Yi Pan

   Prof. Yi Pan (潘毅)    





Contact info

Address:Xianning West Road #28, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, China

Location on the map:  



Office: Cyrus Tang Building (仲英楼)A605 

Lab:  A025, A114


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  • 人工量子结构 ——面向固态量子计算的人工量子结构研究,发展原子操纵技术,构造原子级精确量子结构
  • 低维材料及器件——面向信息器件的低维材料制备、结构和电子结构表征,输运性质测量,光探测等应用
  • 磁性量子体系 ——面向非易失性自旋存储/存算一体的磁性量子材料及器件
  • 超高真空技术 ——面向原子级洁净要求的器件工艺和设备研发       

     We are interested in the structure and electronic structure of the new two dimensional materials, the magnetic ultra-thin films (non-collinear system) and the artificial nano structures constructed by STM atom manipulation.

Work Experience

  • Group leader    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. 2017.9 ~ now

        in the Center for Spintronics and Quantum Systems.


  • Scientist    Paul Drude Institute, Germany.   2014.1 ~ 2017.8

        in the STM group led by Dr. Stefan Fölsch.


  • Postdoc   Fritz Haber Institute, Germany.   2011.5 ~ 2013.12

       in the SPM group of the Chemical Physics Department.     

        Advisor: Prof. Hajo Freund and Prof. Niklas Nilius.


  • Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics   2005~2011

       Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 

       Advisor: Prof. Hongjun Gao


  • Visiting Ph.D. Student              2010~2011

       Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany               

       Advisor: Prof. Hajo Freund, Prof. Niklas Nilius


  • B.Sc. in Physics     2001~2005

       College of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China