

Bin Wang, Zhen Miao, Yaolin Jiang, A general framework of uniformly accurate integrators without loss of regularity of the solution for highly oscillatory PDEs.
Bin WangYaolin Jiang, A third-order low-regularity trigonometric integrator for the semilinear Klein-Gordon equation with non-smooth solution.
Bin Wang, Zhen Miao, Yaolin Jiang, Long term analysis of a geometric low-regularity integrator for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation.
Bin Wang, Zhen Miao, Yaolin Jiang, Two-scale exponential integrators with uniform accuracy for three-dimensional charged-particle dynamics under strong magnetic field.  Revised.
Bin Wang, Zhen Miao, Yaolin Jiang, Symmetric integrators with improved uniform error bounds and long-time conservations for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime.
Xianfa Hu, Yonglei Fang​​​​Bin Wang,  Two new families of fourth-order explicit exponential Runge-Kutta methods with four stages for stiff or highly oscillatory systems.
Lun Ji, Yifa Tang, Bin Wang, Beibei Zhu, Energy-preserving methods for gyrocenter system in strong magnetic field.
Jiyong Li, Bin Wang, A new framework for the construction and analysis of exponential wave integrators for the Zakharov system. Revised.
Jiyong Li, Bin Wang, Error analysis of structure-preserving exponential wave integrators.
Jiyong Li, Xi Zhu, Bin Wang, A uniformly accurate exponential wave integrator method for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with highly oscillatory potential.
[74]  Kai Liu, Bin Wang, Xiaofei Zhao, Solving long-time nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation by a class of oscillation-relaxation integrators. To appear in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: a SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal.
[73] Kai Liu, Bin Wang, Ting Fu, Relaxation RKN-type integrators that preserve two invariants for second-order (oscillatory) systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,  457 (2025) 116300
[72] Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, An exact in time Fourier pseudospectral method with multiple conservation laws for three-dimensional Maxwell's equations. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 58 (2024) 857-880
[71] Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Improved uniform error bounds on parareal exponential algorithm for highly oscillatory systems. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 64 (2024) 6.
[70] Bin Wang, Xianfa Hu, Xinyuan WuTwo new classes of exponential Runge--Kutta integrators for efficiently solving stiff systems or highly oscillatory problemsInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics101 (2024) 1031-1049
[69] Xianfa Hu, Wansheng Wang, ​​​​Bin Wang, Yonglei Fang Cost-reduction implicit exponential Runge–Kutta methods for highly oscillatory systemsJournal of Mathematical Chemistry, 62 (2024)  2191-2221
[68] Xicui Li, Bin Wang, Xin Zou,  A novel class of linearly implicit energy-preserving schemes for conservative systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 537 (2024) 128254.
[67] Zhen Miao, Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Numerical conservations of energy, momentum and actions in the full discretisation for nonlinear wave equationsJournal of Scientific Computing, 98 (2024) 10.
[66] Zhen Miao, Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Energy-preserving parareal-RKN algorithms for Hamiltonian systems, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications. 17 (2024) 121-144.
[65] Ruili Zhang, Tong Liu, Bin Wang, Jian Liu, Yifa Tang, Structure-preserving algorithm and its error estimate for the relativistic charged-particle dynamics under the strong magnetic field. Journal of Scientific Computing. 100 (2024) 70
[64] Xin Zou, Bin Wang, Long-term analysis of exponential integrators for charged-particle dynamics in a strong and constant magnetic field. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing,  15 (2024), 2450017
[63] Bin Wang, Xiaofei Zhao, Geometric two-scale integrators for highly oscillatory system: uniform accuracy and near conservationsSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 61 (2023) 1246-1277
[62] Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Semi-discretization and full-discretization with improved accuracy for charged-particle dynamics in a strong nonuniform magnetic field, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 57(2023)2427 -2450
[61] Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Structure-preserving algorithms with uniform error bound and long-time energy conservation for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Scientific Computing  95 (2023) 66
[60] Ting Li, Bin Wang, Continuous-stage symplectic adapted exponential methods for charged-particle dynamics with arbitrary electromagnetic fields, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 49 (2023) 89
[59] Ting Li, Changying Liu, Bin Wang, One-stage explicit trigonometric integrators for effectively solving quasilinear wave equations, Calcolo, 60 (2023) 12 
[58] Ting Li, Bin Wang, Explicit exponential  algorithms for two-dimensional charged-particle dynamics with non-homogeneous electromagnetic fields, Applied Mathematics Letters, (2023) 136
[57] Xicui Li, Bin Wang, Long term analysis of splitting methods for charged-particle dynamicsApplied Mathematics and Computation, 441 (2023) 127682
[56] Xicui Li, Bin Wang, A novel class of explicit energy-preserving splitting methods for charged-particle dynamicsApplied Mathematics Letters145 (2023) 108776
[55] Bin Wang, Yaolin Jiang, Optimal convergence and long-time conservation of exponential integration for Schr"{o}dinger equations in a normal or highly oscillatory regime, Journal of Scientific Computing 90 (2022) 93
​​​​[54] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Long-time oscillatory energy conservation of total energy-preserving methods for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 40 (2022) 70-88
​​​​[53] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Long-time analysis of an extended RKN integrator for Hamiltonian systems with a solution-dependent high frequencyJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 416 (2022) 114545
[52] Xicui Li, Bin Wang, Energy-preserving splitting methods for charged-particle dynamics in a normal or strong magnetic field, Applied Mathematics Letters,  124 (2022) 107682
[51] Ting Li, Bin Wang, Geometric continuous-stage exponential energy-preserving integrators for charged-particle dynamics in a magnetic field from normal to strong regimes, Applied Numerical Mathematics 181 (2022) 1-22
[50] Ting Li, Changying Liu, Bin Wang, Long time energy and kinetic energy conservations of  exponential integrators  for highly oscillatory conservative systems, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 15 (2022) 620-640
[49] Bin Wang, Xiaofei Zhao, Error estimates of some splitting schemes for charged-particle dynamics under strong magnetic field, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (4) (2021)  2075-2105
[48] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu,  A long-term numerical energy-preserving analysis of symmetric and/or symplectic extended RKN integrators for efficiently solving highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems  ​​​​BIT Numerical Mathematics 61 (2021) 977-1004
[47] Bin Wang,  Exponential energy-preserving methods for charged-particle dynamics in a  strong and constant magnetic field, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 387 (2021) 112617 
[46] Yonglei Fang, Ting Huang, Xiong You, Juan Zheng, Bin Wang, Two-frequency trigonometrically-fitted and symmetric linear multi-step methods for second-order oscillators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 392 (2021) 113312
[45] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Lijie Mei, Oscillation-preserving algorithms for efficiently solving highly oscillatory second-order ODEs, Numerical Algorithms, 86 (2021)  693-727
[44] Ernst Hairer, Christian Lubich, Bin Wang, A filtered Boris algorithm for charged-particle dynamics in a strong magnetic field, Numerische Mathematik 144 (2020) 787-809

[43] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu,  Exponential collocation methods based on continuous finite element approximations for efficiently solving the cubic Schrodinger equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 36 (2020) 1735-1757

[42] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Yonglei Fang, A two-step symmetric method for charged-particle dynamics in a normal or strong magnetic field, Calcolo 57  (2020) 29
[41] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Yonglei Fang, A continuous-stage modified Leap-frog scheme for high-dimensional semi-linear Hamiltonian wave equations, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 13 (2020) 814-844
[40] Ting Li, Bin Wang, Arbitrary-order energy-preserving methods for charged-particle dynamics, Applied Mathematics Letters, 100 (2020), 106050
[39] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, The formulation and analysis of energy-preserving schemes for solving high-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,39 (2019) 2016–2044
[38] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Long-time momentum and actions behaviour of energy-preserving methods for semi-linear wave equations via spatial spectral semi-discretizations, Advances in Computational Mathematics,  (2019), 45(5), 2921-2952
[37] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Volume-preserving exponential integrators and their applications, Journal of Computational Physics,  396(2019), 867-887
[36] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu,  Exponential collocation  methods for conservative or dissipative systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 360 (2019) 99-116
[35] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu,  A symplectic approximation with nonlinear stability and convergence analysis for efficiently solving semi-linear Klein--Gordon equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 142 (2019)  64-89
[34] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Global error bounds of one-stage extended RKN integrators for semilinear wave equations, Numerical Algorithms, 81(2019) 1203-1218
[33] Ting Li, Bin Wang, Efficient energy-preserving methods for charged-particle dynamics, Applied Mathematics and Computation 361 (2019) 703-714
[32] Yajun Wu, Bin Wang, Symmetric and symplectic exponential integrators for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 90 (2019) 215-222
[31] Mingxue Shi, Hao Zhang, Bin Wang, Diagonal implicit symplectic extended RKN methods for solving oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2019) 38: 25
[30] Yonglei Fang, Yanping Yang, Xiong You, Bin Wang, A new family of A-stable Runge-Kutta methods with equation-dependent coefficients for stiff problems, Numerical Algorithms, 81 (2019) 1235–1251
[29] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Functionally-fitted energy-preserving integrators for Poisson systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 364 (2018) 137-152
[28] Bin Wang, Ting Li, Yajun Wu, Arbitrary-order functionally fitted energy-diminishing methods for gradient systems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 83 (2018) 130-139
[27] Bin Wang, Triangular splitting implementation of RKN-type Fourier collocation methods for second-order differential equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (2018) 1998-2011
[26] Jiyong Li , Xianfen Wang, Shuo Deng, Bin Wang, Symmetric trigonometrically-fitted two-step hybrid methods for oscillatory problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 344 (2018) 115–131
[25] Yonglei Fang, Changying Liu, Bin Wang, Efficient Energy-preserving Methods for General Nonlinear Oscillatory Hamiltonian System, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 34 (2018) 1863-1878
[24] Bin Wang, Fanwei Meng, Hongli Yang, Efficient implementation of RKN-type Fourier collocation methods for second-order differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 119 (2017) 164-178
[23] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Fanwei Meng, Trigonometric collocation methods based on Lagrange basis polynomials for multi-frequency oscillatory second order differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 313 (2017) 185-201
[22] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Fanwei Meng, Yonglei Fang, Exponential Fourier collocation methods for solving first-order differential equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 35 (2017) 711-736
[21] Bin Wang, Hongli Yang, Fanwei Meng, Sixth order symplectic and symmetric explicit ERKN schemes for solving multi frequency oscillatory nonlinear Hamiltonian equations, Calcolo, 54 (2017) 117-140
[20] Bin Wang, Arieh Iserles, Xinyuan Wu, Arbitrary-order trigonometric Fourier collocation methods for multi-frequency oscillatory systems, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 16 (2016) 151-181
[19] Yanping Yang, Yonglei Fang, Xiong You, Bin Wang, Novel exponentially fitted two-derivative Runge-Kutta methods with equation-dependent coefficients for first-order differential equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, (2016) 6 pp.
[18] Bin Wang, Guolong Li, Bounds on asymptotic numerical solvers for ordinary differential equations with extrinsic oscillation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (2015) 2528-2538
[17] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Explicit multi frequency symmetric extended RKN integrators for solving multi-frequency and multidimensional oscillatory reversible systems, Calcolo 52 (2015) 207-231
[16] Bin Wang, Arieh Iserles, Dirichlet series for dynamical systems of first order ordinary differential equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 19 (2014) 281-298
[15] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Improved Filon type asymptotic methods for highly oscillatory differential equations with multiple time scales, Journal of Computational Physics, 276 (2014) 62-73
[14] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, A highly accurate explicit symplectic ERKN method for multi frequency and multidimensional oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Numerical Algorithms, 65 (2014) 705-721
[13] Bin Wang, Kai Liu, Xinyuan Wu, A Filon-type asymptotic approach to solving highly oscillatory second-order initial value problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 243 (2013) 210-223
[12] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Jianlin Xia, Error bounds for explicit ERKN methods for systems of oscillatory second-order differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 74 (2013) 17-34
[11] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, Hua Zhao, Novel improved multidimensional Störmer Verlet formulas with applications to four aspects in scientific computation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57 (2013) 857-872
[10] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Wei Shi, Efficient energy preserving integrators for oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 235 (2013) 587-605
[9] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Kai Liu, Hua Zhao, ERKN methods for long term integration of multidimensional orbital problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (2013) 2327-2336
[8] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Wei Shi, Effective integrators for nonlinear second-order oscillatory systems with a time-dependent frequency matrix, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (2013) 6505-6518
[7] Bin Wang, Xinyuan Wu, A new high precision energy preserving integrator for system of oscillatory second-order differential equations, Physics Letters A, 376 (2012) 1185-1190
[6] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Jianlin Xia, Explicit symplectic multidimensional exponential fitting modified Runge-Kutta-Nystrom methods, BIT Numer. Math. 52 (2012) 773-795
[5] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Wei Shi, Xiong You, On extended RKN integrators for multidimensional perturbed oscillators with applications, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (2012) 1504-1513
[4] Jiyong Li, Bin Wang, Xiong You, Xinyuan Wu, Two step extended RKN methods for oscillatory systems, Computer Physics Communications, 182 (2011) 2486-2507
[3] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Multidimensional adapted Runge-Kutta-Nystrom methods for oscillatory systems, Computer Physics Communications, 181 (2010) 1955-1962
[2] Xinyuan Wu, Bin Wang, Comments on "Embedded pair of extended Runge-Kutta-Nystrom type methods for perturbed oscillators", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34 (2010) 3708-371
[1] Xinyuan Wu, Xiong You, Wei Shi, Bin Wang, ERKN integrators for systems of oscillatory second-order differential equations, Computer Physics Communications, 181 (2010) 1873-1887