
博士研究生熊来飞论文在Applied Catalysis B 在线发表
发布者: 杨生春 | 2021-05-07 | 3649

博士研究生熊来飞论文Understanding the doping effect on hydrogen evolution activity of transition-metal phosphides: Modeled with Ni2P在Applied Catalysis B 在线发表(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926337321004094),该工作以Ni2P为模型催化剂,通过理论模拟和实验研究,对掺杂元素的对催化剂的本征性能的影响进行了深入研究,受到审稿人的高度评价“This work systemically investigated the intrinsic issues in HER catalytic process of Ni2P affected by doping heteroatoms via a first-principle calculations and experimental validations, offering some scientific insight and useful guide lines for design HER catalysts”;“This work provides a reference for theoretical prediction and the design of other types of electrochemical catalysts. ”。