
47. 赵春艳、王乐、曹惠. 数智化背景下构建经济学类课程体系. 2025-01-16.《中国教育报》第8版.

46. Wang, Le, Liu hang, Yun Shuohua, Cui, Fang*, Wang Kun. The effects of presentation formats and consumer cognitive styles on discount preference. Journal of Consumer Marketing,2025, Accept.

45. 孙早,王乐. 提升数字金融与实体经济融合质效. 经济日报(理论版),2024-10-25.

44. 王乐,崔雪莹,孙早,叶强,张紫琼*. 动态竞争视角下评论操控的前因和后果——基于门槛效应的分析. 管理科学学报. 2024,录用。 (国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊).

43. 王乐,叶强,李一军,张紫琼*. 评论操控:概念解析、理论发展和未来展望. 管理科学学报. 2024,录用。 (国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊)

42. Wang Le, Luo Robert (Xin)*, Qiu Liangfei, Xu Feng, Cui Xueying.Win by Hook or Crook? Self-injecting Favorable Online Reviews to Fight Adjacent Rivals. Information Systems Research. 2024. (UTD 24).

41. Cui Fang. Wang Le*, Luo Robert (Xin)*, Cui Xueying. Influentials, early adopters, or random targets? Optimal seeding strategies under vertical differentiations. Decision Support Systems. Volume 183, August 2024, 114263.

40. 王璐瑶,王乐,张紫琼*. 突发公共卫生事件下老年人防控信息技术规避行为研究 [J]. 南开管理评论,2024,录用(国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊).

39. 孙早,王乐数字技术赋能“一带一路”新格局[N]. 中国社会科学报. 2024-04-02.

38.  王乐, 王璐瑶,张紫琼*,李忠平. 社交媒体环境下泄露他人隐私意向和行为的增强与反转机制研究[J]. 2024, 中国管理科学, 录用(国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊).

37. 王乐,孙早加强隐私权益保护 促进数据高效流通使用 [N],光明日报,2024-03-16.

35 Ren Xiaojing, Wang Le*, Luo Robert (Xin)*. How Customized Managerial Responses Influence Subsequent Online Consumer Ratings: The Language Style Matching Perspective, Decision Support Systems, 2024 180(May), 114188.

34. 孙早,王乐,张希.数字化赋能产业转型升级:机遇、挑战与实现路径[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版):2023,43(6):47-58.(科技日报推荐)

33. 潘馨悦,王乐,张紫琼*,李忠平数字经济、产业智能化与不同技能劳动力间的收入差距[J],系统管理学报,2024,33(2)472-487。(国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊,第15届中国决策科学年会优秀论文)

32. Wan He, Mei Maggie, Yan Jie, Xiong Jie*Wang Le. How does Apology Matter? Responding to Negative Customer Reviews on Online-to-offline Platforms, Electronic Commerce Research and Application. 2023. 61(September–October), 101291 (SSCI, ABS2). 

31. 孙早,王乐数字经济助推绿色发展大有可为[N],经济日报(理论版),2023-07-06

30. 王乐,张继飞,王璐瑶,肖人彬*公共事件下泄露他人隐私外部动机的内化机理研究[J],管理学报,2024,31(3):417-426。(国家自然科学基金委认定的B类期刊)

29. 潘大鹏,王乐,王博文,张紫琼*联盟链在平台型电商信用评级系统中的作用机制研究[J],中国管理科学,2023,录用。(国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊)

28. 王乐*孙早。三问数字产业低碳发展[N],光明日报,2023-03-25。

27. 刘航,王乐进口品技术属性如何实现跨行业二次溢出?——对创新激励与横向技术启发效应的实证检验[J],统计研究,2023,40(10):43-56(人大复印资料全文转载)

26. 李忠平, 王乐*,孙连家,王璐瑶.2023. 网络外部性影响下移动应用的商业模式选择与竞争研究[J],系统管理学报,32(2):215-229(国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊).

25. Maggie Mei#, Wang, Le*#, Yan Jie. 2023.Maintaining product quality consistency when offshoring to emerging markets: The role of subsidiary control. Journal of International Management. 29(1), 100989. (ABS 3, SSCI, 共同一作).

24. Lu-Yao Wang, Hai-hua Hu*, Wang Le, Jianqun Qin. 2022. Privacy assurances and social sharing in social commerce: The mediating role of threat-coping appraisals. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 67(July), 103028. (ABS 2, SSCI) 

23. Wang Le, Paul Lowry*, Luo Xin (Robert), Li Han. 2023. Moving Consumers from Free to Fee in Platform-Based Markets: An Empirical Study of Multiplayer Online Battle Area Games. Information Systems Research. 34(1):275-296 (ABS 4*, UTD24, FT50

22. Wang Le, Sun Yongqiang*, Luo Xin (Robert). 2022. Game Affordance, Gamer Orientation, and In-game Purchase: A Person-Environment Fit Perspective. Information Systems Journal, 32(6), 1097– 1125. (ABS 4, Top 6 IS journals,Wiley most-cited papers). 

21. Wang Le*, Luo Xin (Robert), Li Han. 2022. Envy or Conformity? An Empirical Investigation of Peer Influence on the Purchase of Non-functional Items in Mobile Free-to-play Games. Journal of Business Research, 147(August): 308-324. (ABS 3)

20. Wang, Le*. 2022. Understanding peer recommendation in mobile social games: the role of needs–supplies fit and game identification, Information Technology & People, 35 (2): 677-702. (ABS 3)

19. Wang Le. Luo Xin (Robert)*, Yang Xue. 2022. Carrot or stick? Exploring the effect of word-of-mouth on mobile payment application switching behaviors. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 23(2):77-98 (ABS 2)

18.  王乐,崔雪莹,肖人彬*.电子商务平台的评论操控与产品绩效:因果推断,内在机制和边界条件. 南昌工程学院学报. 2022, 41(2):81-92 (主编邀稿).

17.  王乐,孙早*.为金融支持科技自立自强提供有力保障[N].中国社会科学报(理论版), 2022-04-13(003).

16.  王乐,张紫琼*,崔雪莹.虚假评论的识别与过滤:现状与展望[J].电子科技大学学报(社科版),2022,24(01):31-41+64. (主编邀稿)

15.  王乐, 孙早*. 关注数字经济发展中的隐私保护[N]. 中国社会科学报(理论版), 2021 -10-13(003).

14. Wang Le*, Ren Xiaojing, Yan Jie. 2020. Managerial Responses to online reviews under Budget Constraints: Whom to Target and How. Information & Management, 57(8): 103382. (ABS 3).

12.  王乐*,王璐瑶,孙早. 隐私侵犯经历对网络用户自我披露的影响机制,系统工程理论与实践, 2020, 40(1), 79-92. (国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊).

11. Dai, X*., Guo, Y., & Wang, Le. (2020). Composition of R&D expenditures and firm performance. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(6):739-752. (ABS 2, SSCI)

10. Wang Le*, Hu Haihua, Yan Jie, Maggie Mei, Privacy Calculus or Heuristic Cues? The Dual Process of Privacy Decision Making on Chinese Social Media. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2020, 33(2): 353-380. (ABS 2) .

9. Wang Le. Luo Xin (Robert)*, Yang Xue, Qiao Zhiling. Easy Come or Easy Go? Empirical Evidence on Switching Behaviors in Mobile Payment Applications. Information & Management, 2019, 56(7), 103150 (ABS 3,ESI高被引论文).

8. Wang, Le*, Sun, Z., Dai, X., Zhang, Y. and Hu, H. (2019), Retaining users after privacy invasions, Information Technology & People, 32(6), 1679-1703. (ABS 3).

7. Hu Haihua, Wang Le*, Jiang Lining*, Yang Wei. Strong Ties versus Weak Ties in Word-of-Mouth Marketing [J]. Business Research Quarterly, 2019, 22(4), 245-256. (ABS 2).

6. Wang Le*, Yan Jie, Lin Jun, Cui Wentian. Let the users tell the truth: Self-disclosure intention and self-disclosure honesty in mobile social networking. International Journal of Information Management, 2017, 37(1), 1428-1440. (ABS 2).

5. Wang Le, Lin Jun*, Yan Jie, Cui Wentian. Where Do High-impact Ideas Come From? The Interplay between Researchers Cumulative Knowledge Structures and Search Strategies [J]. Management Decision, 2017, 55(5): 808-825. (ABS 2).

4. Su Peiran*, Wang, Le, Yan Jie, How users Internet experience affects the adoption of mobile payment: a mediation model [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2018, 30(2): 186-197, (ABS 2).

3. Yan Jie*, Wang, Le, Xiong J. Alcatel-Lucent Falls, Huawei Ascends: New Product Development Makes the Difference. Journal of Business Strategy. 2017, 38(1): 22-30.(ABS 2).

2.  王乐*,崔文田,孙笑明.动态组织网络综述.软科学,201630(8)119-122. (CSSCI)

1. 孙笑明,崔文田, 王乐*结构洞与企业创新绩效的关系研究综述.科学学与科学技术管理,201435(11)142-152(国家自然科学基金委认定的B类期刊).



