



西安交通大学 人居环境与建筑工程学院

全球环境变化研究院 地球环境科学系







Email: rocky.ypwu@gmail.com








博士   香港大学,土木与环境工程系,水与环境工程

硕士   西安建筑科技大学,环境与市政工程学院,环境工程

学士   西安建筑科技大学,环境与市政工程学院,环境工程


2015 – 至今    教授,西安交通大学,人居环境与建筑工程学院,全球环境变化研究院

2014 – 2015    高级科学家,北极区域联盟, 美国联邦地质调查局地球资源观测与科学中心USGS EROS Center)

2009 – 2014    科学家,北极区域联盟, 美国联邦地质调查局地球资源观测与科学中心USGS EROS Center)


  • 国家青年人才计划、陕西省百人计划
  • 陕西省创新团队带头人
  • 教育部自然保护与环境生态类教指委委员
  • 陕西省高校教指委农林类工委会副主任
  • 中国建筑文化研究会生态人居专委会副主任
  • 亚洲大洋洲地球科学学会(AOGS)水文分会秘书
  • 中国生态学会生态水文专业委员会委员
  • 中国地理学会水文地理专业委员会委员
  • 陕西省生态学会副理事长
  • 陕西省优秀党务工作者
  • AOGS Early Career Researcher Distinguished Lecture
  • AGU、AOGS、CYWater、农业生态、农业环境、水文变化等会议邀请报告
  • 国内外知名期刊任主编、副编辑或编委CBM, ENG, JEMA, GOSL, 农环学报


  • 国家重点研发计划:祁连山生态环境变化
  • 国家自然科学基金:黄土高原农田土壤有机碳
  • 国家自然科学基金:流域水碳耦合及碳迁移
  • 中科院战略先导:地表关键过程与气候环境
  • 陕西省重点研发计划:流域生态演变机制
  • 陕西省科技创新团队:环境变化与生态水文
  • 中央引导地方专项:河流总氮污染溯源
  • 全国第三次土壤普查:西藏普兰地区


  1. Wu Y, Yin X, Zhou G*, Bruijnzeel LA, Dai A, Wang F, et al., 2024. Rising rainfall intensity induces spatially divergent hydrological changes within a large river basin. Nature Communications,15, 823.
  2. Zhang G, Wu Y*, Li H, Yin X, Chervan A, Liu S, et al., 2024. Assessment framework of water conservation based on analytical modeling of ecohydrological processes. Journal of Hydrology, 630.
  3. Sun P, Wu Y*, 2023. A dynamic modeling framework of sediment trapped by check-dam networks: a case study of a typical watershed on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Engineering, 27, 209–221
  4. Zhao F, Wang X, Wu Y*, Singh SK, 2023. Prefectures vulnerable to water scarcity are not evenly distributed across China. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 145.
  5. Li H, Wu Y*, Liu S, Xiao J, Zhao W, Chen J, et al., 2022. Decipher soil organic carbon dynamics and driving forces across China using machine learning. Global Change Biology, 28, 3394–3410.
  6. Yin X, Wu Y*, Zhao W, Liu S*, Zhao F, Chen J, et al., 2023. Spatiotemporal responses of net primary productivity of alpine ecosystems to flash drought: the Qilian Mountains. Journal of Hydrology, 624, 129865.
  7. Zhao F, Wang X, Wu Y*, Bellie S, Liu S, 2023. Enhanced dependence of China’s vegetation activity on soil moisture under drier climate conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, 10.1029/2022JG007300.
  8. Zhao F, Wang X, Ma S, Wu Y*, Qiu L, Sun P, et al., 2023. Widespread Increasing Ecosystem Water Limitation During the Past Three Decades in the Yellow River Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2022JG007140.
  9. Li H, Wu Y*, Liu S*, Zhao W, Xiao J, Winowiecki L, et al., 2022. The Grain-for-Green project offsets warming-induced soil organic carbon loss and increases soil carbon stock in Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 837, 155469.
  10. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Yin X, Sun K, Ma S, Zhang S, Liu S*, et al., 2022. Projected changes in population exposure to drought in China under CMIP6 forcing scenarios. Atmospheric Environment, 282, 119162.
  11. Zhang G, Wu Y*, Li H, Zhao W, Wang F, Chen J, Sivakumar B, Liu S*, Qiu L, Wang W, 2022. Assessment of water retention variation and risk warning under climate change in an inner headwater basin in the 21st century. Journal of Hydrology, 615, 128717.
  12. Zhao F, Ma S, Wu Y*, Qiu L, Wang W, Lian Y, et al., 2022. The role of climate change and vegetation greening on evapotranspiration variation in the Yellow River Basin, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 316, 1–14.
  13. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Ma S, 2022. Increased Water Use Efficiency in China and Its Drivers During 2000–2016. Ecosystems. 1476-1492.
  14. Qiu L, Yu M, Wu Y*, Yao Y, Wang Z, Shi Z, et al., 2021. Assessing and predicting soil carbon density in China using CMIP5 earth system models. Science of the Total Environment, 799, 149247.
  15. Qiu L, Wu Y*, Shi Z, Yu M, 2021. Quantifying spatiotemporal variations in soil moisture driven by vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126580.
  16. Li H, Wu Y*, Liu S, Xiao J, 2021. Regional contributions to interannual variability of net primary production and climatic attributions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 303, 108384.
  17. Li H, Wu Y*, Chen J, Zhao F, Wang F, Sun Y, et al., 2021. Responses of soil organic carbon to climate change in the Qilian Mountains and its future projection. Journal of Hydrology, 596, 126110.
  18. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Yin X, Alexandrov G, Qiu L, 2022. Toward sustainable revegetation in the Loess Plateau using coupled water and carbon management. Engineering, 7, 1-12.
  19. Hu J, Wu Y*, Wang L, Sun P, Zhao F, Jin Z, et al., 2021. Impacts of land-use conversions on the water cycle in a typical watershed in the southern Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 593, 125741.
  20. Hui J, Wu Y*, Zhao F, Lei X, Sun P, Singh SK, et al., 2020. Parameter Optimization for Uncertainty Reduction and Simulation Improvement of Hydrological Modeling. Remote Sensing, 12, 4069.
  21. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Wang L, Liu S, Wei X, Xiao J, Qiu L, Sun P, 2020. Multi-environmental impacts of biofuel production in the U.S. Corn Belt: A coupled hydro-biogeochemical modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251, 119561.
  22. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Yao Y, Sun K, Zhang X, Winowiecki L, et al., 2020. Predicting the climate change impacts on water-carbon coupling cycles for a loess hilly-gully watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 581, 124388.
  23. Sun P, Wu Y*, Wei X, Sivakumar B, Qiu L, Chen J, et al., 2020. Quantifying the contributions of climate variation, land use change, and engineering measures for dramatic reduction in streamflow and sediment in a typical Loess watershed, China. Ecological Engineering, 142, 105611.
  24. Sun P, Wu Y*, Gao J, Yao Y, Zhao F, Lei X, et al., 2020. Shifts of sediment transport regime caused by ecological restoration in the Middle Yellow River Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 698, 134261.
  25. Sun P, Wu Y*, Yang Z, Bellie S, Qiu L, Liu S, Cai Y, 2019. Can ‘Grain-for-Green’ program really ensure a low sediment load on the Chinese Loess Plateau? Engineering, 5, 855–864.
  26. Sun P, Wu Y*, Xiao J, Hui J, Hu J, Zhao F, et al., 2019. Remote sensing and modeling fusion for investigating the ecosystem water-carbon coupling processes. Science of the Total Environment, 697, 134064.
  27. Zhao F, Wu Y*, Bellie S, Long A*, Qiu L, Chen J, et al., 2019. Climatic and hydrologic controls on net primary production in a semiarid loess watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 803–815.
  28. Feng S, Liu S, Huang Z, Jing L, Zhao M, Peng Xi, Yan W, Wu Y, et al., 2019. Inland Water Bodies in China: New Features Discovered in the Long-term Satellite Data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
  1. Qiu L, Wu Y*, Hao M, Shen J, Lei X, Liao W, Li Y, 2018. Simulation of the irrigation requirements for improving carbon sequestration in a rainfed cropping system under long-term fertilization on the. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 265: 198–208.
  2. Qiu L, Wu Y*, Wang L, Hui Y, Lei X, Liao W, Meng X, 2017. Spatiotemporal response of the water cycle to land use conversions in a typical hilly-gully basin on the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(12): 6485–6499.
  3. Li Z, Liu S, Tan Z, Sohl TL, Wu Y, 2017. Simulating the effects of management practices on cropland soil organic carbon changes in the Temperate Prairies Ecoregion of the United States from 1980 to 2012. Ecological Modelling, 364: 68–79.
  4. Qiu L, Hao M, Wu Y*, 2017. Potential impacts of climate change on carbon dynamics in a rain-fed agro-ecosystem on the Loess Platau of China. Science of the Total Environment, 577: 267–278.
  5. Wu Y*, Liu S, Qiu L, and Sun Y, 2016. SWAT-DayCent coupler: An integration tool for simultaneous hydro-biogeochemical modeling using SWAT and DayCent. Environmental Modelling & Software, 86: 8190.
  6. Tan Z*, Liu S*, Sohl T, Wu Y, and Young C, 2015. Ecosystem carbon stocks and sequestration potential of federal lands across the conterminous United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 112(41): 1272312728.
  7. Wu Y*, Liu S*, Young C, Dahal D, Sohl T, and Davis B, 2015. Projection of corn production and stover harvesting impacts on soil organic carbon dynamics in the U.S. Temperate Prairies. Scientific Reports, 5, 10830.
  8. Wu Y*, Liu S*, and Tan Z, 2015. Quantitative attribution of major driving forces on soil organic carbon dynamics. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7(1): 21–34.
  9. Wu Y*, Liu S*, and Yan W, 2014. A universal Model-R Coupler to facilitate the use of R functions for model calibration and analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software, 62: 65–69.
  10. Wu Y* and Liu S*, 2014. A suggestion for computing objective function in model calibration, Ecological Informatics, 24: 107–111.
  11. Wu Y*, Cheng D, Yan W*, Liu S, Xiang W, Chen J, Hu Y, Wu Q, 2014. Diagnosing climate change and hydrological responses in the past decades for a minimally-disturbed headwater basin in South China, Water Resources Management, 28(12): 43854400.
  12. Wu Y*, Liu S*, Huang Z, Yan W, 2014. Parameter optimization, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of an ecosystem model at a forest flux tower site in the United States. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6(2): 405419.
  13. Wu Y*, Liu S*, Li Z, Dahal D, Young C, Schmidt GL, Liu J, Davis B, Sohl TL, Werner J, and Oeding J, 2014. Development of a generic auto-calibration package for regional ecological modeling and application in the Central Plains of the United States, Ecological Informatics, 19: 3546.
  14. Wu Y* and Liu S*, 2014. Improvement of the R-SWAT-FME framework to support multiple variables and multi-objective functions, Science of the Total Environment, 466467: 455466.
  15. Wu Y*, Liu S*, Sohl T, and Young C, 2013. Projecting the land cover change and its environmental impacts in the Cedar River Basin in the Midwestern United States, Environmental Research Letters, 8(2), 024025.
  16. Wu Y* and Chen J*, 2013. Investigating the effects of point source and nonpoint source pollution on the water quality of the East River (Dongjiang) in South China, Ecological Indicators, 32: 294304.
  17. Wu Y*, Li T*, Sun L, and Chen J, 2013. Parallelization of a hydrological model using the message passing interface, Environmental Modelling & Software, 43: 124–132.
  18. Wu Y and Chen J*, 2013. Estimating irrigation water demand using an improved method and optimizing reservoir operation for water supply and hydropower generation: a case study of the Xinfengjiang reservoir in southern China, Agricultural Water Management, 116: 110–121.
  19. Wu Y* and Chen J*, 2013. Analyzing the water budget and hydrological characteristics and responses to land use in a monsoonal climate river basin in South China, Environmental Management, 51(6): 1174-1186.
  20. Wu Y and Chen J*, 2012. Modeling of soil erosion and sediment transport in the East River Basin in southern China, Science of the Total Environment, 441: 159–168.
  21. Wu Y and Liu S*, 2012. Modeling of land use and reservoir effects on nonpoint source pollution in a highly agricultural basin, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14(9): 2350–2361.
  22. Wu Y, Liu S*, and Gallant A, 2012. Predicting impacts of increased CO2 and climate change on the water cycle and water quality in the semiarid James River Basin of the Midwestern USA, Science of the Total Environment, 430: 150–160.
  23. Wu Y, Liu S* and Li Z, 2012. Identifying potential areas for biofuel production and evaluating the environmental effects: a case study of the James River Basin in the Midwestern United States, Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 4(6): 875–888.
  24. Wu Y and Liu S*, 2012. Automating calibration, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of complex models using the R package Flexible Modeling Environment (FME): SWAT as an example, Environmental Modelling & Software, 31: 99–109.
  25. Wu Y and Liu S*, 2012. Impacts of biofuels production alternatives on water quantity and quality in the Iowa River Basin, Biomass & Bioenergy, 36:182–191.
  26. Wu Y and Chen J*, 2012. An operation-based scheme for a multiyear and multipurpose reservoir to enhance macro-scale hydrologic models, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(1): 270–283.
  27. Wu Y, Liu S*, and Abdul-Aziz OI, 2012. Hydrological effects of the increased CO2 and climate change in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Using a modified SWAT, Climatic Change, 110(3–4): 977–1003.
  28. Chen J* and Wu Y, 2012. Advancing representation of hydrologic processes in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) through integration of the TOPographic MODEL (TOPMODEL) features, Journal of Hydrology, 420–421: 319–328.
  29. Zhou G*, Wei X, Wu Y, Liu S, Huang Y, Yan J, Zhang D, Zhang Q, Liu J, Meng Z, Wang C, Chu G, Liu SZ, Tang X, and Liu X, 2011. Quantifying the hydrological responses to climate change using an intact forested small watershed in Southern China, Global Change Biology, 17(12): 3736–3746.


  1. Liu S, Liu J, Wu Y, Young C, Werner JM, Dahal D, Oeding J, and Schmidt GL, 2014. Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage, Carbon Sequestration, and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Eastern United States, Chapter 7 of Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Eastern United States (eds Zhu Z and Reed B), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1804. pp.115156. Reston, Virginia.
  2. Liu S, Wu Y, Young C, Dahal D, Werner JM, Liu J, Li Z, Tan Z, Schmidt GL, Oeding J, Sohl TL, Hawbaker TJ, and Sleeter BM, 2012. Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Western United States, Chapter 9 of Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Western United States (eds Zhu Z and Reed B), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1797. pp. 109124. Reston, Virginia.
  3. Liu S, Liu J, Young C, Werner JM, Wu Y, Li Z, Dahal D, Oeding J, Schmidt GL, Sohl TL, Hawbaker TJ, and Sleeter BM, 2012. Baseline Carbon Storage, Carbon Sequestration, and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Western United States, Chapter 5 of Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Western United States (eds Zhu Z and Reed B), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1797. pp. 4563. Reston, Virginia.
  4. Wu Y and Liu S, 2012. R-SWAT-FME User’s Guide, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1071. pp. 5. Reston, Virginia.




Model / Software

SWAT-DayCent Coupler

Model-R Coupler