(1.)Basic Information



Bin Shi (师斌)

Associate Professor

Institute of Multimedia Knowledge Fusion and Engineering  

Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Satellite-Terrestrial Network Tech R & D


School of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University


Contact me:

Email: shibin [AT] xjtu.edu.cn
Address: Office 440, Xiyi Building, Xianning Road, Beilin District, Xi'an 710049, China


Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2019-Now

Ph.D., Beihang University, 2013-2019 (Advisor: Prof. Jinpeng Huai)
        Thesis: Data-Based Cloud Computing Environment Dependability Enhancement Technology
B.Eng., Beihang University, 2009-2013



(5.)Scientific Research

Short Bio:

Bin Shi is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University. He received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from Beihang University in 2013 and 2019, respectively. He also worked as a visit scholar from 2018 to 2019 in the department of computer science, University of Virginia. His research interests includes Virtualization, Cloud Resource Management, and Data Mining in Financial Area. Bin Shi have been hosting several projects sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Baidu Songguo Fund, and XJTU-SERVYOU Joint Tax-AI Lab. he also participated as a core member in China 863 and 973 programs, National Key Research, and Development Program of China. His work about National Smart Taxation Analysis Platform and Cloud Computing Security Monitoring Platform has been used in many provinces and cities. He has published 30+ papers in the conferences and journals such as TKDE, VEE, RAID, INFOCOM, and served as a PC member or reviewer in many international conferences and journals.



Data mining and machine learning

  • Financial network analysis, including taxation and financial risk detection.
  • Graph machine learning, including graph neural networks and their applications.

Cloud computing and virtualization

  • ​​​​​​​Cloud Resource Scheduling, including resource modeling, load-aware scheduling, etc.
  • Virtualization, improving the reliability of virtual machines in virtualization layer, including isolation, monitoring, and snapshot.​​​​​​​

NOTE: I am always recruiting new master, Ph.D. students, please feel free to contact me for more information!



  • Introduction to Computer Science, Fall 2021
  • Introduction to Computer Science, Spring 2021​​​​​​​
  • Introduction to Computer Science, Fall 2020
  • ​​​​​​​Introduction to Computer Science, Spring 2020

Research Fields


  • Rui Zhao, Bin Shi*, Jianfei Ruan, Tianze Pan, Bo Dong, Estimating Noisy Class Posterior with Part-level Labels for Noisy Label Learning, In Proceedings of CVPR 2024. CCF A类
  • Yuefei Wu, Bin Shi*, Bo Dong, Qinghua Zheng, Hua Wei, The Evidence Contraction Issue in Deep Evidential Regression: Discussion and Solution, In Proceedings of AAAI 2024. CCF A 类
  • ​​​​​​Shuzhi Cao, Jianfei Ruan, Bo Dong*, Bin Shi, Qinghua Zheng, RR-PU: A Synergistic Two-Stage Positive and Unlabeled Learning Framework for Robust Tax Evasion Detection, In Proceedings of AAAI 2024. CCF A 类


  • Yiming Xu, Bin Shi*Teng Ma et al. "CLDG: Contrastive Learning on Dynamic Graphs." in Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. ICDE 2023. CCF A 类
  • Zai Zhang, Bin Shi*, Haokun Zhang, Bo Dong, et al. "NerCo: A Contrastive Learning based Two-stage Chinese NER Method." in Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2023. CCF A 类
  • Bin Shi, Bo Dong, Yiming Xu et al. "An Edge Feature Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Model to Support Tax Evasion Detection" in Expert Systems With Applications.  SCI 一区 If = 8.665
  • Hao Mei, Xiaoliang Lei, Longchao Da, Bin Shi*, Hua Wei*. Libsignal: an open library for traffic signal control[J]. Machine Learning journal, 2023: 1-37. IF= 7.5
  • Yuefei Wu, Bin Shi*, Jiarun Chen, Yuhang Liu, Bo Dong, Qinghua Zheng, and Hua Wei, Rethinking Sentiment Analysis under Uncertainty. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2023. CCF B 类
  • Qinghua Zheng, Yiming Xu, Huixiang Liu, Bin Shi*, Jiaxiang Wang, Bo Dong, A Survey of Tax Risk Detection Using Data Mining Techniques, Engineering, 2023. 中国工程院院刊, IF= 12.8
  • Hao Mei, Junxian Li, Zhiming Liang, Guanjie Zheng, Bin Shi, Hua Wei*, Uncertainty-aware Traffic Prediction under Missing Data, In prpceedings of ICDM 2023. CCF B 类
  • Wanghan Xu, Bin Shi*, Jiqiang Zhang, Zhiyuan Feng, Tianze Pan, Bo Dong, MDP: Privacy-Preserving GNN Based on Matrix Decomposition and Differential Privacy, IEEE International Conference on Joint Cloud Computing (JCC), 38-45
  • Qinghua Zheng, Yuefei Wu, Guangtao Wang*, Yanping Chen, Wei Wu, Zai Zhang, Bin Shi, Bo Dong, Exploring Interactive and Contrastive Relations for Nested Named Entity Recognition, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, TASLP 2023. CCF B 类
  • Hao Mei, Junxian Li, Bin Shi, et al. "Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Traffic Signal Control under Missing Data." in Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2023. CCF A 类
  • 郑庆华,师斌*,董博, 面向智慧税务的大数据知识工程技术及其应用, 中国工程院院刊《中国工程科学》
  • 师斌*,邹安琪,杨可等,大数据知识工程赋能税收智能计算,《中国计算机学会通讯》,2023年第7期


  • Xiaoliang Lei, Hao Mei, Bin Shi, Hua Wei. "Modeling Network-level Traffic Flow Transitions on Sparse Data." in Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2022. CCF A 类
  • Zhiyuan Feng (本科大三同学), Kai Qi, Bin Shi, et al. "Deep evidential learning in Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network" in DIT2022, invited to Electronic Research Archive. SCI 一区 if = 1.604
  • Bin Shi, Haiying Shen, Bo Dong, and Qinghua Zheng. "Memory/Disk Operation Aware Lightweight VM Live Migration." in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2022). CCF A 类​​​​​
  • Yuda Gao, Bin Shi*, Bo Dong, Yiyang Wang, Lingyun Mi and Qinghua Zheng, "Tax Evasion Detection with FBNE-PU Algorithm Based on PnCGCN and PU Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2022). CCF A 类
  • Bin Shi, Bo Dong, and Qinghua Zheng. "Be United in Actions: Taking Live Snapshots of Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Collaborative Cluster with Low Overhead." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021). SCI 一区 If = 9.376


  • Yongan Xiang (本科大三同学), Bin Shi*, Chongle Zhang. Proteus: Distributed machine learning task scheduling based on Lyapunov optimization. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Joint Cloud Computing (JCC)
  • Bin Shi,Haiying Shen: Memory/Disk Operation aware Lightweight VM Live Migration across Data-centers with Low Performance Impact. INFOCOM 2019 CCF A 类
  • Bin Shi, Lei Cui, Bo Li et al.: ShadowMonitor: An Effective in-VM Monitoring Framework with Hardware-enforced Isolation. RAID 2018 CCF B 类
  • Fa Zhang, Bin Shi, Bo Dong, Qinghua Zheng, Xiangting Ji: TTED-PU: A Transferable Tax Evasion Detection Method Based on Positive and Unlabeled Learning. COMPSAC 2020: 207-216
  • Yuda Gao, Bin Shi, Bo Dong, Yan Chen, Lingyun Mi, Zhiping Huang, Yuanyuan Shi: RVAE-ABFA : Robust Anomaly Detection for HighDimensional Data Using Variational Autoencoder. COMPSAC 2020: 334-339

  • Bin Shi, Bo Li, Lei Cui, Liu Ouyang: Vanguard: A Cache-Level Sensitive File Integrity Monitoring System in Virtual Machine Environment. IEEE Access
  • Jingjie Qin, Bin Shi, Bo Li: NEM: A NEW In-VM Monitoring with High Efficiency and Strong Isolation. SmartCom 2017: 396-40
  • Bin Shi, Bo Li, Lei Cui, Jieyu Zhao, Jianxin Li: SyncSnap: Synchronized Live Memory Snapshots of Virtual Machine Networks. HPCC/CSS/ICESS 2014: 490-497
  • Bin Shi, DeQing Chen, Lei Cui, Jingsheng Zheng, Bo Li: Mercurial: A Traffic-Saving Roll Back System for Virtual Machine Cluster. UCC 2014: 877-88