
标题    Multi-Wave Mixing Processes
作者    Yanpeng Zhang, Min Xiao
出版日期    2008-12-30
出版社    Springer-Verkag
简介    The interactions of efficient multi-wave mixing (MWM) processes enhanced by atomic coherence in multilevel atomic systems are of great current interest.This book covers topics in five major areas: Atto-second and Femto-second polarization beats of four wave mixing (FWM) processes; Polarization beats (PB) of six wave mixing (SWM) processes and heterodyne detection of FWM and SWM processes; Raman and Rayleigh enhanced PB; Coexistence and Interactions of multi-wave mixing (MWM) processes via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) windows; Multi-dressing MWM processes and Spatial modulation instability of MWM. It is helpful for relevant professionals to understand the interactions of high-order multi-wave mixing processes. 该学术专著由世界著名出版社Springer-Verkag出版发行