
论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
Blade tip timing in-loop simulation system framework: from virtual to reality Huahui Hu, Laihao Yang*, Zhibo Yang*, Ruochen Jin, Shaohua Tian, Yu Sun, and Xuefeng Chen 2025-03-09 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement
ACDE2LM: Autocorrelation-constrained dynamic ensemble extreme learning machine for real-time fault diagnostics of bearings Xin Zhang, Tian Hu, Yuanke Wu, Laihao Yang*, Jiaxu Wang, Jinfeng He 2025-01-16 Measurement
Coupling vibration mechanism of rotating shaft–disc–blade system with blade crack—A systematical investigation on the effect of crack, condition, and structure parameters Lai-Hao Yang, Yu Sun, Zhi-Bo Yang, Zhu Mao, Xue-Feng Chen 2024-12-01 Thin-Walled Structures
Coupling vibration mechanism of multistage blisk-rotor system with blade crack Lai-Hao Yang, Yu Sun, Zhi-Bo Yang, Zhu Mao, Xue-Feng Chen 2024-11-01 Mechanism and Machine Theory
Frequency Focus Sparse Bayesian Learning for Nonuniform Undersampled Blade Vibration Signal Parameter Identification Jing Wang, Laihao Yang*, Yu Sun*, Huahui Hu, Ruochen Jin, Zhibo Yang, Ruqiang Yan, Xuefeng Chen 2024-10-30 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Rigid-Soft Hybrid Suction Cups for Enhanced Anti-Torque and Energy-Efficient Attachment Qingkai Guo, Yu Sun*, Zipan Zhao, Jiajia Ning, Ling Wang, Yuxin Lv, Xuefeng Chen, Laihao Yang* 2024-10-21 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Interpretable Spectra PCA for Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations Yingchun Li, Yu Sun*, Zhiyuan Li, Xuefeng Chen, Laihao Yang* 2024-10-14 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Fisher embedding shift-invariant dictionary learning for weak feature recognition in bearing health monitoring Xin Zhang, Lei Wu, Hao Long, Tao Yang, Haiyang Shi, Laihao Yang 2024-08-07 Structural Health Monitoring
Kresling Origami with Differentiation Flaw Design for Multidirectional Crawling Robot Yu Sun*, Lv Yuxin, Xie Shiyu, Guo Qingkai, Wang Ling, Yang Laihao* 2024-07-15 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Bistable Insect-Scale Jumpers with Tunable Energy Barriersfor Multimodal Locomotion Qingkai Guo, Yu Sun,* Tianxiang Zhang, Shiyu Xie, Xuefeng Chen, Zhuang Zhang,*Hanqing Jiang,* and Laihao Yang* 2024-07-01 Advanced Science
Liquid-Amplified Electrostatically Driven Octopus Sucker-Inspired Suction Cup Yu Sun*, Lingjun Tang, Ling Wang, Qingkai Guo, Yuxin Lv, Laihao Yang* 2024-06-20 Advanced Intelligent Systems
A Single Probe Blade Tip Timing Method for Fast Extraction of Blade Natural Frequency Huahui Hu, Laihao Yang*, Zhibo Yang*, Ruochen Jin, Shaohua Tian, Wenbo Li, Yu Sun 2024-06-10 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Fisher discrimination multiple kernel dictionary learning for robust identification of nonlinear features in machinery health monitoring Xin Zhang, Tao Yang, Hao Long, Haiyang Shi, Jiaxu Wang, Laihao Yang 2024-06-03 Information Sciences
Wavelet-driven differentiable architecture search for planetary gear fault diagnosis Yanghu Wang, Zheng Zhou, Laihao Yang, Robert X Gao, Ruqiang Yan 2024-06-01 Journal of Manufacturing Systems
A Novel Contact-aided Continuum Robotic System: Design, Modeling, and Validation Zheshuai Yang, Laihao Yang*, Yu Sun*, Xuefeng Chen 2024-04-23 IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Comprehensive Kinetostatic Modeling and Morphology Characterization of Cable-Driven Continuum Robots for In-Situ Aero-Engine Maintenance Zheshuai Yang, Laihao Yang*, Yu Sun, Xuefeng Chen 2023-06-01 Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering
An Improved Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Spectrum Method for Efficient and Robust Nonuniform Undersampled Frequency Identification in Blade Tip Timing Ruochen JIN, Laihao YANG*, Zhibo YANG, Shaohua TIAN, Guangrong TENG, Xuefeng CHEN 2023-06-01 Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering
Analytical Modeling and Mechanism Analysis of Time-varying Excitation for Surface Defects in Rolling Element Bearings Laihao Yang*, Yu Sun*, Ruobin Sun, Lixia Gao, Xuefeng Chen 2023-02-01 Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics
The connection between digital-twin model and physical space for rotating blade: an atomic norm-based BTT undersampled signal reconstruction method Ruochen Jin, Laihao Yang*, Zhibo Yang, Yu Sun, Zhu Mao, Ruqiang Yan, Xuefeng Chen 2023-01-01 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Bioinspired Hierarchical Structure for an Ultrawide‐Range Multifunctional Flexible Sensor Using Porous Expandable Polyethylene/Loofah‐Like Polyurethane Sponge Material Zhou Zhao, Qingkai Guo, Yu Sun, Ningli An, Pengzhe Hui, Laihao Yang, Xuefeng Chen 2023-01-01 Advanced Intelligent Systems


专利名称 申请号 专利类型 申请日期
一种连续体机械臂重建方法 CN202211197444.X 发明 2022.09.29
一种测试连续体机器人力学性能的方法和装置 CN202211205012.9 发明 2022.09.29
一种连续体机器人的线缆布局方法 CN202211197429.5 发明 2022.09.29
检测航空发动机叶片的爬行机器人 CN202110629183.3 发明 2021.06.04
一种线驱动连续体机器人的驱动机构 CN202110498824.6 发明 2021.05.08
一种线驱动连续体机器人的电控系统 CN202110503060.5 发明 2021.05.08
数字孪生驱动的航空发动机旋转叶片裂纹定量识别方法 CN202110503059.2 发明 2021.05.08
一种内啮合直齿轮磨损下的啮合刚度的建模方法 CN202011368214.6 发明 2021.03.02
一种外啮合直齿轮磨损下的啮合刚度的建模方法 CN202011368519.7 发明 2021.03.02
一种线驱动连续体机器人 CN202010011834.8 发明 2020.01.06
一种线驱动连续体柔性机器人 CN202010011832.9 发明 2020.01.06
一种基于叶端定时的转子叶片动应变场测量方法及其系统 CN201910226897.2 发明 2019.12.24
一种旋转叶片位移场反演重构方法及其系统 CN201910225877.3 发明 2019.03.22


  • Y. Zheng, Y. Peng, Y. Sun and L. Yang, "PID-Based Remote Operated Control System for Continuum Robots," 2023 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD), Xi'an, China, 2023
  • Y. Peng, L. Yang, Y. Sun and Y. Zheng, "Design of Claw-Type Continuum Robot Based on Rigid Flexible Coupled Structure," 2023 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD), Xi'an, China, 2023
  • Yang Z, Yang L, Yang D, et al. An Optimized Cable Layout Method for Cable-Driven Continuum Robots, Advances in Mechanism, Machine Science and Engineering in China: Proceedings of IFToMM CCMMS 2022. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023: 491-500.
  • Jin R, Yang L, Yang Z, et al. Physical-Guided Deep Learning Surrogate Model for the Vibration Analysis of Dynamic System, 2022 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD). IEEE, 2022: 1-4.
  • Yang Z, Lan Y, Yang D, et al. Machine Leaning-Based Method for Kinematics Parameters Identification of Twin-Pivot Cable-Driven Continuum Robots, 2022 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD). IEEE, 2022: 1-4.
  • Zhao Z, Guo Q, Sun Y, et al. A Hybrid Response Driven Hierarchical Porous Flexible Pressure Sensor, 2022 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD). IEEE, 2022: 1-5.
  • Wang L, Sun Y, Yang L, et al. Numerical model of Hall sensor at the source of a rectangular magnet field, 2022 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD). IEEE, 2022: 1-5.
  • Liu Y, Yang L, Sun Y. Overview of the Development of Origami-inspired Robot Arms, 2022 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD). IEEE, 2022: 1-6.
  • Yang Z, Yang L, Xu L, et al. A Continuum Robot with Twin-Pivot Structure: The Kinematics and Shape Estimation. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2021: 466-475.
  • Ding Pang, Laihao Yang*, Ruqiang Yan, Xuefeng Chen, Zhibo Yang, Yu Sun. Digital Twin-Driven Crack Monitoring for Rotating Blade: An L1 regularization Method, 14th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2021), Shang Hai, China, 2021. Accepted
  • Zhixian Shen, Baijie Qiao, Laihao Yang, Wei Luo, Ruqiang Yan, Xuefeng Chen. Dynamic modeling of planetary gear set with tooth surface wear. the 8th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Service (TESConf 2019). CWRU, Cleveland, OH, USA, Oct. 27-29, 2019.
  • Wei Luo, Baijie Qiao, Zhixian Shen, Laihao Yang, Xuefeng Chen. A dynamic model to predict modulation sidebands of planetary gear sets with localized planet faults. 2018 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Chongqing). IEEE, Chongqing, China, Jan.4, 2018.
  • Zhixian Shen, Baijie Qiao, Wei Luo, Laihao Yang, Xuefeng Chen. The influence of external spur gear surface wear on the mesh stiffness. 2018 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Chongqing). IEEE, Chongqing, China, Jan.4, 2018.
  • Laihao Yang, Xuefeng Chen∗, Shibin Wang, Hao Zuo. Rub-impact detection of rotor systems using time-frequency techniques. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 11-17, 2016.
  • Hao Zuo, Xuefeng Chen, Zhibo Yang, Laihao Yang. Modeling of lamb wave propagation in beam-like structures via wavelet finite element method. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 11-17, 2016.
  • 杨来浩, 王诗彬, 陈雪峰∗. 一种基于瞬时频率波动的转轴裂纹检测方法. 第12 届全国转子动力学学术讨论会ROTDYN2016, 2016, 8 月5 日-8 日, 中国株洲.
  • 王诗彬, 陈雪峰, 杨来浩, 丁宝庆, 同超玮. 航空发动机快变信号的匹配解调变换方法研究. 2016年中国(成都)航空动力发展与学术论坛暨第十八届发动机结构强度与振动学术交流会, 2016, 10 月10 日-13 日, 中国成都.