

















邮箱 Email: wenchunyang@xjtu.edu.cn

地址 Address: 西安交通大学逸夫外文楼B805


ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wenchun-Yang









杨文纯,博士,西安交通大学外国语学院副教授/特聘研究员,入选西安交通大学青年拔尖人才支持计划,博士生导师 。当前的主要研究话题包括:单语/双语/多语典型发展及有语言障碍儿童语言习得,民族儿童语言发展,民族儿童语料库建设等。研究成果发表在Cognition, Journal of Child Language, Applied Psycholinguistics, Frontiers in Psychology等相关领域的SSCI期刊。多次作为召集人及主持人参加国际会议,包括 “Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Language Disorder) (Bi-SLI), MODE: Methods of Online Discourse Elicitation Conference, Text & Tea meeting等。学术兼职与服务方面,担任Frontiers in Psychology客座编辑,受邀为多个SCI/SSCI期刊的审稿专家,包括Journal of Child Language, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, First Language, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research等。不定期为Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism (BIVEM) 提供儿童双语/多语教育相关的科学/公众咨询服务。


2022.12.-  西安交通大学外国语学院,副教授/特聘研究员, 博士生导师

2020-2022 德国莱布尼茨语言研究所 (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)),博士后

2014-2019 香港理工大学,哲学博士,语言学专业

2011-2013 香港理工大学,研究助理

2009-2010 香港中文大学,文学硕士,汉语语言学及语言获得专业

2005-2009 西安外国语大学,文学学士, 对外汉语专业


6. 主持 (2024-2025). 中央高校基本科研业务费,普通话儿童词汇理解能力线上测量工具的开发与应用研究”. (SK2024025)

5. 主持 (2023-2025). 陕西省社科基金, “汉语孤独症谱系障碍儿童个人叙事能力发展研究”. (2023K013)

4. 主持 (2020-2022). 德国Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Narrative abilities in ‘left-behind’ ethnic minority children in China: Evidence from Kam-Mandarin bilingual children.(

3. 参与 (2018-2020). 香港研究资助局 (The Hong Kong Research Grants Council, RGC), Asymmetries in Cantonese children’s comprehension and production of relative clauses: Structure, Typology and Processing.

2. 参与 (2013). 香港理工大学, A new adult L2 Spoken Mandarin Chinese corpus: Construction and linguistic analyses.

1. 参与 (2022-2025). 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目, 发育性语言障碍儿童的变调加工及认知神经机制研究.


11. Yang, W. C*, Chan, A.*, Gagarina, N.*. (accepted). Remote Online Language Assessment: Eliciting Discourse from Children and Adults.

10. Chan, A., Chen, S., Zhang, C., Fung, R., Shao, J., Lam, I., Pang, S., Ngan V., Tam, J., Chua, W., Chan, A., Yang, W. C., Sadat, J., Pinto, S. (under review). Lexical Tone Production in Cantonese-Speaking Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: L-Dopa Effects on F0 Curves and Speech Intelligibility.

9. Yang, W. C.*, Chan, A.*, & Gagarina, N.* (2023). Left-behind status and language proficiency predict narrative abilities in the home language of Kam-speaking minority children in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1059895. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1059895. (SSCI, Q2).

8. Yang, W. C., Chan, A., & Gagarina, N. (2023). Narrative abilities in ‘left-behind’ ethnic minority children in China: Evidence from Kam-Mandarin bilingual children. Janus-Brief, Centre "Language, Variation, Multilingualism", Potsdam University.

7. Wang, S. & Yang, W. C.* (2023). Adapting the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narrative (MAIN) to Tibetan. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 65, 85-90.

6. Yang, W. C., Chan, A.*, Chang, F., & Kidd, E*. (2020). Four-year-old Mandarin-speaking children's online comprehension of relative clauses. Cognition, 196, 104103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104103 (SSCI, Q1)

5. Chen, J. D.*, Narasimhan, B., Chan, A., Yang, W. C., & Yang, S. (2020). Information Structure and Word Order Preference in Child and Adult Speech of Mandarin Chinese. Languages, 5(2),14. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages5020014.

4. Yang, W.C.*, Chan, A., & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Kam to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 147-151. https://zaspil.leibniz-zas.de/article/view/567/555. Berlin: ZAS.

3. Luo, J., Yang, W.C., Chan, A.*, Cheng, K., Kan, R., & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Mandarin to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 159-162. https://zaspil.leibniz-zas.de/article/view/569/557. Berlin: ZAS.

2. Tsoi, E., Yang, W. C., Chan, A.*, & Kidd, E.* (2019). Mandarin-English bilingual and Mandarin monolingual children’s comprehension of relative clauses. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(4), 933-964. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716419000079(SSCI, Q1)

1. Chan, A.*, Yang, W. C., Chang, F., & Kidd, E*. (2018). Four-year-old Cantonese-speaking children’s online processing of relative clauses: A permutation analysis. Journal of Child Language, 45(1), 174-203. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000917000198. (SSCI, Q1)

* 通讯作者



3. Wang, S. & Yang, W.C. (2022). MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (Tibetan version 藏语).

2. Yang, W. C., Chan, A., & Gagarina, N. (2020). MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (Kam version 侗语).

1. Luo, J., Yang, W. C., Chan, A., Cheng, K., Kan, R., & Gagarina, N. (2020). MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (Mandarin version 普通话).



Yang, W. C., Chan, A., & Gagarina, N. (2022). Narratives in left-behind Kam-Mandarin bilingual children. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/2196/z5909c9o-7p3a-4898-5444-u15z7p41763r.



Science for Life Facts-Research-Information for Parents and Teachers. Flyer series for Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism (BIVEM). Chinese version.

会议报告 & 受邀讲座 (selected)

8. 2024. The Development of Narrative Macrostructures and Microstructures in Dong-Mandarin Bilinguals.To be presented at the第二届儿童语言、语音获得与认知发展国际研讨会. 新疆, 中国.

7.2024. The production of referential expressions in narratives of Kam-Mandarin bilingual children. Presented at the International Congress of the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024).Prague, Czech Republic.

6. 2024. Production of narrative macrostructure and microstructure in 5-9 years old Kam-Mandarin bilinguals. Presented at the International Symposium on Language Sciences (ISLS): Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao. Hong Kong, China.

5.2024. The more positive attitude the more use of the language? A case study of Baima Tibetan communities in Southwest China. Presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 25 (SS25). Perth, Australia.

4. 2024. The production of microstructures in narratives in Kam-Mandarin bilingual children. Presented at the 21st AILA World Congress 2024. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

3. 2023. 5-9岁侗汉双语儿童叙事的指称选择.语言认知与智能发展专业委员会第一届学术年会. 北京, 中国.

2. 2023. 侗汉双语儿童叙事的指称表达研究. 2023年江苏省研究生语言发展与障碍学术创新论坛. 南京, 中国.

1. 2023. Narrative production in home language of left-behind Kam-Mandarin-speaking bilinguals in China. Paper presented at the 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 

学术兼职 & 服务


Frontiers in Psychology (https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/21524/remote-online-language-assessment-eliciting-discourse-from-children-and-adults)



Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (SCI), Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics (SSCI), Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (SSCI), Journal of Child Language (SSCI), First Language (SSCI)等



Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism (BIVEM)