蔡骁 副教授 硕导
蔡骁 副教授 硕导
2014.09-2020.06:西安交通大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士,导师:黄佐华 教授,获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文
2018.12-2020.06:瑞典隆德大学,燃烧物理,联培博士,导师:Zhongshan Li 教授,Marcus Alden 院士
2024.03-至今: 西安交通大学,能源与动力工程学院,副教授
项目编号 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 起讫时间 | 承担角色 | 项目类别 |
JZ-202406003 | 等离子体xxx机理研究 | 两机重大专项外委课题 | 2024-05~2024-12 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
52488201 | 能源有序转化 | 基础科学中心项目延续资助 | 2024-04~2028-12 | 骨干成员 | 纵向项目 |
U2341282 | 氢燃料多簇微混喷嘴燃烧室燃烧组织方法 | 国家自然科学基金“叶企孙”联合重点项目 | 2024-01~2027-12 | 骨干成员 | 纵向项目 |
2023T160513 | 水蒸气对航空发动机燃烧室贫油熄火影响机制的多参量激光诊断研究 | 中国博士后基金特别资助(站中)项目 | 2023-07~2025-06 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
20221228 | 在役天然气长输管线离心压缩机掺氢适应性评价研究 | 国家管网项目 | 2022-11~2024-04 | 负责人 | 横向项目 |
J20221133 | 航空发动机xxx系统研制 | 两机重大专项外委课题 | 2022-11~2023-02 | 负责人 | 横向项目 |
JZ-202302007-03 | 灵活燃料纯氧燃烧激光诊断研究 | 两机科学中心重大项目子课题 | 2022-10~2024-12 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
P2022-A-Ⅱ -006-001 | 高效零排放先进燃气轮机灵活燃料纯氧燃烧技术研究 | 两机基础科学中心重大项目 | 2022-09~2024-12 | 骨干成员 | 纵向项目 |
52106183 | 高雷诺数下液体燃料湍流燃烧局部熄火机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年项目 | 2022-01~2024-12 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
xzy012022069 | 强湍流下氨气/氢气预混湍流火焰自相似传播和反应区增厚机理研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费 | 2022-01~2023-12 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
2021M692536 | 强湍流下正庚烷燃烧局部熄火的激光诊断和机理研究 | 中国博士后基金面上项目 | 2021-06~2023-06 | 负责人 | 纵向项目 |
51888103 | 能源有序转化 | 基础科学中心项目 | 2019-01~2023-12 | 骨干成员 | 纵向项目 |
论文标题 | 作者 | 发表/完成日期 | 期刊名称 |
Effects of temperature on flame structures and local extinctions of swirl spray flames | Xiao Cai, Jinshi Wang, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang*, Weijie Zhang, Yi Chen, Di Jin, Yun Wu, Zuohua Huang | 2024-12-22 | Physics of Fluids |
In situ visualization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon hydrothermal decomposition process utilizing planar induced fluorescence: A mechanistic analysis | Xiangjin Meng, Hongchao Dai, Wenjun Lin, Hongfang Liu, Xingang Qi, Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo* | 2024-07-17 | Chemical Engineering Journal |
An experimental study on H2/NH3/CH4-air laminar propagating spherical flames at elevated pressure and oxygen enrichment | Ahmed Yasiry, Jinhua Wang, Longkai Zhang, Ahmed AA Abdulraheem, Xiao Cai*, Zuohua Huang | 2024-01-12 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Morphology and turbulent burning velocity of n-decane/air expanding flames at constant turbulent Reynolds numbers | Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Jinhua Wang*, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang | 2023-12-10 | Combustion and Flame |
Turbulent burning velocity of hydrogen/n-heptane/air propagating spherical flames: Effects of hydrogen content | Hongchao Dai, Jiinhua Wang, Shouguo Su, Limin Su, Xiao Cai*, Zuohua Huang | 2023-12-09 | Combustion and Flame |
Structure and propagation of spherical turbulent iron-methane hybrid flame at elevated pressure | Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang*, Marcus Alden, Zhongshan Li, Zuohua Huang | 2023-06-09 | Combustion and Flame |
Cellularity and self-similarity of hydrogen expanding spherical flames at high pressures | Xiao Cai, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang*, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang | 2023-05-26 | Physics of Fluids |
Turbulent burning velocity and its related statistics of ammonia-hydrogen-air jet flame at high Karlovitz number: Effect of differential diffusion | Xiao Cai*, Qingshuang Fan, Xue-Song Bai, Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Marcus Alden, Zhongshan Li | 2022-07-03 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
Measurement and scaling of turbulent burning velocity of ammonia/methane/air propagating spherical flames at elevated pressure | Hongchao Dai, Jinhua Wang* , Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Haoran Zhao, Zuohua Huang | 2022-05-26 | Combustion and Flame |
Flame/turbulence interaction in ammonia/air premixed flames at high Karlovitz numbers | Leilei Xu , Qingshuang Fan , Xin Liu , Xiao Cai , Arman Ahamed Subash , Christian Brackmann , Zhongshan Li , Marcus Alden , Xue-Song Bai* | 2022-04-09 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
Lewis number effects on laminar and turbulent expanding flames of NH3/H2/air mixtures at elevated pressures | Hongchao Dai, Jinhua Wang* , Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Haoran Zhao, Zuohua Huang | 2022-04-09 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
Experimental investigation of low-temperature autoignition in turbulent premixed swirling flames | Wenjun Lin , Wang Han , Jinhua Wang* , Runze Mao , Weijie Zhang , Xiao Cai , Zuohua Huang | 2022-04-09 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
Structure and scalar correlation of ammonia/air turbulent premixed flames in the distributed reaction zone regime | Qingshuang Fan, Xin Liu, Xiao Cai*, Christian Brackmann, Marcus Alden, Xue-Song Bai, Zhongshan Li. | 2022-02-22 | Combustion and Flame |
Propagation of Darrieus-Landau unstable laminar and turbulent expanding flames | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Zhongshan Li, Zuohua Huang | 2021-03-22 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
On transition to self-similar acceleration of spherically expanding flames with cellular instabilities | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang*. | 2020-05-22 | Combustion and Flame |
Self-similar propagation and turbulent burning velocity of CH4/H2/air expanding flames: Effect of Lewis number. | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang* | 2020-02-22 | Combustion and Flame |
Flame morphology and self-acceleration of syngas spherically expanding flames | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Haoran Zhao, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang* | 2018-08-14 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Effects of Initiation Radius Selection and Lewis Number on Extraction of Laminar Burning Velocities from Spherically Expanding Flames | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Haoran Zhao, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang* | 2017-10-04 | Combustion Science and Technology |
Effects of oxygen enrichment on laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of CH4/O2/N2 flames at elevated pressures | Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang*, Weijie Zhang, Yongliang Xie, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang* | 2016-07-18 | Fuel |
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,Combustion and Flame,Physics of Fluids,Fuel,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Combustion Science and Technology等期刊审稿人
2022年 陕西省优秀博士学位论文
2022年 西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文
2021年 世界内燃机大会优秀论文奖
2021年 陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖
2020年 西安交通大学青年优秀人才A类