Basic Information


Guowei Qiu

Associate Professor,  School of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University,  China.


Research Interests

My research interests focus on algorithms related to information security and data mining.


Educational Experience

B.Sc.  Computational mathematics,  Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1992

M.Sc. Mechanical engineering , Xi’an Jiaotong University,  2000.


Work Experience

1992 --- 1997,  Institute of Aeronautical computing technology,  Xi’an.

2000 --- Now,  Xi’an Jiaotong University.



Lecture Course

COMP250505-算法设计与问题求解 (Algorithm design and problem solving)

COMP300205-程序设计基础 (Programming Fundamentals)

COMP200827-大学计算机 - 数据分析 (College Computer-Data Analysis)

Educational reform projects



Participate in educational reform projects as key members:
(1) "Fundamentals of software development technology" National Quality Course Construction (2008)
(2) "Fundamentals of software development technology" National Quality Resource Sharing Course Construction (2013)
(3) "Computer Programming" National Quality Resource Sharing Course Construction (2013)
(4) "Computer Programming (C++)" National Excellent Online Open Course Construction (2017)
In addition, participated in 1 provincial education reform project, 11 school-level education reform projects, and 5 collaborative education projects.

Teaching Award

(1)获国家级一流课程1门: "计算机程序设计(C++)"国家级一流本科课程(2020)
(2)获省级一流课程1门: "算法设计与问题求解"省级一流本科课程(2021)
(3)获校级教学奖6项, 其中校级教材奖3项(一等奖2项 : "大学计算机基础(第4版)" 和 "计算机软件技术基础" , 二等奖1项 : "C++程序设计教程" )


(1) Obtained one national first-class course: computer programming (c++) national first-level undergraduate course (2020)

(2) Obtained one provincial first-class course: "Algorithm Design and Problem Solving" Provincial first-class undergraduate course (2021)

(3) Won 6 school-level teaching awards, including 3 textbook awards--"University Computer Fundamentals (4th Edition)", "Fundamentals of Computer Software Technology" and "C++ Programming Tutorials".