

肖鸿 博士 教授 博士生导师





English CV (PDF)





2024.01-至今           西安交通大学       机械工程学院先进制造技术研究所      教授
2018.02-2023.12     西安交通大学       机械工程学院先进制造技术研究所      副教授
2016.11-2017.11     伯明翰大学          工程学院机械工程系                          访问学者
2015.02-2018.01     西安交通大学       机械工程学院先进制造技术研究所     讲师
2009.09-2014.12     西北工业大学       航空宇航制造工程                             博士
2005.09-2009.06     西北工业大学       飞行器制造工程                                学士


  1. 2014.01-2017.12,国家重大科技专项,航空复合材料构件自动铺丝头设备开发及应用,1350万,参与;
  2. 2015.01-2015.12,国家重点实验室资助项目青年基金,融合装配场景及人的认知的移动三维装配工艺信息构建和传递方法研究,9万,主持;
  3. 2015.03-2018.02,西安交通大学新讲师科研支持计划,面向复杂产品装配现场的移动三维装配工艺信息构建和传递方法研究,10万,主持;
  4. 2016.01-2017.03,中国博士后科学基金,移动三维装配工艺信息构建与传递理论及其应用研究,8万,主持;
  5. 2016.01-2018.12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,融合装配场景及人的认知的移动三维装配工艺信息构建和传递方法研究,20万,主持;
  6. 2016.07-2020.12,国家重点研发计划子课题,多光源集群与控制技术及扫描软件开发,108万,主持;
  7. 2019.01-2022.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,数据驱动的复合材料强韧仿生智能设计理论及增材制造方法,72万,主持;
  8. 2019.08-2020.07,JKW,xxx,240万,主持;
  9. 2020.08-2021.07,JKW,xxx,250万,主持;
  10. 2022.06-2023.04,中航西飞,预浸料性能表征与分析,25万,主持;
  11. 2022.07-2022.12,南京晨光,异形结构件轨迹规划及优化技术服务,19万,主持;
  12. 2023.01-2025.12,民机专项,xxx,925万,主持;
  13. 2023.07-2026.12,611所,复杂形面整体化复合材料结构快速设计评估工具,100万,主持;


  1. ​​​​​​2014级硕士,张忠波(协助指导),太原科技大学,毕业去向:中兴通讯;
  2. 2015级硕士,陈    波(协助指导),郑州大学,毕业去向:INSA Lyon攻读博士学位;
  3. 2016级硕士,李    明,中南大学,毕业去向:中电39所;
  4. 2017级硕士,李    晨,西北工业大学,毕业去向:华为;
  5. 2018级硕士,张陈平,南京农业大学,优秀毕业生,毕业去向:转博;
  6. 2018级硕士,朱彦松,辽宁工业大学,转博;
  7. 2018级硕士,韩    伟,中国矿业大学,国奖、优秀毕业生、优秀硕士论文,毕业去向:华为;
  8. 2019级硕士,李    婷,西南交通大学,优秀研究生干部,毕业去向:西安荣耀;
  9. 2019级硕士,张富淦,西安交通大学,毕业去向:西安航天动力试验技术研究所;
  10. 2019级硕士,郭文辉,武汉理工大学,毕业去向:海康威视;
  11. 2020级硕士,齐    瑶,中国矿业大学,毕业去向:西安比亚迪;
  12. 2020级硕士,禾    前,中国矿业大学,优秀研究生,毕业去向:西安比亚迪;
  13. 2021级硕士,崔维军,华东理工大学,转博;
  14. 2021级硕士,井庆宇,东北大学,毕业去向:泰开集团;
  15. 2021级博士,柳天奇,西安交通大学;
  16. 2022级硕士,张翰林,吉林大学;
  17. 2023级硕士,祁   威,太原理工大学;
  18. 2023级硕士,王   帅,中国农业大学;
  19. 2023级硕士,苗广震,青岛理工大学;


  1. 2018.03,复合材料自动铺丝工艺与设备研究及应用,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖,第3完成人。


1.          郭文辉; 肖鸿; 明越科; 段玉岗; 齐瑶; 禾前; 李婷, 高黏度材料超声辅助 3D 打印技术. 工程塑料应用 2022, 50, (3), 67-72+85.

2.          Zhu, Y.; Ming, Y.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, C.; Wang, J.; Duan, Y.; Wang, B., Green synthesis of highly aligned reduced graphene oxide films with competitive performance assisted by sandwiching restriction. Diamond and Related Materials 2022, 127, 109166.

3.          Zhang, C. P.; Duan, Y. G.; Xiao, H.; Wang, B.; Ming, Y. K.; Zhu, Y. S.; Zhang, F. G., Effect of porosity and crystallinity on mechanical properties of laser in-situ consolidation thermoplastic composites. Polymer 2022, 242, 9.

4.          Zhang, C. P.; Duan, Y. G.; Xiao, H.; Wang, B.; Ming, Y. K.; Zhu, Y. S.; Zhang, F. G., The effects of processing parameters on the wedge peel strength of CF/PEEK laminates manufactured using a laser tape placement process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2022, 120, (11-12), 7251-7262.

5.          Wang, B.; Ming, Y. K.; Zhou, J.; Xiao, H.; Wang, F.; Duan, Y. G.; Kazanci, Z., Fabrication of triangular corrugated structure using 3D printed continuous carbon fiber-reinforced thermosetting epoxy composites. Polym. Test 2022, 106, 10.

6.          Li, X.; Kang, X.; Xiao, H.; Duan, Y., Low adhesion continuous constrained-surface projection stereolithography process based on curing degree control. Additive Manufacturing 2022, 54, 102743.

7.          冉庆波; 肖鸿; 杨富鸿; 段玉岗, 含孔曲面自动铺丝轨迹规划算法研究. 航空学报 2021, 0-0.

8.          Zhu, Y.; Ming, Y.; Wang, B.; Duan, Y.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, C.; Sun, J.; Tian, X., Finite Element Analysis of Lightning Damage Factors Based on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer. Materials 2021, 14, (18), 5210.

9.          Xiao, H.; Zhang, C.; Duan, Y.; Ming, Y.; Wang, H., Improving the delamination resistance of CFRP by establishing and analyzing the micro-mechanical model. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2021, 117, (1), 217-226.

10.        Duan, Y.; Zhang, T.; Zhou, J.; Xiao, H.; Chen, X.; Al Teneiji, M.; Guan, Z. W.; Cantwell, W. J., Energy-absorbing characteristics of hollow-cylindrical hierarchical honeycomb composite tubes inspired a beetle forewing. Composite Structures 2021, 278, 114637.

11.        Ding, Z.; Wang, B.; Xiao, H.; Duan, Y., Hybrid Bio-Inspired Structure Based on Nacre and Woodpecker Beak for Enhanced Mechanical Performance. Polymers 2021, 13, (21).

12.        Xiao, H.; Han, W.; Tang, W.; Duan, Y., An Efficient and Adaptable Path Planning Algorithm for Automated Fiber Placement Based on Meshing and Multi Guidelines. Materials 2020, 13, (18), 4209.

13.        Wang, B.; Ming, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Yao, X.; Ziegmann, G.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.; Duan, Y.; Sun, J., Fabrication of continuous carbon fiber mesh for lightning protection of large-scale wind-turbine blade by electron beam cured printing. Additive Manufacturing 2020, 31, 100967.

14.        Ming, Y.; Zhang, S.; Han, W.; Wang, B.; Duan, Y.; Xiao, H., Investigation on process parameters of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber-reinforced thermosetting epoxy composites. Additive Manufacturing 2020, 33, 101184.

15.        明越科; 段玉岗; 王奔; 肖鸿; 张小辉, 高性能纤维增强树脂基复合材料3D打印. 航空制造技术 2019, 62, (4), 34-38.

16.        Xin, Z.; Duan, Y.; Zhou, J.; Xiao, H., Effect of tailored plies on the energy absorption capability of square CFRP tubes with discontinuous fibers. Composite Structures 2019, 209, 150-159.

17.        Xiao, H.; Han, W.; Ming, Y.; Ding, Z.; Duan, Y., A Sensitivity Analysis-Based Parameter Optimization Framework for 3D Printing of Continuous Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites. Materials 2019, 12, (23), 3961.

18.        Ming, Y.; Duan, Y.; Wang, B.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, X., A Novel Route to Fabricate High-Performance 3D Printed Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Polymer Composites. Materials 2019, 12, (9), 1369.

19.        Xiao, H.; Duan, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Li, M., Detection and estimation of mental fatigue in manual assembly process of complex products. Assembly Automation 2018, 38, (2), 239-247.

20.        Xiao, H.; Duan, Y.; Zhang, Z., Mobile 3D assembly process information construction and transfer to the assembly station of complex products. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2018, 31, (1), 11-26.

21.        Xiao, H.; Li, L., Discussion of paper by Matieyendou Lamboni, Hervé Monod, David Makowski “Multivariate sensitivity analysis to measure global contribution of input factors in dynamic models”, Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 99 (2011) 450–459. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2016, 147, 194-195.

22.        Xiao, H.; Duan, Y., Sensitivity analysis of correlated inputs: Application to a riveting process model. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2016, 40, (13), 6622-6638.

23.        Xiao, H.; Li, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhang, J.; Tang, W., Dynamic assembly simplification for virtual assembly process of complex product in cloud computing environment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2014, 228, (10), 1198-1213.

24.        Xiao, H.; Li, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhang, J., CAD mesh model simplification with assembly features preservation. Science China Information Sciences 2014, 57, (3), 1-11.

25.        Xiao, H.; Li, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhang, J., √3-Subdivision Wavelets for Sharp Features Preservation. LNCS Transactions on Computational Science XXII 2014, 8360, 115-129.

26.        Xiao, H.; Li, Y.; Yu, J.; Cheng, H., Dynamic assembly simplification for virtual assembly process of complex product. Assembly Automation 2014, 34, (1), 1-15.

27.        Yu, J.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, J.; Cheng, H.; Xin, B., CAD model simplification for assembly field. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2013, 68, (9-12), 2335-2347.

28.        Xiao, H.; Li, Y.; Zhang, K.; Yu, J.; Liu, Z.; Su, J., Multi-objective optimization method for automatic drilling and riveting sequence planning. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2010, 23, (6), 734-742.


  1. 段玉岗, 陈波, 肖鸿, 等. 基于引导线的复合材料自动铺丝路径规划软件V1.0, 编号2018SR030503, 2018.01.12. 
  2. 肖鸿, 陈波, 段玉岗, 等. 螺旋线式90度复合材料自动铺丝路径规划软件V1.0, 编号2017SR715324, 2017.12.21. 
  3. 段玉岗, 孟洋, 肖鸿. 纤维铺放变角度路径规划软件V2.0, 编号2015SR105510, 2015.06.12. 
  4. 唐文斌, 肖鸿, 徐佳加, 等. 机翼精加工水平位姿评估系统V1.0, 编号2012SR079931, 2012.08.28. 
  5. 肖鸿, 徐佳加, 唐文斌, 等. 基于三维模型的复杂产品工序编制系统V1.0, 编号2012SR078988, 2012.08.27. 
  6. 肖鸿, 张森, 魏小龙, 等. 基于典型装配操作集的三维装配规划与仿真系统V1.0, 编号2012SR078838, 2012.08.24. 
  7. 张森, 肖鸿, 唐文斌, 等. 机翼精加工位姿调整方案计算系统V1.0, 编号2012SR078538, 2012.08.24. 
  8. 肖鸿, 徐佳加, 张森, 等. 复杂产品三维装配工艺规划系统V1.0, 编号2011SR094558, 2011.12.13.
  9. 余剑峰, 唐文斌, 肖鸿, 等.航空发动机研制数据一体化管理系统V1.0, 编号2011SR094570, 2011.12.13. 
  10. 辛博, 余剑峰, 王理, 肖鸿, 等. 一种变间距自适应搜寻测量点的飞机壁板法矢确定方法[P]. 中国: ZL201210083667.3, 2013.12.25. 
  11. 余剑峰, 张杰, 辛博, 肖鸿, 等. 一种自动制孔的压紧装置[P]. 中国: ZL201220425764.1, 2013.4.3.