative jamming with untrusted SUs for secure communication of two-hop primary system.” IWCMC 2015: 90-95
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Robust Precoder-and-Receiver Design for Interference Suppression and Channel Uncertainty Restraint in Multi-User CoMP System.” VTC Spring 2015: 1-5
- Hongliang He, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Estimation Based Adaptive ACB Scheme for M2M Communications.” WASA 2015: 165-174
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Enhancing Wireless Security Against Reactive Jamming Attacks: A Game-Theoretical Framework.” WASA 2015: 487-496
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Information Security Enhancement with Actual Access Statuses of Users in the Multi-User System.” WASA 2015: 634-643
- Dongyang Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Joint Secure Beamforming and User Selection for Multi-user MISO Systems with Confidential Messages.” WASA 2015: 644-653
- Qian Yang, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Yichen Wang, Gangming Lv,”Prediction based interference management and distributed trajectory regulation in amorphous cells.” WCNC Workshops 2015: 299-304
- Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang,”Statistical security model and power adaptation over wireless fading channels.” WCSP 2015: 1-6
- Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Li Sun,”Sustainability-Driven Power Control for Energy Harvesting Enhanced Wireless Transmission.” CIT 2014: 812-817
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Energy cooperation for reciprocally-benefited spectrum access in cognitive radio networks.” GlobalSIP 2014: 1320-1324
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Coalition-assisted energy efficiency optimization via uplink macro-femto cooperation.” GLOBECOM 2014: 2479-2484
- Long Wang, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Buffering-aided resource allocation for Type I relay in LTE-Advanced cellular networks.” GLOBECOM 2014: 4484-4489
- Zhou Su, Pinyi Ren, Xiaoying Gan,”A novel algorithm to cache vehicular content with parked vehicles applications.” ICC 2014: 5665-5669
- Fengyi Bai, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren,”Adaptive analog network coding strategy with variable slot numbers in two-way relay systems.” ICCS 2014: 409-413
- Dong Liang, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Qinghe Du, Yichen Wang,”Adaptive generalized space shift keying and downlink multi-user transmission in MIMO fading channels.” ICCS 2014: 467-471
- Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Houbing Song, Yichen Wang, Li Sun,”On P2P-Share Oriented Routing over Interference-Constrained D2D Networks.” MSN 2014: 138-143
- Long Wang, Qinghe Du, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Yichen Wang,”Load-Aware Relay Selection in LTE - A System via Global Differentiated-Fairness Control.” MSN 2014: 308-314
- Gangming Lv, Pei Zhang, Pinyi Ren, Guobing Li,”Channel dependant dynamic threshold control for energy detection based spectrum sensing.” PIMRC 2014: 1763-1767
- Guobing Li, Shihua Zhu, Pinyi Ren, Hui Hui,”A dynamic power allocation and relay selection scheme for energy-harvesting wireless networks.” RWS 2014: 247-249
- Xiao Tang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Efficient Power Control via Non-Cooperative Target SINR Competition in Distributed Wireless Networks.” VTC Fall 2014: 1-5
- Datong Xu, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Interference Mitigation via CECRS Precoding in a Two-Tier Heterogeneous Network with Cooperative Femtocells.” VTC Fall 2014: 1-5
- Dawei Wang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang,”Joint subcarrier and power allocation for reciprocally-benefited spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks.” WCNC 2014: 1809-1814
- Di Zhang, Pinyi Ren, Yichen Wang, Qinghe Du, Li Sun,”Energy management scheme for mobile terminals in energy efficient heterogeneous network.” WCSP 2014: 1-5
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, Qinghe Du,”Combating time-duration uncertainty of spectrum resources: A risk-reduced auction approach.” GLOBECOM 2013: 919-924
- Hao Chen, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, and Qinghe Du, "A joint optimization of transmission mode selection and resource allocation for cognitive relay networks," Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 9-13, 2013. (EI Source)
- Yingqi Chai, Qinghe Du, and Pinyi Ren, "Partial time-frequency resource allocation for device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks," Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 9-13, 2013. (EI Source)
- Ruijuan Ma, Pinyi Ren, Shaoli Xue, and Qinghe Du, "Adapative low-complexity constellation-reduction aided detection in MIMO systems employing high-order modulation," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013, Shanghai, China, Apr. 7-10, 2013, pp. 4078-4083. (EI Source)
- Ruijuan Ma, Qinghe Du, and Pinyi Ren, “An improved LLR approximation algorithm for low complexity MIMO detection towards green communications”, in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC) 2012, Hollywood, California, USA, Dec. 3-6, 2012, pp. 1-5. (EI Source)
- Hao Chen, Pinyi Ren, Li Sun, and Qinghe Du, “A distributed routing and time-slot assignment algorithm for multi-hop cognitive radio networks with primary-user protection,” in Proc. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom) 2012, Kunming, China, Aug. 8-10, 2012. (EI Source)
- Cui Zeng and Pinyi Ren, “A hybrid clustering approach in coordinated multi-point transmission system,” in Proc. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom) 2012, Kunming, China, Aug. 8-10, 2012. (EI Source)
- Fei Zhang, Pinyi Ren, Hao Chen, and Guobing Li, “Embedded intelligent video surveillance and cooperative tracking system”, in Proc. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom) 2012, Kunming, China, Aug. 8-10, 2012. (EI Source)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “Statistical QoS driven power allocation for cognitive networks under primary user’s outage probability constraint,” in Pro. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2012, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 9-12, 2012, pp. 167-172. (EI: 20130215892950)
- Datong Xu and Pinyi Ren, “Inter-user interference suppression precoding based on SLNR for multi-user joint transmission in coordinated multi-point system,” in Pro. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2012, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 9-12, 2012, pp. 1829-1834. (EI: 20130215892827)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Zhou Su, “Cognitive AF relay schemes for uplink transmission in macrocellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2012-Fall, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 3-6, 2012, pp. 1-5. (EI Source)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, "Dynamic spectrum auction with time optimization in cognitive radio networks," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2012-Fall, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 3-6, 2012, pp. 1-5. (EI Source)
- Datong Xu and Pinyi Ren, “A two-step precoding scheme for multi-user joint transmission in coordinated multi-point system,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2012-Fall, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 3-6, 2012, pp. 1-5. (EI Source)
- Jing Liu, Pinyi Ren, Shaoli Xue, and Hao Chen, "Expected path duration maximized routing algorithm in CR-VANETs," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2012, Beijing, China, Aug. 15-17, 2012, pp. 659-663. (EI: 20125215847105)
- Minghao Zhan, Pinyi Ren, Chao Zhang, and Fan Li, "Throughput-optimizaed cross-layer routing for cognitive radio networks," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2012, Beijing, China, Aug. 15-17, 2012, pp. 745-750. (EI: 20125215847120)
- Jie Xiao, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “A variable breadth based adaptive tree search algorithm for MIMO systems,” in Proc. in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2012, Beijing, China, Aug. 15-17, 2012, pp. 377-381. (EI: 20125215847050)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Zhou Su, “Resource allocation and access strategy selection for QoS provisioning in cognitive networks,” in Proc. IEEE Interference Conference on Communications (ICC) 2012, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 10-15, 2012, pp. 4632-4636. (EI: 20130215894138)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, Qinghe Du, and Chao Zhang, “A channel-aggregation diversity based MAC protocol in power-constrained cognitive ad hoc networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 5-9, 2011, pp. 1288-1293. (EI: 20120814799166)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, and Chao Zhang, "A waiting-time auction based dynamic spectrum allocation algorithm in cognitive radio networks," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 5-9, 2011, pp. 1374-1378. (EI: 20120814799156)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, and Chao Zhang, “A joint sensing-time adaption and data transmission scheme in cognitive radio networks,” in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 5-9, 2011, pp. 4900-4904. (EI: 20120814799160)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “Statistical delay QoS driven power and rate allocation for cognitive multi-relay DF networks,” in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC) 2011, Xi’an, China, Oct. 18-21, 2011, pp. 1-8. (EI: 20124015499773)
- Yichen Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Qinghe Du, “Statistical QoS driven power and rate allocation over Rayleigh fading cognitive radio links,” in Proc. International ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) 2011, Xi’an, China, Oct. 19-21, pp. 1-6. (EI: 20124515647698)
- Wenshan Yin, Pinyi Ren, and Shuangcheng Yan, “Throughput and sensing bandwidth tradeoff in cognitive radio networks,” in Proc. International ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) 2011, Xi’an, China, Oct. 19-21, pp. 1-6. Received Best Student Paper Award. (EI: 20124515647676)
- Wenshan Yin and Pinyi Ren, “A suboptimal sensing scheme for OFDM signal based on pilots estimation in cognitive radios,” in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, Dec. 6-10, 2010, pp. 1-6. (EI: 20110613649480)
- Fushun Lv, Pinyi Ren, and Shuangcheng Yan, “A two-step schedule resource allocation algorithm in cognitive OFDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI:20104713416753)
- Rui Wang, Pinyi Ren, and Minkang Gong, “Reduced-rank detection algorithm based on MMSE-SQRD for OFDM-V-BLAST Systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20104713416699)
- Shuangcheng Yan, Pinyi Ren, and Fushun Lv, “Power allocation algorithms for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20104713416757)
- Li Wei, Pinyi Ren, and Yanjie Liu, “A spectrally efficient distributed coded cooperation based on opportunistic relaying,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20104713416696)
- Shijiao Zhang, Pinyi Ren, and Wenquan Hu, “The construction of ad hoc networks based on OMAP3530-Mini development board,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20104713417153)
- Minghao Zhan, Pinyi Ren, and Minkang Gong, “An open software simulation platform for cognitive radio”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010, Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20104713416775)
- Zhou Su, Pinyi Ren, Rongtao Xu, Jiro Katto, Yasuhiku Yasuda, “A novel algorithm to control contents selectively for vehicular communication networks”, IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2010. (EI: 20104813440854)
- Qiang Yuan, Pinyi Ren, Yilin Feng, Jun Wang, “On the Low Complexity Construction of Quasi-Cycic Low-Density Parity-Check Code by Progressive-Block Growth”, WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computingting, vol. 1, pp: 170-174, 2009. (EI:20091712046751)
- Jia Feng, Pinyi Ren, Shuangcheng Yan, “A Deafness Free Mac Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas”, IEEE ICIEA, pp: 449-454, 2009. (EI: 20094012351261)
- Pinyi Ren, Jia Feng, Ping Hu, Jun Cai, “Energy Saving Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE ICC, pp:1-5, June 2009, (EI: 20094712480994)
- Bo Xue, Pinyi Ren, Jia Feng, “A Limited Broadcast Algorithm (LBA)”, IEEE WiCom, pp: 1-5, Sep. 2009. (EI: 20100112610720)
- Bo Xue, Pinyi Ren, Shuangcheng Yan, “Link Optimization Ad-hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, IEEE WiCom, pp: 1-5, Sep. 2009. (EI: 20100112610023)
- Rui Wang, Pinyi Ren, Wenshan Yin, “Reduced-Rank Equalization of Unitary Multistage Wiener Filter Based on Rectangle Blocking Matrix for Multiple Input Multiple Output”, IEEE WiCom, pp: 1-5, Sep. 2009. (EI: 20100112609970)
- Guangen Wu, Pinyi Ren, “A Class of Inproved Low-Density Parity-Check Constructed Based on Gallager Form”, International conference on Commuincations Circuits and systems, vol.2, pp: 694-697, June 2006.(EI: 081011131772)
- Xiao Tang,Pinyi Ren,etc.,“A simulation evaluation platform for the next generation broadcasting wireless network”[C],第十七届全国青年通信学术年会,2012:403-409。
- 赵兰奇,任品毅,杜清河,“一种(2,4)正则LDPC码编译码器FPGA实现”,第十七届全国青年通信学术年会,2012:373-381。
- 张逸炎,任品毅,李凡,“移动终端即时消息推送系统的应用开发”,第十七届全国青年通信学术年会,2012:537-544。
- 肖杰,徐静,任品毅,“高阶MIMO信号检测系统中一种基于正交分组的自适应选择检测算法”,陕西省通信年会论文集,西安,2011:29-32。
- 陈浩,毛计劳,任品毅,“基于频谱共享的多跳认知无线电网络的容量分析”,陕西省通信年会会议论文集,西安,2011。
- 曾翠,李国兵,任品毅,张国梅,“多点协作传输中反馈延时的研究”,陕西省通信年会论文集,西安,2011。
- 张飞,龚敏康,任品毅,战明浩,“分布式认知无线网络协议的开发与设计”,陕西省通信年会论文集,西安,2011。
- 王蔚蕾,徐静,任品毅,“一种基于概率剪枝的低复杂度球形译码改进算法”,陕西省通信年会论文集,西安,2011。
- 尹稳山,任品毅,晏双成,陈浩,“认知无线电中噪声不确定时能量检测器的性能”,中国电子学会电路与系统学会第二十二届年会论文集,上海,2010:424-433。