
1. Jiawen Wang, Rui Pan, Peiyan Dong, Shufeng Liu, Qian Chen, Alistair G L Borthwick, Liyu Sun, Nan Xu, and Jinren Ni. 2022. Supercarriers of Antibiotic Resistome in a World’s Large River. Microbiome 10 (1): 111.

2. Jiawen Wang, Qingxiang Liu, Xianfu Zhao, Alistair G. L. Borthwick, Yuxin Liu, Qian Chen, and Jinren Ni. 2019. Molecular Biogeography of Planktonic and Benthic Diatoms in the Yangtze River. Microbiome 7 (1): 1–15.

3. Tang Liu1, An Ni Zhang1, Jiawen Wang1, Shufeng Liu, Xiaotao Jiang, Chenyuan Dang, Tao Ma, et al. 2018. Integrated Biogeography of Planktonic and Sedimentary Bacterial Communities in the Yangtze River. Microbiome 6 (1): 16. 6.

4. Chenyuan Dang, Jiawen Wang*, Yifan He, Shanqing Yang, Ying Chen, Tang Liu, Jie Fu, Qian Chen, and Jinren Ni. 2022. Rare Biosphere Regulates the Planktonic and Sedimentary Bacteria by Disparate Ecological Processes in a Large Source Water Reservoir. Water Research 216: 118296.

5. Wenran Du, Jiawen Wang*, Xiaohui Zhao, Enhang Liang, Jinxi He, Lingrui Kong, Pinggui Cai, and Nan Xu. 2023. Algal or Bacterial Community: Who Can Be an Effective Indicator of the Impact of Reclaimed Water Recharge in an Urban River. Water Research 247: 120821.

6. Song Wang, Jiawen Wang*, Ziqi Liu, and Baogang Zhang. 2022. Unraveling Diverse Survival Strategies of Microorganisms to Vanadium Stress in Aquatic Environments. Water Research 221: 118813.

7. Jiawen Wang, Ying Chen, Pinggui Cai, Qiang Gao, Haohui Zhong, Weiling Sun, and Qian Chen. 2022. Impacts of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge on Microbial Community Structure and Function of the Receiving River in Northwest Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423: 127170.

8. Pinggui Cai, Qian Chen, Wenran Du, Shanqing Yang, Jiarui Li, Hetong Cai, Xiaohui Zhao, Weiling Sun, Nan Xu, and Jiawen Wang*. 2023. Deciphering the Dynamics of Metal and Antibiotic Resistome Profiles under Different Metal(Loid) Contamination Levels. Journal of Hazardous Materials 455: 131567.

9. Zongzhi Wu, Pinggui Cai, Enhang Liang, Qian Chen, Weiling Sun, and Jiawen Wang*. 2023. Distinct Adaptive Strategies and Microbial Interactions of Soil Viruses under Different Metal(Loid) Contaminations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460: 132347.

10. Shanqing Yang, Qian Chen, Tong Zheng, Ying Chen, Xiaohui Zhao, Yifan He, Weiling Sun, Sining Zhong, Zhilong Li, and Jiawen Wang*. 2022. Multiple Metal(Loid) Contamination Reshaped the Structure and Function of Soil Archaeal Community. Journal of Hazardous Materials 436: 129186.

11. Jiawen Wang, Shanqing Yang, Yucheng Tian, Enhang Liang, Xiaohui Zhao, and Bin Li. 2024. Intensified Anthropogenic Disturbances Impair Planktonic Algae in an Urban River. Journal of Cleaner Production 468: 143091.

12. Jiawen Wang, Ying Chen, Wenran Du, Shanqing Yang, Yifan He, Xiaohui Zhao, Weiling Sun, and Qian Chen. 2023. Insights into the Responses of Fungal Taxonomy and Function to Different Metal(Loid) Contamination Levels. Science of the Total Environment 877: 162931.

13. Junlin Chen, Jianping Lu, Siming Chen, Jiawen Wang*, and Baogang Zhang. 2022. Synchronous Bio-Reduction of Uranium(VI) and Vanadium(V) in Aquifer: Performance and Mechanisms. Chemosphere 288: 132539.

14. Jiawen Wang, Tang Liu, Weiling Sun, and Qian Chen. 2020. Bioavailable Metal(Loid)s and Physicochemical Features Co-Mediating Microbial Communities at Combined Metal(Loid) Pollution Sites. Chemosphere 260: 127619.

15. Xiaohui Zhao, Jiawen Wang*, Qingxiang Liu, Wenran Du, Shanqing Yang, Pinggui Cai, and Jinren Ni. 2024. Multifunctionality Promotes the Prosperity of Riverine Planktonic Diatoms in Plateau. Environmental Research 246 (246): 118148.

16. Maosheng Zheng, Shishi He, Yueqi Feng, Mingyuan Wang, Yong Xin Liu, Chenyuan Dang, and Jiawen Wang*. 2021. Active Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Wastewater Treatment Systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences 102: 273–82.

17. Maosheng Zheng, Guangli Mu, Anqi Zhang, Jiawen Wang*, Fang Chang, Junfeng Niu, Xinwei Wang, Tian Gao, and Zhirong Zhao. 2022. Predominance of Comammox Bacteria among Ammonia Oxidizers under Low Dissolved Oxygen Condition. Chemosphere 308: 136436.

18. Xiaohui Zhao, Jiawen Wang *, Hongmin Xie, Enhang Liang, Hetong Cai. 2024. Anthropogenic activities disturb phytoplankton taxa and functional groups in an urban river. Environmental Research. (Accepted)

19. Jiawen Wang, Haohui Zhong, Qian Chen, Jinren Ni. 2024. Metagenomic insights into the adaption of CPR bacteria in brackish-saline groundwater. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. (Accepted)

20. 赵梦瑶,梁恩航,陈颖,何一凡,王佳文*2022,黄河玛曲至临河段硅藻群落组成及水质评价,北京大学学报(自然科学版)(58).

21. 白倩倩,梁恩航,王婷,王佳文*2022,洞庭湖表层水温变化特征及其对气候变化的响应,北京大学学报(自然科学版)(58).

22. 何一凡,肖新宗,王佳文*2023,重金属污染对不同生境中微生物群落结构的影响,环境科学(44).