Basic Information

Name: Lei Xi

Title: Associate Professor

Degree: Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.)


Institute of New Energy Equipment and Quality Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering
State Key Laboratory of Manufacturing Systems Engineering
China Western Institute of Quality Science and Technology

Technology Innovation Center of Terminal Hydrogen Utilization Equipment, State Administration for Market Regulation
High-End Equipment Research Institute, China Western Institute of Science and Technology Innovation Harbor

Work Experience

August 2020 - Present: Assistant Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University

July 2020 - Present: Postdoctoral Fellow at Xi'an Jiaotong University


Personal Homepage:


Phone: +86 29 8266 3702

QQ: 654744709

Office Address:

  • Room 259, Science Building, Xingqing Campus, Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • Room A227, West Building 5, Qujiang Campus, Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • Large Workshop 2, Megastucture, China Western Institute of Science and Technology Innovation Harbor



Scientific Research

  1. Equipment thermal management, thermal design, and reliability research (multidisciplinary functional integrated structural optimization design of strength, flow, and heat transfer)
  2. Optimization design of cooling structure (based on data-driven, machine learning methods, and intelligent optimization algorithms)
  3. Cooling technology for hot end components of aircraft engines and gas turbines
  4. Heat exchanger design, heat dissipation structure, and heat sink design
  5. Thermal Management and Design of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Academic Activities

1. Serving as a young editorial board member for the Journal of Naval Aviation University.
2. Serving as a guest editor for the SCI journal “Energies,” organizing a special issue on “Thermal Design, Thermodynamic Analysis, and Optimization of Aero-Engines and Gas Turbines.”
3. Serving as a guest editor for the ESCI journal “Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering,” organizing a special issue on “Application of Machine Learning in the Design of High-Performance Heat Transfer Structures.”
4. Serving as a reviewer for multiple SCI and EI journals:

    SCI Journals:

  • International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  • Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
  • Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A: Applications
  • Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
  • Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
  • Journal of Energy Storage
  • Energy Science & Engineering
  • Heliyon
  • Energies
  • Materials
  • Actuators
  • Aerospace
  • Sensors
  • Fractal Fract
  • Applied Sciences
  • Sustainability
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Processes

    ESCI Journals:

  • Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Fluids
  • Wind
  • Energy Storage and Saving

5. Serving as an expert reviewer for papers at the Academic Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer organized by the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics.

Academic Achievements

  1. Lei XiLiang Xu*Jianmin GaoZhen ZhaoYunlong Li. Cooling performance analysis and structural parameter optimization of x-type truss array channel based on neural networks and genetic algorithm [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2022186: 122452

  2. Lei XiJianmin GaoLiang Xuet al. Study on heat transfer performance of steam-cooled ribbed channel using neural networks and genetic algorithms [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2018127: 1110-1123.
  3. Xi LeiXu LiangGao JianminZhao ZhenLi Yunlong. Study on flow and heat transfer performance of x-type truss array cooling channel[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering202126: 101034.
  4. Lei XiLiang Xu*Jianmin GaoZhen ZhaoYunlong Li. Numerical analysis and optimization on flow and heat transfer performance of a steam-cooled ribbed channel [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering202128101442.
  5. Lei XiJianmin GaoLiang Xu*Zhen Zhao, Qicheng Ruan, Li YunlongNumerical investigation and parameter sensitivity analysis on flow and heat transfer performance of jet array impingement cooling in a quasi-leading-edge channel [J]. Aerospace, 2022987.
  6. Lei Xi, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu *, Zhen Zhao, Zhengheng Yang and Yunlong Li. Numerical Investigation on Cooling Performance of Rectangular Channels Filled with X-shaped Truss Array Structures [J]. Aerospace, 20229(8), 405.
  7. Lei Xi, Liang Xu *, Jianmin Gao, Zhen Zhao, Yunlong Li. Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cooling Channel filled with X-shaped Truss Array [J]. Thermal Science, 2023, 27: 739-754.
  8. Lei Xi, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu *, Zhen Zhao, Tao Yang and Yunlong LiStudy on Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of a Rectangular Channel Filled with X-Shaped Truss Array under Operating Conditions of Gas Turbine Blades. Aerospace 2022, 9, 533.
  9. Lei Xi, Zhen Zhao, Qicheng Ruan, Zhengheng Yang, Liang Xu*Jianmin Gao and Yunlong LiNumerical Study on the Heating Effect of a Spring-Loaded Actuator—Part Ⅰ: Temperature and Humidity Distribution Characteristics. Actuators, 2023, 12(6): 234.
  10. Lei Xi, Yuan Gao, Qicheng Ruan, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu*, Yunlong LiNumerical Study on Steam Cooling Characteristics in a Isosceles Trapezoidal Channel with Pin-fin arrays at Turbine Blade Trailing Edge[J]. Energies, 2024, 17(11), 2482.
  11. Lei Xi, Qicheng Ruan, Yuan Gao, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu*, Yunlong LiStudy on Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of Single Jet Impingement Cooling through Variable-Diameter Hole [J]. Thermal Science, 2024, (已录用).
  12. Lei Xi*, Qicheng Ruan, Yuan Gao, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu, Yunlong LiNumerical Study on Cooling Performance and Thermal Stress Characteristic of an F-class Gas Turbine stator blade [J]. Thermal Science, 2024,(已录用).
  13. Xu LiangXi LeiZhao ZhenGao JianminLi Yunlong. Numerical prediction of heat loss from a test ribbed rectangular channel using the conjugate calculations[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer201896: 98 - 108.
  14. Lei XiLiang Xu*Jianmin GaoZhen ZhaoStudy on Conjugate Thermal performance of a steam-cooled ribbed channel with thick metallic walls [C] // Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2021, GT2021-58386, V05BT15A001.
  15. Hongxin Ran, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Multi-objective Optimization towards Cooling Performance of Teardrop Section Kagome Trusses Array Jet Impingement Composite Cooling Structure with Cross-flow [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering2024xx: xx.
  16. Jiren Li, Liang Xu, Qiuxia Tian, Lei Xi*, Hongxin Ran, Qicheng Ruan, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Heat transfer characteristic and optimization design of alter diameter array impingement cooling structure [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering2024257: 124364.
  17. Yunlong Zhou, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*, Hongxin Ran, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Numerical analysis of enhanced heat transfer and nanofluid flow mechanisms in fan groove and pyramid truss microchannels [J]. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow2024109: 109559.
  18. Liang Xu, Naiyuan Hu, Hongwei Lin, Lei Xi*, Yunlong Li, and Jianmin Gao. A Review of Flow Field and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Jet Impingement from Special-Shaped Holes [J]. Energies, 202417: 4510.
  19. Liang Xu, Jiren Li, Lei Xi*, Yunlong Li, and Jianmin Gao. Advancements and Prospects of Hydrogel Sweat Cooling Technology in Multiphase Heat Transfer Applications: A Review [J]. Energies, 202417(13): 3152.
  20. Liang Xu, Hongwei Lin, Naiyuan Hu, Lei Xi*, Yunlong Li, and Jianmin Gao. Multi-Objective Optimization towards Heat Dissipation Performance of the New Tesla Valve Channels with Partitions in a Liquid-Cooled Plate[J]. Energies, 202417(13): 3106.
  21. Qicheng Ruan, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*, Di Ren, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong LiOptimization Design and Experimental Research on Cooling Performance of U-shaped Latticework Cooling Structure with Perforations Used for Gas Turbine Blade [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024247123044.
  22. Liang Xu, Yunlong Zhou, Kai Sun, Lei Xi*, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong LiNumerical Investigation  on Heat Transfer Characteristic s of Supercritical n-decane in a Regenerative Cooling Channel with Inverted Pyramid Trusses [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2024221: 125040
  23. Liang Xu, Jiren Li, Kai Sun, Lei Xi*, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong LiHeat analysis and Optimal Design of Fin-and-tube Heat Exchanger with X-truss Vortex Generators [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 152, 107248.
  24. Zhen Zhao, Lei Xi*Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu and Yunlong Li. Numerical Study on the Heating Effect of a Spring-Loaded ActuatorPart II: Optimization Design of Heater Parameters. Actuators, 2023, 12, 212.
  25. Zhen Zhao, Lei Xi*Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu and Yunlong LiNumerical Study on Cooling Performance of a Steam-Cooled Blade Based on Response Surface Method. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, 13, 6625.
  26. Qicheng Ruan, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*, Hanghang Chen, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Cooling performance of droplet-shaped kagome truss structure combined with jet array impingement composite cooling structure [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering202351103558.
  27. Liang XuXue YunLei Xi*Jianmin GaoTao YangYunlong Li. Heat transfer characteristics of single row of jets issuing from screw-thread nozzles impinging on a concave surface [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering202128101590.
  28. Liang XuHanghang ChenLei Xi*Yanhong XiongJianmin GaoYunlong Li. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of a staggered array of Kagome lattice structures in rectangular channelsHeat and Mass Transfer2022, 58(1): 41-64.
  29. Xu LiangZhao XuXi Lei*Ma YonghaoGao JianminLi Yunlong. Large-eddy simulation study of flow and heat transfer in swirling and non-swirling impinging jets on a semi-cylinder concave target. Applied Sciences-Basel2021; 11(15):7167.
  30. Liang XuHongxin RanLei Xi*Tao YangJianmin GaoYunlong Li. Cooling performance of a teardrop cross-section Kagome truss-filled array jet impingement composite cooling structure [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 186, 108140. 
  31. Liang Xu, Zhengheng Yang, Lei Xi*, Dongxia Duan, Xu Yang, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Multi-objective performance optimization of target surface of bionic blue whale-skin impinged by array jet [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 141, 106611.
  32. Liang Xu, Zineng Sun, Qicheng Ruan, Lei Xi *, Jianmin Gao and Yunlong Li. Development Trend of Cooling Technology for Turbine Blades at Super-High Temperature of Above 2000K [J]. Energies2023, 16, 668.
  33. Liang Xu, Zineng Sun, Lei Xi*, Qicheng Ruan, JianminGao, Yunlong Li. Heat transfer characteristics of a channel filled with the array of drop-shaped Kagome truss cores [J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2023, 83: 2178562.
  34. Liang Xu, Di Ren, Lei Xi*, Tao Yang, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Cooling Characteristics of Array Jet Impinging on Grooved Target Surface Imitating Blue Whale Skin [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 225: 120220. 
  35. Qicheng Ruan, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*, Hanghang Chen, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Experimental Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Jet Array Impingement Combined with Kagome Truss Structures with/without Cross-flow [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 207: 124007.
  36. Tao Yang, Xiaoming Zhang, Zhenyuan Chang, Ran Xu, Jiaojiao Ma, Liang Xu, Lei Xi*. A Review on Application of Pin-Fins in Enhancing Heat Transfer[J]. Energies, 202417: 4305.
  37. Liang XuYanh XiongLei XiJianmin GaoYunlong LiZhen Zhao. Numerical simulation of swirling impinging jet issuing from a threaded hole under inclined conditionEntropy202022(1): 15.
  38. Tao Yang; Yanhua Sun; Liang Xu; Lei Xi; Jianmin Gao; Yunlong Li. Comparative Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Swirling Impingement Jet Issuing from Different Nozzles [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 184, 107914.
  39. Tao Yang, Yanhua Sun, Liang Xu*, Xu Yang, Dongxia Duan, Lei Xi, Jianmin Gao, Yunlong Li. Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Cooling Lamilloy with Internal MCs [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2023201(2): 123645
  40. Liang XuQicheng RuanQingyun ShenLei XiJianmin GaoYunlong Li. Optimization design of lattice structures in internal cooling channel with variable aspect ratio of gas turbine bladeEnergies202114(13): 3954.
  41. Liang XuQingyun ShenQicheng RuanLei XiJianmin GaoYunlong Li. Optimization design of lattice structures in internal cooling channel of turbine bladeApplied Sciences-Basel202111(13): 5838.
  42. Liang XuTao YangYanhua SunLei XiJianmin GaoYunlong LiJibao LiFlow and heat transfer characteristics of a swirling impinging jet issuing from a threaded nozzleCase Studies in Thermal Engineering202125100970
  43. Liang XuTao YangYanhua SunLei XiJianmin Gao and Yunlong Li. Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Swirling Impinging Jet Issuing from a Threaded Nozzle of 45 DegreesEnergies202114(24): 8412.
  44. ZhaoZhenLiang XuJianmin GaoLei XiQicheng Ruanand Yunlong Li. Multi-objective optimization of parameters of channels with staggered frustum of a cone based on response surface methodology. Energies 2022 153: 1240.
  45. Tao Yang *, Xiaoming Zhang, Zhenyuan Chang, Liang Xu, Lei Xi, Jianmin Gao. Research on flow and heat transfer characteristics of a novel long-channel lamilloy cooling structure [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2024235: 126233.
  46. Tao Yang, Xiaoming Zhang, Zhenyuan Chang, Liang Xu, Lei Xi, Jianmin Gao, Wei Kou Xiaochun Jing. Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Lamilloy Structure with Different Configurations of Internal Minichannels[J]. Energies, 2023, 16, 8058.
  47. 席雷徐亮高建民厚壁矩形带肋通道内蒸汽流动及传热特性[J]. 吉林大学学报(工学版)201848(3)752-759.EI20182605366128.
  48. 席雷徐亮高建民蒸汽冷却厚壁通道传热性能的耦合传热研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报201751(9):32-38EI20174204277740.
  49. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振. 涡轮叶片前缘阵列冲击冷却流动及传热特性数值研究[J]. 工程热物理学报202142(02): 430-437.
  50. 席雷徐亮高建民赵振李云龙. 涡轮叶片厚壁带肋通道冷却性能的实验研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报202155(03): 29-36.
  51. 席雷徐亮高建民赵振李云龙. X型桁架阵列通道流动及传热性能的数值研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报2021, 55(08): 101-110.
  52. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振李云龙涡轮叶片厚壁带肋通道流动与传热性能的预测和优化[J]. 西安交通大学学报202155(12): 25-34.
  53. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振45°肋矩形通道冷却性能及熵产特性实验研究[J]. 汽轮机技术202163(04): 268-272.
  54. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振李云龙基于响应面法的X型桁架阵列通道冷却性能优化研究[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(01): 24-32.
  55. 席雷, 高建民, 徐亮赵振阮麒成. X型桁架阵列冷却通道传热特性的数值研究[J].汽轮机技术,2022,64(05):341-346.
  56. 席雷,高源,高建民,徐亮,赵振,李云龙矩形冷却通道填充X型桁架阵列结构的布置方案研究[J]. 汽轮机技术202365(1): 27-31+65.
  57. 席雷,高源,赵振,高建民,徐亮,李云龙变径孔射流冲击冷却的流动与传热特性数值研究[J]. 汽轮机技术202466(03): 186-192.
  58. 席雷,高源,高建民,徐亮,赵振,李云龙工况参数对X型桁架阵列通道流动与传热性能影响的数值研究[J]. 燃气轮机技术, 2023, 36 (2): 1-6+43
  59. 赵振,席雷*,高建民,徐亮,李云龙基于响应面模型涡轮叶片冷却性能的数值研究[J]. 燃气轮机技术, 2023, 36 (04): 32-38.
  60. 赵振,席雷*,高建民,徐亮,李云龙错排圆台通道不可逆损失的数值分析[J]. 节能技术, 2023, 41 (06): 491-496.
  61. 赵振,席雷*,高建民,徐亮,李云龙某型空冷高温涡轮叶片传热特性的数值研究[J]. 节能技术, 2023, 41(05): 387-392.
  62. 赵振,席雷*,高建民,徐亮,李云龙顺排圆台通道流动与传热性能的数值研究[J]. 压力容器, 2023, 40(06): 40-49+71.
  63. 徐亮田秋霞席雷*赵旭高建民李云龙燃气轮机火焰筒双耳孔冷却特性的数值模拟分析[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报2023,55(01)55-63.
  64. 赵振,高建民,徐亮,席雷*,李云龙某型高温涡轮叶片冷却性能的实验研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报2024, 58(01): 54-67.
  65. 徐亮,冉泓鑫,阮麒成,席雷*,高建民,李云龙阵列射流空间填充水滴形Kagome桁架的靶面冷却性能多目标优化[J]. 航空制造技术,2023, 66(19)22-32.
  66. 谢军太, 席雷*, 高建民, 艾松, 苏鹏飞燃气轮机高温透平叶片制造NQI体系构建方法研究[J]. 中国标准化202411236-239.
  67. 徐亮谌清云席雷高建民李云龙微类桁架点阵结构填充内冷通道的多目标优化设计西安交通大学学报202054(03): 1-11. (EI: 20201308357156)
  68. 徐亮熊堰宏席雷高建民李云龙. 倾斜螺纹孔射流传热特性的数值研究西安交通大学学报201953(9): 120-129. (EI: 20194607670464)
  69. 赵振徐亮高建民席雷李云龙. 圆台扰流换热器的流动与传热特性研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报202155(10): 131-143.
  70. 赵振高建民徐亮席雷李云龙. 圆台扰流换热器结构参数优化的数值模拟研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报202155(12): 35-46.
  71. 赵振高建民徐亮席雷李云龙. 叉排圆台通道流动和传热特性的数值研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2022, 43(09): 2423-2432.
  72. 赵振徐亮高建民席雷李云龙圆台凹凸结构通道的流动传热性能和熵产研究[J]. 航空动力学报2024, 39 (05) : 55-66.
  73. 赵振徐亮高建民席雷李云龙圆台扰流板式空气换热器传热与流动特性实验研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文202114(1)26-37.
  74. 徐亮孙子能席雷*高建民先进重型燃机冷却技术现状及发展[J]. 燃气轮机技术, 2022, 35(04): 1-10.
  75. 牛信强,黄婷,闫嫱,席雷,杨政衡.加热器参数对操动机构箱内温湿度影响的数值研究[J].电气技术,2022,23(07):56-63.
  76. 席雷,李济仁,阮麒成,高建民,徐亮,李云龙涡轮叶片收敛孔冲击冷却的流动与传热性能分析及优化[C] // 2024年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会南京2024-12, 243332. 
  77. 席雷, 赵振, 阮麒成, 高源, 高建民, 徐亮燃机叶片工况下桁架阵列通道冷却性能的数值研究[C] // 2023年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会成都2023-10233557. 
  78. 席雷徐亮高建民赵振杨涛涡轮叶片尾缘梯形柱肋通道内蒸汽冷却特性数值研究[C] // 2020年中国工程热物理年会:传热传质分会广州2020-11, 203342.
  79. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振涡轮叶片前缘阵列冲击冷却流动及传热特性数值研究[C] // 2019年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会青岛2019-10193340.
  80. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振阮麒成.燃气轮机涡轮叶片冷却效率与热应力的数值研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215001.
  81. 席雷高建民徐亮赵振阮麒成X型桁架阵列冷却通道传热特性数值研究[C] // 2021年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会上海2021-10, 213146.
  82. 赵振, 席雷*, 高建民, 徐亮, 李云龙. 尾缘为圆台结构叶片冷却性能的数值研究[C] // 2023年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会成都2023-10, 233579. 
  83. 阮麒成, 徐亮, 席雷*, 高建民, 冉泓鑫, 李云龙. 射流冲击和树形杆复合冷却结构流动和换热性能的数值研究[C] // 2023年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会成都2023-10, 233387. 
  84. 徐亮陈航航席雷李政轩高建民李云龙水滴形Kagome桁架结构流动换热特性研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215014.
  85. 徐亮杨政衡阮麒成席雷高建民李云龙.某叶栅试验通道内高湍流格栅设计及流动特性研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215092.
  86. 赵振高建民徐亮席雷阮麒成杨政衡杨涛.顺排圆台扰流通道流动及传热特性研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215020.
  87. 徐亮李政轩席雷陈航航高建民田秋霞.横流和射流共同作用下Kagome桁架结构的传热特性数值研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215073.
  88. 徐亮任迪云雪席雷高建民李云龙.阵列冲击凹槽靶面流动换热特性研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215090.
  89. 徐亮田秋霞赵旭席雷高建民李云龙./无扰流柱流道冷却结构流动换热特性的数值计算与试验研究[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会杭州2021-11, 215096.
  90. 徐亮谌清云席雷高建民熊堰宏点阵结构填充内冷通道的换热优化设计[C] // 2019年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会青岛2019-10193495.
  91. 赵振高建民徐亮席雷圆台扰流板式空气预热器的实验研究[C] // 2019年中国工程热物理学会:传热传质学分会青岛2019-10193004.
  92. 徐亮席雷高建民张帅.U型带肋通道内蒸汽流动及换热特性的数值研究及比较[C]. 中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会西安2014-11, 142029.
  93. 徐亮张帅高建民席雷半自由空间内单孔蒸汽冲击射流的流动及传热特性数值模拟研究[C]中国工程热物理学会:热机气动热力学分会西安2014-11, 143405.
  94. 席雷,高建民,陈琨,王荣喜,徐亮,赵振,阮麒成机电装备内部加热系统传热特性预测与优化软件V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:20231213日,登记号:2023SR1629232.

  95. 席雷,高建民,陈琨,王荣喜,马登龙,徐亮,阮麒成典型带肋通道流动与传热性能预测程序V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:2024124日,登记号:2024SR0157406.
  96. 席雷,高建民,陈琨,王荣喜,徐亮,赵振,阮麒成桁架阵列通道流动与传热性能预测及优化程序V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:2024124日,登记号:2024SR0159844.
  97. 席雷,高建民,徐亮,陈琨,王荣喜,阮麒成新型冲击扰流复合冷却的流动与传热性能预测软件V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:202426日,登记号:2024SR0243502.
  98. 席雷,高建民,徐亮,陈琨,王荣喜,阮麒成新型高效气膜冷却的效率与流量系数预测软件V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:202426日,登记号:2024SR0243498.
  99. 席雷,高建民,陈琨,王荣喜,徐亮,阮麒成涡轮叶片典型内冷结构性能预测与结构优化软件V1.0著作权人:西安交通大学,日期:2024411日,登记号:2024SR0493491.
  100. 席雷;李济仁;高建民;艾松;苏鹏飞一种透平叶片制造体系的评价方法、系统、终端及介质[P]申请号: 202410975753.8, 2024-07-19.  
  101. 徐亮, 杨政衡, 席雷, 高建民, 李云龙, 阮麒成一种针对高压开关操动机构的极端气候模拟实验装置及方法[P]. 申请号: CN114733584A,2022-07-12.
  102. 徐亮田秋霞高建民席雷李云龙陈航航阮麒成李政轩任迪杨政衡一种用于大风量堆焊式板式换热器的S型扰流结构[ZH] 申请号:CN202110359460.3申请日:2021.04.02公开号:CN113108640A公开日:2021.07.13
  103. 徐亮陈航航高建民席雷李云龙李政轩田秋霞杨政衡任迪.一种基于多孔水滴形Kagome结构的微型快速冷却装置[ZH审中]申请号:CN202110938406 .4申请日:2021.8.16公开号:CN113701540 A公开日:2021.11.26.
  104. 徐亮李政轩高建民席雷李云龙陈航航云雪任迪杨政衡.一种阵列型中空点阵桁架单元支撑的太阳能相变储热装置[ZH](审中)申请号:CN202011515181.32020.12.21公开号:CN112629050A2021.04.09.
  105. 徐亮陈航航高建民席雷李云龙李政轩赵旭田秋霞阮麒成.一种基于阵列型亲水性石墨烯的微型快速冷却装置[ZH] (审中)申请号:CN202011403587.22020.12.04公开号:CN112503986A2021.03.16.
  106. 徐亮赵旭高建民云雪谌清云席雷李云龙陈航航李政轩曾国栋.一种基于ISIGHT软件的多学科多指标产品结构优化设计方法[ZH] (审中)申请号:CN202010436032.12020.05.21公开号:CN111581750A2020.08.25.
  107. 徐亮赵旭高建民云雪熊堰宏席雷李云龙陈航航李政轩曾国栋.一种扭转管支架复合式换热结构[ZH] (已授权)申请号:CN202010436781.42020.05.21公开号:CN111578762A2020.08.25.
  108. 徐亮高建民赵旭李云龙云雪谌清云熊堰宏席雷赵振.一种高强度高刚度强化换热的自适应填充结构[ZH] (已授权)申请号:CN202010058572.02020.01.19公开号:CN111238285A2020.06.05.
  109. 徐亮高建民兰进李云龙赵振席雷一种旋转冲击射流复杂流态及换热效果的评价装置及方法[ZH] (已授权)申请号:CN201510944752.82015.12.16公开号:CN105588700A2016.05.18.
  110. 徐亮,赵旭,高建民,云雪,谌清云,席雷,李云龙,陈航航,李政轩,曾国栋一种基于ISIGHT软件的多学科多指标产品结构优化设计方法,2022-12-09,中国,ZL202010436032.1.
  111. 徐亮,陈航航,高建民,席雷,李云龙,李政轩,田秋霞,杨政衡,任迪一种基于多孔水滴形Kagome结构的微型快速冷却装置,2022-5-06,中国,ZL202110938406.4.