
论文标题    Coexisting polarized four-wave mixings in two-level atomic system
作者    Ruimin Wang, Zhenkun Wu, Suling Sang
发表/完成日期    2011-12-18
期刊名称    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
相关文章    JOSAB28(12)2940(2011)-Wang RW.pdf   
论文简介    We investigate the polarization dependence of eight coexisting four-wave mixing (FWM) signals in a two-level atomic system. The intensities and polarization states of coexistingFWMsignals are modulated by the polarization configurations and frequency detunings of the incident fields. The suppression and enhancement due to the dressing effects present different polarization dependences. Both the mutual-dressing effect and the self-dressing effect are considered to explain the observed phenomena.