




Email: ruohanhao@xjtu.edu.cn



2024.10 至今  副教授,西安交通大学

2020.11 -- 2024.10  助理教授,西安交通大学

2014.09 -- 2020.07  博士,西安交通大学

2018.11 -- 2019.11 联合培养,University of Chicago

2010.07-- 2014.07  学士,西安交通大学




针对肥胖等复杂疾病遗传致病因素复杂,致病机制不明晰等问题,利用生物信息学研究手段,开展遗传多组学数据整合分析,鉴定疾病的关键遗传致病因素。研究兴趣包括:1)三维基因组、表观遗传组、转录组等多组学数据的整合分析;2)利用单细胞组学数据从细胞异质性角度理解疾病病因;3)开发有效整合组学数据的生物信息学方法。相关成果以第一作者发表于Nature CommunicationsCell Death & Differentiation等领域内高水平期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、博士后面上基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等国家/省部级项目。




1. Hao RH, Zhang TP, Jiang F, Liu JH, Dong SS, Li M, Guo Y*, Yang TL*. Revealing brain cell-stratified causality through dissecting causal variants according to their cell-type-specific effects on gene expression. Nature Communications. 2024 Jun 7;15(1):4890. [IF:16.6]

2. Hao RH#, Guo Y#, Wang C#, Chen F, Di CX, Dong SS, Cao QL, Guo J, Rong Y, Yao S, Zhu DL, Chen YX, Chen H, Yang TL*. Lineage-specific rearrangement of chromatin loops and epigenomic features during adipocytes and osteoblasts commitment. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2022 Dec;29(12):2503-2518. [IF:12.4]

3. Hao RH, Yang TL, Rong Y, Yao S, Dong SS, Chen H, Guo Y. Gene expression profiles indicate tissue-specific obesity regulation changes and strong obesity relevant tissues. International Journal of Obesity, 2018, 42(3), 363–369.[IF:5.15]

4. Hao RH, Guo Y, Dong SS, Weng GZ, Yan H, Zhu DL, Chen XF, Chen JB, Yang TL. Associations of Plasma FGF2 Levels and Polymorphisms in the FGF2 Gene with Obesity Phenotypes in Han Chinese Population. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:19868. [IF:4.6]

5. Hao RH, Gao JL, Li M, Huang W, Zhu DL, Thynn HN, Dong SS, Guo Y. Association between fibroblast growth factor 21 and bone mineral density in adults. Endocrine, 2018, 59(2):296-303. [IF:3.7]

6. Chen XF#, Duan YY#, Jia YY#, Dong QH, Shi W, Zhang Y, Dong SS, Li M, Liu ZB, Chen F, Huang XT, Hao RH, Zhu DL, Jing RH, Guo Y*, Yang TL*. Integrative high-throughput enhancer surveying and functional verification divulges a YY2-condensed regulatory axis conferring risk for osteoporosisCell Genomics. 2024 Mar 13;4(3):100501.

7. Wang C#, Tian W#, Hu SY, Di CX, He CY, Cao QL, Hao RH, Dong SS, Liu CC, Rong Y, Kang HF, Yang TL, Yang Z, Guo Y. Lineage-selective super enhancers mediate core regulatory circuitry during adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Death & Disease. 2022 Oct 12;13(10):866. [IF:9.69]

8. Dong SS#, Zhang K#, Guo Y, Ding JM, Rong Y, Feng JC, Yao S, Hao RH, Jiang F, Chen JB, Wu H, Chen XF, Yang TL*. Phenome-wide investigation of the causal associations between childhood BMI and adult trait outcomes: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study. Genome Medicine. 2021 Mar 26;13(1):48. [IF:11.12]