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1.   2019年9月至今,西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院,教授,博士生导师

2.   2016年9月至2019年8月,美国西北大学Kellogg商学院,复杂系统研究中心,博士后研究员

3.   2015年9月至2016年8月,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学信息科学与技术系,博士后研究员


2012年9月至2015年9月,以色列巴伊兰大学,物理系,博士(导师:Prof. Shlomo Havlin)


25. Yang Zhang, Yang Wang*, Understanding Delays in Publishing Interdisciplinary Research, Information Processing & Management, Accpeted, 2024.

24. Moxin Li, Yang Wang*, Influence of Political Tensions on Scientific Productivity, Citation Impact, and Knowledge Combinations, Scientometrics, 129, 2337–2370, 2024

23. Wenlong Yang, Yang Wang*, Higher-order structures of local collaboration networks are associated with individual scientific productivity, EPJ Data Science, 13, 15, 2024

22. Liying Guo, Yang Wang*, Meiling Li, Exploration, exploitation and funding success: Evidence from junior scientists supported by the Chinese Young Scientists Fund, Journal of Informetrics, 101492, 2024

21. Yang Zhang, Yang Wang*, Haifeng Du, Shlomo Havlin, Delayed Impact of Interdisciplinary Research, Journal of Informetrics, 101468, 2024.

20. 李美玲,王洋,阿儒涵*,李铭禄,高风险高回报项目资助有助于科研创新吗?——基于科学大数据的文献耦合网络分析,科学学研究,2023.

19. Meiling Li, Yang Zhang, and Yang Wang*, Regression discontinuity design and its applications to Science of Science: A survey, Journal of Data and Information Science, 8(2), 43-65, 2023.

18. Xiaochen He, Yang Wang, Haifeng Du*, Marcus Feldman, A memetic algorithm for finding multiple subgraphs that optimally cover an input network, PLoS ONE, 18(1), e0280506, 2023.

17. Yue Wang, Ning Li, Bin Zhang, Qian Huang*, Jian Wu*, Yang Wang*, The effect of structural holes on producing novel and disruptive research in physics, Scientometrics, 128, 1801-1823, 2023.

16. Yi Liu, Senbin Yu, Chaoyang Zhang, Peiran Zhang, Yang Wang, Liang Gao, Critical Percolation on Temporal High-Speed Railway Networks, Mathematics, 10, 24, 2022.

15. Jiarui Fan, Haifeng Du*, Yang Wang*, Xiaochen He, The Effect of Local and Global Interventions on Epidemic Spreading, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 23, 12627, 2021. 

14. Yang Wang*, and Xinyue Wang, Anatomy of Complex System Research, Complexity, 5208356, 2020.
13. Yian Yin, Yang Wang, James A. Evans, and Dashun Wang, Quantifying dynamics of failure across science, startups, and security, Nature, 2019.
12. Yang Wang, Benjamin F. Jones, and Dashun Wang, Early-career setback and future career impact, Nature Communications, 10, 4331, 2019. (One of the 50 most read Nature Communications articles from across the life and biological sciences in 2019)
11. Lu Liu, Yang Wang, Chaoming Song, Roberta Sinatra, C. Lee Giles, and Dashun Wang, Hot streaks in artistic, cultural, and scientific careers, Nature, 559, 396 - 399, 2018. 
10. Yang Wang, Dong Zhou, Armin Bunde, and Shlomo Havlin, Testing reanalysis datasets in Antarctica: Trends, persistence properties and trend significance, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121: 12839, 2016. 
9. Yang Wang*, Avi Gozolchiani, Yosef Ashkenazy, and Shlomo Havlin, El-Nino related waves and climate networks, New Journal of Physics, 18: 033021, 2016. (Highlight of 2016)
8. Qingyi Feng, Ruggero Vasile, Marc Segond, Avi Gozolchiani, Yang Wang, Markus Abel, Shilomo Havlin, Armin Bunde, and Henk A. Dijkstra, ClimateLearn: A machine-learning approach for climate prediction using network measures, Journal Geoscientific Model Development, 2016.
7. Julei Fu, Ying Fan, Yang Wang, and Shouyang Wang, Network analysis of terrorist activities, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 27: 1079, 2014.
6. Yang Wang*, Avi Gozolchiani, Yosef Ashkenazy, Oded Guez, Yehiel Berezin, and Shlomo Havlin, Dominant imprint of Rossby waves in the climate network, Physical Review Letters 111: 138501, 2013.  (Highlighted by APS Synopsis)
5. Oded Guez, Avi Gozolchiani, Yehiel Berezin, Yang Wang, and Shlomo Havlin, Global climate network evolves with North Atlantic Oscillation phases: Coupling to Southern Pacific Ocean, Eurphys. Lett. 103: 68006, 2013.
4. Yang Wang, An Zeng, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Spectral coarse graining for random walks in bipartite networks, Chaos, 23: 013104, 2013.
3. Yang Wang, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Identifying and Characterizing Nodes Important to Community Structure Using the Spectrum of the Graph, PLoS ONE, 6(11): e27418, 2011.
2. Yang Wang, An Zeng, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Enhancing synchronization in growing networks, Europhys. Lett. 96, 58007, 2011.
1. Yang Wang, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, The effect of hub nodes on the community structure in scale-free networks, Physica A, 390, 4027-4033, 2011.