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  1. X. M. Liang, M. R. Wang, C. Y. Jiang, S. H. Wang, C. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. Experimental studies on the interfacial separation and stiffness of rough elastic-plastic solids. Int. J. Solid. Struct. 2024, 208,
  2. S. W. Chen, W. K. Yuan, and G. F. Wang*. Influence of adhesion on oscillatory indentations of viscoelastic biomaterials by a rigid cone. J. Phys. D: Applied Physics. 2024, 57, 315401.
  3. X. M. Liang, S. W. Chen, S. H. Wang, Z. Y. Gong, J. Feng and G. F. Wang*. Adhesive contact of elastic solids with self-affine fractal rough surfaces. Acta Mech. Solida. Sinica. 2024, 37, 265-270.


  1. X. M. Liang, C. Y. Jiang, M. R. Wang, W. L. Dai and G. F. Wang*. Experimental study on the load-area relation of rough surfaces and comparison with theoretical model. Eur. J. Mech. A. Solids. 2023, 99, 104934.
  2. X. M. Liang, Y. Ding, C. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Viscoelastic Solids. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 2023, 255, 108483.
  3. W. K. Yuan, X. R. Niu and G. F. Wang. Axisymmetric indentations of an elastic half-space with tensed surface/membrane in the Johnson–Kendall–Roberts adhesive approximation. J. Appl. Mech. 2023, 90, 061010.
  4. C. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. An improved elastic-plastic contact model with asperity interactions based on Greenwood-Williamson theory. Acta Mechanica. 2023, 234, 5187-5201.
  5. C.Y. Jiang, W. K. Yuan, Y. B. Zheng and G. F. Wang*.Contact of rough surfaces: an incremental model accounting strain gradient plasticity. Lubricants 2023, 11, 140.
  6. Y. Ding, X. M. Liang, C. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. Surface effects on the spherical indentation of biological film/substrate structures. J. Phys. D. 2023, 56, 385307.
  7. S. W. Chen, W. K. Yuan, and G. F. Wang*. A theoretical contact model for rough elastic spheres. J. Tribology. 2023, 145, 114502.
  8. W. K. Yuan, Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Universal contact stiffness of elastic solids covered with tensed membranes and its application in indentation tests of biological materials. Acta Biomaterial. 2023, 171, 202-208.
  9. C. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. A modified Greenwood–Williamson contact model with asperity interactions. Acta Mechanica. 2023, 234(7), 2859-2868


  1. X. M. Liang, Y. Ding, D.YYan, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Elastic-perfectly plastic contact of rough surfaces: an incremental equivalent circular model. ASME J. Tribol. 2022, 144(5): 051501.
  2. W. K. Yuan, Y. B. Zheng and G. F. Wang*. Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress. Eur. J. Mech. A. Solids. 2022, 91, 104381.
  3. S. H. Wang, W. K. Yuan, X. M. Liang and G. F. Wang*. A new analytical model for the flattening of Gaussian rough surfaces. Eur. J. Mech. A. Solids. 2022, 94,104578.
  4. Y. B. Zheng, W. K. Yuan, X. M. Liang, G. F. Wang*. Surface tension effect on the sliding inception between an elastic sphere and a rigid flat. Mech. Mater. 2022, 174, 104477.
  5. Y. Ding, X. M. Liang, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. An incremental contact model for rough surfaces of strain hardening solids. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2022, 14(8), 2250088.
  6. X. M. Liang and G. F. Wang*. A friction model of fractal rough surfaces accounting for size dependence at nanoscale. Acta Mechanica. 2022, 233, 69–81.
  7. Y. Ding, W. K. Yuan, X. M. Liang G. F. Wang* and X. R. Niu. Identification of plastic properties through spherical indentation.Advanced Engineering Materials. 2022, 2200379.
  8. W. L. Dai, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Elastic contact analysis of shot-peened rough surfaces. Lubricants. 2022, 10(12), 331.
  9. H. Xie, J. Liu, X. Yin, Y. Guo, D. Liu, G. F. Wang*, W. X. Que*. Perovskite/P3HT graded heterojunction by an additive-assisted method for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells with carbon electrodes. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2022, 635, 128072.
  10. H. Xie, T. Liang, X. Yin*, J. Liu, D. Liu , G. F. Wang*, B. Gao, W. X. Que*. Mechanical Stability Study on PEDOT:PSS-Based ITO-Free Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022, 5(3), 3081-3091.
  11. M. Li, Y. Yan, S. H. Xu, G. F.Wang, J. Wu, X. Q. Feng. Surface effect on the necking of hyperelastic materials. Current Appl. Phys. 2022, 38(16), 91-98.
  12. X. P. Liu, K. Xu, Y. Ni, P. Lu, G. F. Wang, L. H. He. Strain-dependent elastic asymmetry of alkylthiol-coated gold superlattices: An atomistic molecular dynamics study. J. Applied Physics 2022, 132(7):075104
  13. K. Xu, H. Zhai, L. H. He, Y. Ni, P. Lu, G. F. Wang, X. P. Liu, Atomistic simulations of mechanical response of a heterogeneous fcc/bcc nanolayered composite. J. Physics Cond. Matter. 2022, 34(38), 385703.


  1. G. F. Wang*, X. M. Liang and D. Yan. An incremental equivalent circular contact model for rough surfaces. ASME J. Tribol. 2021, 143(8): 081503.
  2. L. T. Li, X. M. Liang, Y. Z. Xing, D. Yan and G. F. Wang*. Measurement of real contact area for rough metal surfaces and the distinction of contribution from elasticity and plasticity. ASME J. Tribol. 2021, 143(7): 071501.
  3. W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Adhesion between a rigid sphere and a stretched membrane using the Dugdale model. Int. J. Solid. Struct. 2021, 208, 214-220.
  4. X. M. Liang, Y. Z. Xing, L. T. Li, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. An experimental study on the relation between friction force and real contact area. Scientific Report. 2021, 11, 20366.
  5. T. Liang, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Influence of equi-biaxial residual stress on spherical indentation of strain hardening materials. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2021, 13(5), 2150052
  6. J. J. Bian, L. Yang, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Influence of hydrogenation on the mechanical properties of Pd nanoparticles. RSC Advances. 2021,11, 3115–3124.
  7. L. Yang, J. J. Bian, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Statistical characterization of the yield stress of nanoparticles. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2021, 34(2), 149-156.
  8. H. Xie, X. T. Yin*, Y. X. Guo, D. Liu, T. Liang, G.F. Wang*, W. X. Que*. Hole transport free flexible perovskite solar cells with cost-effective carbon electrodes. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32, 105205.
  9. P. Lu, R. Liu, H. Zhai, G. F. Wang, P. Yu, Ch. Lu. A modified beam model based on Gurtin-Murdoch surface elasticity theory. Mechanica. 2021, 56(5), 1147-1164.


  1. L. X. Yuan, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Effects of residual stress on the hardness of elastoplastic material under spherical indentation. J. Appl. Mech. 2020, 87(5): 051004.
  2. Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Size-dependent yield hardness induced by surface energy. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2020, 38, 100736.
  3. W. K. Yuan* and G. F. Wang*. Boundary element calculations for normal contact of soft materials with tensed surface membrane. Frontiers in Mech. Engng. 2020, 6, 57.
  4. J. Wang, W. K. Yuan, J. J. Bian, and G. F. Wang*. A semi-analytical model for the scale-dependent friction of nanosized asperity. J. Phys. Commun. 2020, 4, 095026.


  1. W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Cylindrical indentation of an elastic bonded layer with surface tension. Appl. Math. Model. 2019, 65, 597.
  2. S. H. Li, W. K. Yuan, Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Indentation load-depth relation for an elastic layer with surface tension. Math. Mech. Solids. 2019, 24(4), 1147–1160.
  3. L. X. Yuan, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. A notification of local minimum pressure at deep elastic-plastic indentation and its application. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2019, 29, 100446.
  4. J. Wang, J. J. Bian and G. F. Wang*. Calculation of surface energy density of rough surface by atomic simulations. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 484, 184-188.
  5. H. Xie, X Yin, P. Chen, J. Liu, C. Yang, W. Que* and G. F Wang*. Solvothermal synthesis of highly crystalline SnO2 nanoparticles for flexible perovskite solar cells application. Materials Letters 2019, 234, 311–314.
  6. H. Xie, X Yin, J. Liu, Y. Guo, P. Chen, W. Que*, G. F Wang and B. Gao. Low temperature solution-derived TiO2-SnO2 bilayered electron transport layer for high performance perovskite solar cells. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 464, 700-707
  7. H. Xie, X Yin, J. Liu, Y. Guo, W. Que*, G. F Wang. Recent Progress of Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells. Phys. Status Solidi. 2019, 1800566. 


  1. W. K. Yuan, J. M. Long, Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Statistical contact model of rough surfaces: the role of surface tension. Int. J. Solid. Struct. 2018, 138, 217-223.
  2. J. M. Long, W. K. Yuan, W. Chen and G. F. Wang*. Analytic relations for two-dimensional indentations with surface tension. Mech. Mater. 2018, 119, 34-41.
  3. J. J. Bian, H. Zhang, X. R. Niu and G. F. Wang*. Anisotropic deformation in the compressions of single crystalline copper nanoparticles. Crystals, 2018, 8, 116.
  4. J. J. Bian, L. Yang, X. R. Niu and G. F. Wang*. Orientation-dependent deformation mechanisms of bcc niobium nanoparticles. Phil. Mag. 2018, 98(20), 1848.
  5. Y. Ding, W. K. Yuan and G. F. Wang*. Spherical indentation on biological films with surface energy. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2018, 51, 295409.
  6. Y. Ding, J. Wang, G-K. Xu and G. F. Wang*. Are elastic moduli of biological cells indent depth dependent? another clarification using a contact model with surface tension. Soft Matter. 2018,14, 7534-7541.
  7. Y. Ding, G. F. Wang*, X. Q. Feng and S. W. Yu. Micropipette aspiration method for characterizing biological materials with surface energy. J. Biomechanics. 2018, 80, 32-36.
  8. J. Wang, G. F. Wang*, W. K. Yuan and J. J. Bian. The statistical characteristics of static friction. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2018, 10, 18500087.
  9. W. A. Gharahi, M. Dai, G. F. Wang, P. Schiavone. Interaction of a screw dislocation with a bi-material interface in anti-plane couple stress elasticity. Math. Mech. Solids. 2018, 23, 651.


  1. W. K. Yuan, J. M. Long, Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Micro-/nano-contact between a rigid ellipsoid and an elastic substrate with surface tension. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 2017, 84, 011012.
  2. J. M. Long, Y. Ding, W. K. Yuan, W. Chen and G. F. Wang*. General relations of indentations on solids with surface tension. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 2017, 84, 051007.
  3. L. Yang, J. J. Bian and G. F. Wang*. Impact of atomic-scale surface morphology on the size dependent yield stress of gold nanoparticles. J. Phys. D. 2017, 50, 245302.
  4. Y. Ding, G-K. Xu and G. F. Wang*. On the determination of elastic moduli of cells by AFM based indentation. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 45575.
  5. J. Wang, J. J. Bian, X. R. Niu, and G. F. Wang*. A universal method to calculate the surface energy density of spherical surface in crystals. Acta Mech. Sinica. 2017, 33, 77.
  6. J. M. Long, Y. Ding and G. F. Wang*. Contact problems at micro/nano scale with surface tension. Procedia IUTAM. 2017, 21, 40-47.
  7. J. Y. Sheng, L. Y. Zhang, B. Li, G. F. Wang and X. Q. Feng. Bulge test method for measuring the hyperelastic parameters of soft membranes. Acta Mech. 2017, 33, 77.
  8. P. Lu, L. Yang and G. F. Wang. Studies of low-loading micro-slip contacts on rough surfaces with GW model. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2017, 9(4), 1750049.
  9. J. M. Long, G. F. Wang*, X. Q. Feng and S. W. Yu. Effects of surface tension on the adhesive contact between a hard sphere and a soft substrate. Int. J. Solid. Struct. 2016, 84, 133.
  10. L. Yang, J. Feng, Y. Ding, and G. F. Wang*. An analytical description for the elastic compression of metallic polyhedral nanoparticles. AIP Advance, 2016, 6, 085113.
  11. Y. Ding, X. R. Niu, G. F. Wang*, X. Q. Feng and S. W. Yu. Surface effects on nanoindentation of soft solids by different indenters. IOP Mater. Res. Expre. 2016, 3 115021.
  12. Y. Ding, X. R. Niu and G. F. Wang*. Compression of hyperelastic cells at finite deformation with surface energy. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2016, 8(6), 1650080.
  13. Z. Yao, H. Zhang, Y. Hu, J. J. Bian, G. F. Wang, J. Lu, X. R. Niu. Ultrasound driven aggregation - a novel method to assemble ceramic nanoparticles. Extreme Mechanics Lett. 2016, 7, 71-77.
  14. G. F. Wang,* J. M. Long and X. Q. Feng. A self-consistent elastic model for rough surface. Acta. Mech. 2015, 226, 285.
  15. G. F. Wang,* J. J. Bian, J. Feng and X. Q. Feng. Compressive behavior of crystalline nanoparticles with atomic-scale surface steps. IOP Mater. Res. Exp. 2015, 2, 015006.
  16. G. F. Wang* and X. R. Niu. Nanoindentation of soft solids by a flat punch. Acta Mech. Sinica. 2015, 31, 531.
  17. J. M. Long, X. Qin and G. F. Wang*. Influence of surface energy on the elastic compression of nanosphere.J. Appl. Phys. 2015, 117, 054310.
  18. L. Yang, J. J. Bian, H. Zhang, X. R. Niu and G. F. Wang*. Size-dependent deformation mechanisms in hollow silicon nanoparticles. AIP Advances, 2015, 5, 077162.
  19. Y. Li and G. F. Wang*. Influence of surface tension on mixed-mode cracks. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 2015, 7, 1550070.
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  28. F. Yang, G. F. Wang*, J. M. Long and B. L. Wang. Influence of surface energy on the pull-in instability of electrostatic nano-switches. J. Comp. Theo. Nano. 2013, 10(5), 1273.
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