
       研究方向聚焦新型清洁能源-氢能的制备以及氢燃料电池关键技术、先进高强高导金属基复合材料的设计开发及其微纳尺度界面传热强化、界面力学性能调控以及界面热应力诱发的形变协调机制,目前累计发表近50篇SCI期刊论文,4篇ESI高被引论文,其中包括Journal of Power Sources, Composite Part B, ACS Nano, Chemical Reviews, Applied Energy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等权威期刊;发表中文期刊论文3篇。主持或参与累计近20项研究课题项目,其中包括国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划、重点实验室开放课题及企业合作课题等。


1. 氢燃料电池传质特性调控与电池电化学性能优化












2. 集成电路系统封装散热材料开发与设计












项目编号 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别
2022YFB43002003 航空氢燃料电池-锂电池混合动力系统集成与热管理 国家重点研发计划 2023-07~2027-06 负责人 纵向项目
2023LHM-KFKT003 钛合金种植体表面润湿性调控机理研究 陕西省颅颌面精准医学研究重点实验室 2023-07~2026-06 负责人 纵向项目
20230290 超薄高强高导石墨基复合材料制备技术研究 陕西煤业化工技术研究院有限责任公司 2023-01~2024-12 负责人 横向项目
xjh032021004 渐变孔尺寸气体扩散层开发研究 西安交通大学 2021-01~2023-12 负责人 其它
2021ZDLGY13-01 燃料电池膜电极过程仿真及电堆制备、组装、测试研究 陕西省科技厅 2021-01~2023-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
20201031 双极板材料结构特征对其热物性和力学性能影响规律 上海神力科技有限公司 2020-09~2021-09 骨干成员 横向项目
51906189 三维连续石墨烯骨架填充铜基电子封装材料的强化传热机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2020-01~2022-12 负责人 纵向项目
20191056 长期服役铸铁造纸烘缸安全分级与寿命评估 东莞特检院 2019-10~2020-10 负责人 横向项目
2020开放基金26 钛基材料表面薄膜改性对其耐磨抗蚀性能影响机理 特种能源化学与材料重点实验室 2019-04~2020-04 负责人 纵向项目
20180590 碳泡沫微观结构与宏观传热等性能之间关系的建模、仿真及试验验证技术研究 航天特种材料及工艺技术研究所 2018-05~2018-09 负责人 横向项目


论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
Enhanced Through-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Membranes by the Interlayer Microstructure Manipulation: Multiscale numerical simulations and experimental verifications Yigang Tong, Xueliang Wang,Xin Wang, Yaping Wang, Yongli Guo, Fangyuan Sun, Yuan Li 2024-07-20 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Enhanced strength–ductility synergy in Ti55531 titanium alloys through gradient microstructural design strategy Changsheng Tan*, Tao Yang, Chaowen Huang*, Jiachen Zhang, Xueliang Wang, Hengping Lu, Linxian Wen, Guojun Zhang 2024-06-13 Materials Science & Engineering A
Enhancing tribological performance of AA3003 aluminum alloy via adjusting surface wettability: Synergistic effects of chemical etching and modification Hejie Yang*, Yiming Dong, Xuewu Li*, Weiping He, Yuanhai Liu, Xianlian Mu, Yizhi Zhao, Xueliang Wang, Fan Yang, Wei Fu, Yimin Gao, Weichao Qin 2024-05-23 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Enhancing interfacial thermal conductivity of copper-carbon nanotube array composite via metallic bonding: Molecular dynamics simulations Xin Wang, Xueliang Wang*, Yigang Tong, Yaping Wang 2024-05-22 Chemical Physics
Achieving triple improvements in intrinsic properties for porous flow field materials and the proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrochemical performance Xueliang Wang, Yuhao Wu, Hui Cai, Zhaoguo Jin, Zhiguo Qu, Wenquan Tao 2024-04-10 Journal of Power Sources
Structured mesh material with gradient surface wettability for high-power-density proton exchange membrane fuel cells Guobin Zhang, Zhiguo Qu, Ning Wang, Xueliang Wang, Yuhao Wu & Yun Wang 2024-04-06 International Journal of Green Energy
大吨位高强高导铜材料的连续化绿色生产 王亚平 , 王学亮, 仝毅刚, 单历元, 南福东, 张兆瑞, 魏帆, 李小阳, 杨博, 黄婧, 王婷婷 2024-03-11 西安交通大学学报
Experimental investigation on efficient thermal management of autonomous underwater vehicle battery packs using anisotropic expanded graphite/paraffin composite materials Bo Li, Zhaoyong Mao*,1, Baowei Song, Xueliang Wang, Wenlong Tian a*, Qixuan Sun, Yan-Feng Wang, Zhaoguo Jin 2024-01-19 Applied Thermal Engineering
Nanoscaled Titanium Oxide Layer Provokes Quick Osseointegration on 3D-Printed Dental Implants: A Domino Effect Induced by Hydrophilic Surface Tianyu Shu, Xueliang Wang, Meng Li, Shaoyang Ma, Jiao Cao, Guo Sun, Tao Lai, Shaobao Liu, Ang Li, Zhiguo Qu, and Dandan Pei* 2023-12-14 ACS Nano
Electrospun gas diffusion layers with reverse gradient pore structures for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under low humidity Guofu Ren, Tao Lai, Zhiguo Qu, Xueliang Wang, Guobin Zhang 2023-11-27 Applied Thermal Engineering
Achieving high electrochemical performance of PEMFCs with ultrathin and highly conductive graphite-resin composite bipolar plates Xueliang Wang a, Sujing Wei a, Yuhao Wu a, Hui Cai b, Zhiguo Qu a, Peng He 2023-11-24 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Electrospun fabrication and experimental characterization of highly porous microporous layers for PEM fuel cells Guofu Ren a b, Zhiguo Qu a, Xueliang Wang a, Guobin Zhang a, Yun Wang b 2023-11-24 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Synergetic improvements in surface hydrophobicity and wear resistance of TC4 materials via the combination of rapid heating and EtOH quenching methods Xueliang Wang a b, Sujing Wei a, Xin Wang c, Kaige Chang d, Hejie Yang e, Yaping Wang d 2023-10-21 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Ultrathin aluminum-graphite composite foil with high thermal conductivity prepared by hot-extrusion technique Yigang Tong, Xueliang Wang*, Yongli Guo, Yaping Wang* 2023-06-01 Materials Letters
Porous carbon derived from cherry blossom leaves treatment with Fe3O4 enhanced the electrochemical performance of a lithium storage anode Wasif ur Rehman, Zhiyuan Jiang, Zhiguo Qu, Xueliang Wang, Xianfeng Du, Awais Ghani, Fazal Kabir, Youlong Xu 2023-04-18 Electrochimica Acta
Collective enhancement in hydrophobicity and electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layer and the electrochemical performance of PEMFCs X.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.F. Ren 2023-04-11 Journal of Power Sources
Hydrophobicity enhancement of gas diffusion layer induced by hydrothermal deposition process and the electrochemical performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell Xueliang Wang*, Yuhao Wu, Xin Wang 2023-03-26 Surfaces and Interfaces
Porous Carbon with Alumina Coating Nanolayer Derived from Biomass and the Enhanced Electrochemical Performance as Stable Anode Materials Wasif ur Rehman, Haiming Huang, Muhammad Zain Yousaf, Farooq Aslam, Xueliang Wang,* Awais Ghani 2023-03-20 Molecules
Enhancing the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell using nanostructure gas diffusion layers with gradient pore structures Guofu Ren, Zhiguo Qu*, Xueliang Wang, Guobin Zhang 2023-02-23 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Synergetic Enhancements on the Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Al10Cr17Fe20NiV4 Medium-Entropy Alloys Induced by Nano-Al2O3 Particles Cong Feng,* Xueliang Wang, Li Yang, Zhitao Yu, Pengbo Zhang, and Yaping Wang* 2023-01-17 Advanced Engineering Materials


专利名称 申请号 专利类型 申请日期
一种氢燃料电池双极板的梯度有序化多孔流场结构 2024104205945 发明 2024.04.09
氢燃料电池的多孔结构流场及其处理方法 2024104205108 发明 2024.04.09
一种石墨烯导热膜及其制备方法 2023117869278 发明 2023.12.22
质子交换膜燃料电池阴极气体扩散层碳纸及其制备方法 202311601253X 发明 2023.11.28
提高钛合金表面耐磨疏水特性的处理方法 202211614055.2 发明 2022.12.15