Dr. Xuanqin Mou received his Bachelor degree, master, and PhD from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1984, 1987, and 2004, respectively. Since 1987, he has been a faculty member as a Teaching Assistant (1987-1990), Lecturer (1990-1997), Associate Professor (1997-2002) and Full Professor (2002-now) in Xi'an Jiaotong University. Currently, he is the Director of the National Data Broadcasting Engineering and Technology Research Center, and the Director of the Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. He served for the 12th Expert Evaluation Committee for the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He now serves for the 5th-7th executive committees of the China Society of Image and Graphics, the vice President of the Chinese Society of Stereology, and the vice president of the Shaanxi Society of Image and Graphics. Dr. Mou is also the member of the editorial boards of several academic journals such as the Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis, the Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications, as well as the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. Besides, he also serves as chair and member of the Technical Program Committee for many international academic conferences. In 2017, Dr. Mou co-chaired the 14th Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (every two years) in Xi’an Jiaotong University, which is one authoritative international meeting of CT/PET/SPECT research, development and application. His interests include x-ray medical imaging, CT reconstruction, observer model, perceptual quality assessment, and video coding. He has published >200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, and >10 Chinese patents as principle investigator. Published papers have been cited by SCI for more than 5600 times (H-index: 26), and cited by Google Scholar for more than 9700 times (H-index: 32), including 5 ESI papers. He received a Second-class Award for Invention by the Ministry of Education of China as principle investigator, and several individual awards. He has supervised more than 100 master and doctoral students who are successful in their academic and industrial careers. As the PI, he has received 16 governmental funds and 20 industrial funds with the total amount of 20M in the Chinese dollar.
External Funds From Government (As Principal Investigator):
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2021-2024), Grant No: 62071375, Image Quality Assessment(IQA) Guided Iterative CT Reconstruction.
National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016-2021), Grant No: 2016YFA0202003, Research on Tomographic Image Based on Planar X-ray Source and Detector.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2016-2019), Grant No: 61571359, Research on Dynamic Cone Beam CT Reconstruction.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2012-2015), Grant No: 61172163, Dictionary Learning Based Statistical Reconstruction for CT with Incomplete Projection Data.
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (2012-2014), Dictionary Learning Based CT Reconstruction for Incomplete Projections, Grant No: 20110201110011.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2010-2012), Research on Perceptual Model of Image Quality, Grant No: 90920003.
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (2007-2009), Quantitative X-ray CT reconstruction method from one rotational projection, Grant No: 20060698040.
Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (2005), Research on Helgasson Ludwig Consistency and Correction Method of CT Projection Data.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2006-2008), Projection Data Simulation and Linearity Correction for Polyenergetic XCT, Grant No: 60551003.
The Key Foundation by the Ministry of Education (2006-2008), Dual-energy Imaging, Its Physical Model and Characteristic Analysis, Grant No: 106143.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2005-2007), Medical X ray Optimal Exposure Control based on computing modeling, Grant No: 60472004.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863 Project” Program, 2001-2003), Medical X-ray Digital Imaging System with Adaptive Exposure Control Technique, Grant No: 2001AA114152.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2001-2003), 3D Vessel Reconstruction Based on Vessel Branch Model and Rotational X-ray Imaging, Grant No: 30070225.
Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education (2000-2001), Study on 3D Vessel Reconstruction.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863 Project” Program, 1999-2000), Frame Store with Anti-blurring Recursive Filtration, Grant No: 863-306-ZT04-06-5.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863 Project” Key Program, 1997-1999, Medical X-ray Digital Image Processing System, Grant No: 863-306-06-06.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863 Project” Program, 1997-1998, Frame Store with Recursive Filtration, Grant No: 863-306-04-03-07.
External Funds From Enterprises (recent 5 years) (As Principal Investigator):
Hangzhou CRRC Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Intelligent auxiliary driving system of metro train, 2020 / 01-2021 / 12, 1,800,000 RMB.
Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Target orientation research based on heterogeneous information, 2019/01-2020/12, 400,000 RMB.
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Dynamic video tracking and monitoring based on multi-camera panoramic mosaic, 2016/6-2017/12, 947,000 RMB.
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Research on the command of emergency repair based on virtual reality and intelligent video surveillance technology, 2013/1-2014/12, 1,550,000RMB.
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Research on image based intelligent judgment system of power transmission line, 2011/1-2012/12, 860,000.
Shenzhen UniRiho Limited, Smart Network Camera, 2008/1-2012/12, 400,000RMB.
Selected Journal Papers:
Bai Ti, Yan Hao, Jia Xun, Jiang Steve, Wang Ge, and Mou Xuanqin, "Z-Index Parameterization (ZIP) for Volumetric CT Image Reconstruction via 3D Dictionary Learning", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 36(12): 2466-2478, 2017
Xue Wufeng, Mou Xuanqin, Zhang Lei, Bovik Alan C and Feng Xiangchu, "Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Joint Statistics of Gradient Magnitude and Laplacian Features," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 23, No 11, pp.4850-4862, Nov, 2014. (ESI paper)(Google Academic Citation:276;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:205)
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Xue Wufeng, Zhang Lei, Mou Xuanqin and Bovik Alan C., “Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation: A Highly Efficient Perceptual Image Quality Index,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , Vol.23, No.2, pp.684,695, Feb. 2014. (ESI paper)(Google Academic Citation:675;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:460)
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Zhang Yanbo, Yan Hao, Jia Xun, Yang Jian, JianSteve B. g, and Mou Xuanqin, "A hybrid metal artifact reduction algorithm for x-ray CT", Med. Phys. 40(4),04 1910, 2013. (Google Academic Citation:62;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:42)
Xu Qiong, Yu Hengyong, Mou Xuanqin, Zhang Lei, Hsieh Jiang and WanGe g, "Low-dose x-ray CT reconstruction via dictionary learning," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 31(9):1682-1697, 2012.(ESI paper)(Google Academic Citation:393;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:277)
Xu Qiong, Mou Xuanqin, Wang Ge, Sieren Jered, Hoffman Eric A, and Yu Hengyong, “Statistical Interior Tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30(5), pp: 1116-1128, 2011.(Google Academic Citation:102;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:70)
Yan Hao, Mou Xuanqin, Tang Shaojie Xu Qiong, Zankl Maria, “Projection correlation based view interpolation for cone beam CT: primary fluence restoration in scatter measurement with moving beam stop array”, Phys. Med. Biol. 2010, 55: 6353~6375.(Google Academic Citation:61;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:76)
Mou Xuanqin, Chen Xi, Sun Lijun, Yu Hengyong, Ji Zhen and Zhang Lei, “The impact of calibration phantom errors on dual-energy digital mammography,” Phys. Med. Biol. 53 pp6321-6336, 2008.(Google Academic Citation:15;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:11)
Li Shujun, Mou Xuanqin, Ji Zhen, Zhang Jihong and Cai Yuanlong, “Performance analysis of Jakimoski-Kocarev attack on a class of chaotic cryptosystems”, Physics Letters A, 2003.1, 307(1): 22-28.(Google Academic Citation:210;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:142)
Li Shujun, Mou Xuanqin and Cai Yuanlong: “Improving Security of a Chaotic Encryption Approach”, Physics Letters A, 2001.11,290(3-4): 127-133.(Google Academic Citation:170;Web of Science Core Collection Citation:103)
Book Chapter:
Ge Wang (Chapters 8-10), Yi Zhang (Chapters 4-5), Xiaojing Ye (Chapters 6-7), and Xuanqin Mou (Chapters 1-3), Machine Learning for Tomographic Imaging, Institute of Physics, UK, 2019. ISBN-13: 978-0750322140/ISBN-10: 0750322144.
Qiong Xu, Hengyong Yu, Ge Wang and Xuanqin Mou, “Dictionary Learning Based Low-Dose X-Ray CT Reconstruction”, Chapter 6 in Frontiers of Medical Imaging, World Scientific, Aug, 2014. ISBN 978-9814611091.
Selected Conference Papers:
Xuanqin Mou, Junfeng Wu, Ti Bai, Qiong Xu, Hengyong Yu, Ge Wang, “Dictionary Learning Based Low-dose X-ray CT Reconstruction Using a Balancing Principle”, SPIE Developments in X-Ray Tomography IX, San Diego, California, USA, 2014. (Invited talk)
Xue Wufeng, Xuanqin Mou, Lei Zhang, and Xiangchu Feng, "Perceptual Fidelity Aware Mean Squared Error", Proc. IEEE ICCV2013, pp. 705-712. 2013.
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Xue Wufeng, Lei Zhang, and Xuanqin Mou, "Learning without Human Scores for Blind Image Quality Assessment", Proc. IEEE CVPR2013, pp. 995-1002. 2013.
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Qiong Xu, Hengyong Yu, Xuanqin Mou, Ge Wang, “Interior tomography from low-count local projections and associated Hilbert transform data”, Proc. SPIE on Medical Imaging, 7961-108, 2011. (Honorable Mention Poster Award).
Tao Luo, Xuanqin Mou, Shaojie Tang, and Ying Yang, “An applicability research on JND model”, Proc. SPIE on Medical Imaging, 6146, 614610, 2006. (Cum Laude Poster Award)
Patents (As Principal Investigator):
A Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment Method Based on Early Vision, CN101489130B.
- Early Vision Based Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment, CN101482973 B.
- Scatter Correction for Cone Beam CT Based on Statistic Beam Stop Array, CN102068270B.
- Beam Hardening Effect Correction Method Based on Helgasson Ludwig Consistency, CN100365664C.
- Medical CCD Camera and its Automatic Exposure Control Method of Medical X-ray Machine, CN100561333.
- Method of Print Ready and Display Ready Transform Based on Scale Space Decomposition and Composition, CN100336080C.
- Method of Contrast Image Reconstruction of Super Dynamic Based on Scale Space Decomposition for X-ray Radiology, CN100591276.
- A Digital Medical X-ray CCD Camera for Fluoroscopy, CN100581475.
- Security Detection of Operator’s Uniform in Site Operation of Power Facility, CN103745226B.
- A Method and System for Monitoring of Power Transmission Facilities, CN102496232B.
- Instrument for Danger Identification in Power Monitoring System, CN102496030B.
- Image Quality Assessment Based on Normalized LOG Signals, CN104657996A.
- A Super-resolution Imaging Method of Multiple Linear Array CCD in Remote Sensing, CN104574338A.
- CT image reconstruction method based on X-ray array source and detector, ZL106651982B.
- Image projection recovery method based on X-ray array source imaging, ZL106706681B.
Academic Awards and Honors:
RA3900 II DSA System, The Second-class Award for Invention by the Ministry of Education of China in 1999, Principal Investigator
Industrial Visual Inspection System, The second-class Awards from the Government of Shaanxi Province, China, in 1991, Co-investigator (rank 4)
Ronghong Award for Education in Science and Technology (Individual award)
Wang KuanCheng Award for Education (Individual award)
Guoweiwu Award for Outstanding Young Faculty in Science and Technology of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Individual award)
Academic Service:
Member of the 12th Expert Evaluation Committee for the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- Head of the Expert Evaluation Committee in information field for the provincial key laboratory organized by the Shaanxi Science and Technology Department of Shaanxi Government, in 2011.
- Member of executive committee, the China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG).
- Member of executive committee, the Chinese Society for Stereology (SCC).
- Director of the intelligent Imaging Committee of the Chinese Society for Stereology (SCC).
- Deputy director of the CT Committee of the Chinese Society for Stereology (SCC).
- Vice President of the Shaanxi Society of Image and Graphics.
- Member of the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis.
- Member of the editorial board of the Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications.
- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
- Co-chair of the 14th International Conference on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.
- Guest Editor of the IEEE Access Special Issue on Emerging Computed Tomography Technologies.
- Member of Technical program Committees for multiple international conferences, such as ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
- Publicity Chair of the IEEE ChinaSIP 2014.
- Review expert for multiple national talent programs.
- Reviewers for multiple international journals,such as IEEE TMI,IEEE TIP,IEEE TMM, IEEE CSVT,Med Phys,Phys Med Boil, and etc.