[31] Qinghua Wang, Shuo Wang*, Luning Zhang, Yayu Li, Chenyang Jia,Tonghai Wu*. Mechanism-guided wear severity assessment of worn surfaces with multiple damages[J]. Wear, 2025, XXXX: 205875.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[30] Tao Shao, Luning Zhang, Shuo Wang*,Qinghua Wang, Linyu Xia, Tonghai Wu*. Structural region-induced inpainting for highlight removal in microscopic damage measurement of metal pairs[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2025, 186: 108831.(中科院2区)
[29] Shuo Wang, Yishi Chang, Hui Wei, Miao Wan, Tonghai Wu*, Ying Du. An integrated mechanism and data model for adaptive wear state diagnosis via moving wear particles[J]. Wear, 2025, 564-565: 205722.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[28] Shuo Wang, Kezhang Hu, Linyu Xia, Tonghai Wu*, Ning Xu. Prior-shape-guided photometric stereo model for 3D damage measurement of worn surfaces[J]. Tribology International, 2025, 201: 110219.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[27] Shuo Wang, Yishi Chang, Tonghai Wu*, Zhidong Han, Yaguo Lei. Attribute-driven fuzzy fault tree model for adaptive lubricant failure diagnosis [J]. Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics, 2024, 3(3): 604.
[26] Pan Dou, Peiping Yang, Peng Zheng, Yaping Jia, Tonghai Wu, Shuo Wang, Min Yu. Ultrasound enabled simultaneous measurement of coating wear depth and lubricant film thickness in a sliding bearing[J]. Measurement, 2025, 240: 115602.
[25] Ying Du, Yue Zhang, Tao Shao, Yanchao Zhang, Yahui Cui, Shuo Wang. DSU-LSTM-Based trend prediction method for lubricating oil[J]. Lubricants, 2024, 12(8): 289.
[24] Shuo Wang, Zhidong Han, Hui Wei, Tonghai Wu*, Junli Zhou. An integrated knowledge and data model for adaptive diagnosis of lubricant conditions[J]. Tribology International, 2024, 199: 109914.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[23] Yan Pan, Bin Liang, Houde Liu*, Tonghai Wu, Shuo Wang. Spatial-temporal modeling of oil condition monitoring: A review[J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2024, 248: 110182.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[22] Tao Shao, Luning Zhang, Shuo Wang*, Tonghai Wu*, Qinghua Wang, Changfu Han. Fully unsupervised wear anomaly assessment of aero-bearings enhanced by multi-representation learning of deep features[J]. Tribology International, 2024, 196: 109724. (中科院1区,top期刊)
[21] Tao Shao, Peiping Yang, Shuo Wang*,Miao Wan, Tonghai Wu*. Wear depth estimation from single 2-D image based on shape from Shading and convolutional neural network hybrid model for in-situ wear assessment [J]. Wear, 2024, 538-539: 205205. (中科院1区,top期刊)
[20] Shuo Wang, Miao Wan, Tonghai Wu*, Zichen Bai, Kunpeng Wang. Optimized Mask-RCNN model for particle chain segmentation based on improved online ferrograph sensor[J]. Friction, 2024, 12(6): 1194–1213. (中科院1区,top期刊)
[19] Qinghua Wang, Shuo Wang*, Tonghai Wu*, Tao Shao, Yue Shu, Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan. Lambertian reflection separation under high reflectiveness for worn surface reconstruction with insufficient samples [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 3520310. (中科院2区)
[18] Tao Shao, Shuo Wang, Qinghua Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Zhifu Huang. Comparison-embedded evidence-CNN model for fuzzy assessment of wear severity using multi-dimensional surface images[J]. Friction, 2024, 12: 1098–1118. (中科院1区,top期刊)
[17] Shuo Wang, Tao Shao, Tonghai Wu*, Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan,Yaguo Lei. Knowledge-guided convolutional neural network model for similar three-dimensional wear debris identification with small number of samples[J]. Journal of Tribology - Transactions of the ASME, 2023, 145(9): 091105. (ASME汇刊)
[16] Qinghua Wang, Shuo Wang, Bo Li, Ke Zhu, Tonghai Wu*. In-situ 3D reconstruction of worn surface topography via optimized
photometric stereo[J]. Measurement, 2022, 190: 110679.(中科院2区)
[15] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Kunpeng Wang. Automated 3D ferrograph image analysis for similar particle identification with the
knowledge-embedded double-CNN model[J]. Wear, 2021, 476: 203696.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[14] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Kunpeng Wang, Zhongxiao Peng, NgaimingKwok, Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan. 3-D particle surface
reconstruction from multi-view 2-D images with structure from motion and shape from shading[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, 2021, 68(2): 1626-1635.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[13] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Peng Zheng, NgaimingKwok. Optimized CNN model for identifying similar 3D wear particles in few
samples[J]. Wear, 2020, 460-461: 203477.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[12] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, KunPeng Wang, Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan. Ferrograph Analysis With Improved Particle Segmentation
and Classification Methods[J]. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2020, 20(2): 021001.(ASME汇刊)
[11] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Tao Shao, Zhongxiao Peng. Integrated model of BP neural network and CNN algorithm for automatic wear
debris classification[J]. Wear, 2019, 426-427: 1761-1770.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[10] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Lingfeng Yang, Ngaiming Kwok,Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan. Three-dimensional reconstruction of wear
particle surface based on photometric stereo[J]. Measurement, 2019, 133: 350-360.(中科院2区)
[9] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Jun Chen, Yu Han, Ting Yao. The generation mechanism and morphological characterization of cutting
debris based on the finite element method[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering
Tribology, 2019, 233(1): 205-213.
[8] Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, Shuo Wang, Feng Chen, Ngaiming Kwok, Zhongxiao Peng. Morphological feature extraction based on
multiview images for wear debris analysis in on-line fluid monitoring[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2017, 60(3) : 408-418.
[7] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, Ying Du, Ngaiming Kwok, Zhongxiao Peng. A microfluidic device for three-dimensional wear
debris imaging in on-Line condition monitoring[J]. Proceedings of iMeche, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(8): 965-974.
[6] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, Zhongxiao Peng. Wear state identification using dynamic features of wear debris for on- line purpose[J]. Wear, 2017, 376: 1885-1891.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[5] Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu*, Hongkun Wu, Ngaiming Kwok. Modeling wear state evolution using real time wear debris features[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2017, 60(6): 1022-1032.
[4] 程俊, 王硕, 武通海*, 陈峰. 基于拓展有限元的齿轮点蚀磨粒形态学特征模拟[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 15(52): 99-105.
[3] Tonghai Wu*, Ying Du, Yang Li, Shuo Wang, Zhinan Zhang. Synthesized multi-station tribo-test system for bio-tribological evaluation in vitro[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 29(04): 853-861.
[2] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, Zhongxiao Peng. Oxidation wear monitoring based on the color extraction of on-line wear debris[J]. Wear, 2015, 332-333: 1151-1157.(中科院1区,top期刊)
[1] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, Ngai-ming Kwok, Zhongxiao Peng. Motion-Blurred Particle Image Restoration for On-line Wear Monitoring[J]. Sensors, 2015, 15(4): 8173-8191.