

2024-2027 主持,在研,国家自然科学基金面上项目,12374444

2023-2024 主持,在研,GF项目,JZ-202304003

2022-2025 主持,在研,国家青年人才项目,GYKP016

2022-2023 主持,结题,横向课题,20221278,202304158

2021-2023 主持,在研,国家自然科学基金青年项目,82001844

2021-2024 主持,在研,北京医学奖励基金会项目,YXJL-2020-0758-0668

2020-2026 主持,在研,西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”A类项目,SY6J008


2019-2020 参与,NIH R01-CA230323

2019-2020 参与,NIH R01-EB025990

2019-2020 参与,NIH R21-CA230120

2016-2016 参与,在研,国家重点研发计划  2016YFC0100701

2016-2019 参与,Collaborative Health Research Program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  CHRP-462240-2014

2016-2019 参与,Canadian Institutes of Health Research CPG-134748

2016-2019 参与,Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies FQRNT-PR-189822

2014-2016 参与,结题,国家自然科学基金面上项目  81471671

2013-2016 参与,结题,国家自然科学基金面上项目  61271087

2013-2015 参与,结题,国家重点基础研究发展973计划项目课题  2011CB707903

2010-2011 参与,结题,国家重点基础研究发展973计划项目课题  2010CB732603

#1 Ultrasound microvascular Structural and Functional Imaging

3D and 4D contrast-enhanced ultrasound (DCEUS)

2.5D and 3D microvascular functional perfusion analysis and imaging

Velocity vector and multiparametric strain imaging

Coherent plane (diverging) wave compounding ultrafast imaging

#2 Low intensity Ultrasound Therapy

Low intensity pulsed or focused ultrasound (LIPU or LIFU)

Energy delivery and temperature control using LIPU or LIFU

Monitoring imaging and evaluation for moderate thermal therapy (40-45 °C)

Cavitation-enhanced drug delivery

#3 Applications of Machine Learning in Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy

Motion estimation and respiratory gating based on ML network

Automatic diagnosis and classification based on ML network

3D imaging based on ML network

Beamforming based on ML network

#4 Pre-Industrialization

DCEUS-based functional perfusion analysis and imaging