Basic Information


Chengzhen Sun(1987.9—)


Xi'an Jiaotong University

State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering


Address: 2nd North Building, Xingqing Campus, Xianning West Road 28#, Xi'an, 710049


2022,Outstanding Youth Foundation of NSFC

2021,Young Talent Support Plan of XJTU

2020,Excellent Young Teacher in XJTU

2016,Best Doctoral Thesis in Shaanxi Province

2016,Best Doctoral Thesis in XJTU

2008,Outstanding Student of XJTU

Scientific Research


Mass and Energy Transport of Nanoconfined Fluids



Basic Research    

1)Scale effects on energy and mass transport of nanoconfined fluids

2)New theory and description of nanoscale multiphase flow

3)Extension of continuum theory of fluid mechanics to nanoscales

4)Coupling and matching of flow and chemical reaction in nanospaces

5)Mechanisms of water and ions through aquaporin channels


Applied Research:

1)Separation technologies using two-dimensional material membranes

Seawater desalination, Gas separation & CO2 capture, Extraction of strategic resources (He/Li)

2)Efficient production technologies for tight oil and gas reservoirs

Functional water flooding, Gas flooding & CO2 sequestration, Phase transition & migration of hydrocarbon

3)Energy conversion technologies based on nanoporous membranes

Power generation using mixing (salinity/concentration-gradient) energy, Solar interfacial water evaporation, Hydrogen-electricity conversion 


Publications can be found in my homepage of Google Scholar (Chengzhen Sun                         


  • 2021/12 - present,  School of Power and Energy Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Professor
  • 2017/07 - 2021/11, School of Power and Energy Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Associate Professor
  • 2014/07 - 2017/07, School of Power and Energy Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Lecturer/Postdoctoral faculty


  • 2008/9 - 2014/6, Ph.D in Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (Advisor: Prof. Bofeng Bai)
  • 2012/9 - 2013/9, Visting student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(Advisor: Prof. Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou)
  • 2009/9 - 2010/8, Visting student, School of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Advisor: Prof. Wenqiang Lu)
  • 2004/9 - 2008/7, B.Eng. in Thermal Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • 2001/9 - 2004/6, No. 1 Middle School of Huangzhong in Qinghai Province