Publications - 徐 钰彬
论文标题 | 作者 | 发表/完成日期 | 期刊名称 |
Promoting the social interaction in a historical community through participatory planning and design: An empirical study in Rural China | Yubin Xu | 2024-05-30 | The Design Journal |
研究团队与村民协作下的乡村更新过程研究——以传统村落L村为例 | 徐钰彬,李斌 | 2023-02-15 | 现代城市研究 |
传统聚落的场景:空间与行为的互动关系研究——以关中地区L村公共空间为例 | 徐钰彬 | 2022-06-30 | 建筑学报 |
主位视角下村民参与传统聚落再生的路径——以柳枝村关帝庙为例 | 徐钰彬 | 2022-05-05 | 建筑遗产 |
Formulation of Guandi Temple Renewal Strategies based on Villager Participation in Traditional Village L | Xu Yubin, Li Bin, Li Hua | 2020-10-17 | 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies |
社区养老设施综合性设计策略——基于老年人使用需求的国内外三案例考察 | 李斌,张雪,徐钰彬,李华 | 2018-04-01 | 新建筑 |
Outdoor Environmental-behavior of the Elderly in Integrated Elderly Care Facilities in Community F of Barcelona | Xu Yubin, Li Bin, Li Hua | 2016-10-28 | 12th International Symposium on Environment‐Behavior Research |