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周四 13.00—18.00 

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The School of Management

Xi'an Jiaotong University

28 West Xianning Road

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China




西安交通大学管理学院 710049


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刘野逸 Yeyi LIU


        近年来主持和参与多项国内外研究项目,包括国家自然科学基金(NSFC)资助面上项目、英国经济与社会研究理事会(ESRC)资助项目、以及比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)资助项目等。研究成果发表在国际学术期刊,如Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Service Research, Journal of International Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, and Psychology & Marketing

        Dr. Yeyi Liu is a Professor of Marketing at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He obtained PhD in Marketing at Imperial College London. Before joining Xi’an Jiaotong University, he worked as an associate professor at the University of Leeds in the UK.

        He conducts research on consumer behaviour, digital marketing, and international marketing. His work is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), the British Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His work has been published in world-leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, and Psychology & Marketing.

期刊论文 Selected Journal Articles

  • Jiang, H., Wang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2024). A well-visualized effect: How nutritional content–equivalent labels influence healthfulness perceptions. Journal of Business Research.

  • Liu, Y., Mayerhofer, T., Marchand, A., Foscht, T., Fritze, M.P., & Eisingerich, A.B. (2024) Is there a danger of making customers feel too empowered? exploring the double-edged sword of customer orientation and creative benefits. European Journal of Marketing.

  • Li, X., Liu, Y., Zhu, J., & Lou, J. (2024). Encouraging prosocial consumer behaviour: A review of influencer and digital marketing literature. Psychology & Marketing41(11), 2711-2727.

  • Liu, Y., Bhoumik, K., Ulqinaku, A., & Grazzini, L. (2023). Social Exclusion: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Directions in Advertising. Journal of Advertising52(5), 756-773.
  • Liu, Y., Heinberg, M., Huang, X., & Eisingerich, A. B. (2023). Building a competitive advantage based on transparency: when and why does transparency matter for corporate social responsibility?. Business Horizons, 66(4), 517-527.
  • Ang, D., Gerrath, M. H., & Liu, Y. (2021). How scarcity and thinking styles boost referral effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 38(11), 1928-1941.
  • Heinberg, M., Liu, Y., Huang, X., & Eisingerich, A. B. (2021). A bad job of doing good: Does corporate transparency on a country and company level moderate corporate social responsibility effectiveness?. Journal of International Marketing, 29(2), 45-61.
  • Jiang, H., Tan, H., Liu, Y., Wan, F., & Gursoy, D. (2020). The impact of power on destination advertising effectiveness: The moderating role of arousal in advertising. Annals of Tourism Research, 83, 102926.
  • Liu, Y., Hultman, M., Eisingerich, A. B., & Wei, X. (2020). How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102879.
  • Ang, D., Liu, Y., & Eisingerich, A. B. (2019). Difference in new product adoption among at-risk members of society: A critical analysis of males, females, and transgender individuals. Personality and Individual Differences, 151, 109503.
  • Liu, Y., Zhao, X., & Liu, Y. (2018). Stress and unethical consumer attitudes: The mediating role of construal level and materialism. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 85-91.
  • Liu, Y., Foscht, T., Eisingerich, A. B., & Tsai, H. T. (2018). Strategic management of product and brand extensions: Extending corporate brands in B2B vs. B2C markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 71, 147-159.
  • Palihawadana, D., Oghazi, P., & Liu, Y. (2016). Effects of ethical ideologies and perceptions of CSR on consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 4964-4969.  
  • Liu, Y., Eisingerich, A. B., Auh, S., Merlo, O., & Chun, H. E. H. (2015). Service firm performance transparency: How, when, and why does it pay off?. Journal of Service Research, 18(4), 451-467.
  • Eisingerich, A. B., Chun, H. H., Liu, Y., Jia, H. M., & Bell, S. J. (2015). Why recommend a brand face-to-face but not on Facebook? How word-of-mouth on online social sites differs from traditional word-of-mouth. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 120-128.


  • Consumer Behaviour (硕士留学生项目,英文课程)
  • 消费者行为(西安交通大学本科项目西安交通大学MBA项目,中文课程)
  • 营销管理(西安交通大学MEM项目,中文课程)
  • Management Research Methods(博士生项目,英文课程)
  • 数字营销(西安交通大学MBA项目,中文课程)


  • Consumer Behaviour (English), International Master Programme
  • Consumer Behaviour (Chinese), Undergraduate Programme, MBA Programme
  • Marketing Management (Chinese), MBA and MEM Programme
  • Management Research Methods (English), PhD Programme
  • Digital Marketing (Chinese), MBA Programme

PhD Student Supervision & Placement

  • Dr Xuan Huang (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
  • Dr Jingyu Zhu (University of Essex, UK)
  • Dr Honghan Qi (University of Leicester, UK)