
论文标题    Channeled polarimetric technique for the measurement of spectral dependence of linearly Stokes parameters
作者    Naicheng Quan, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, Qiwei Li
发表/完成日期    2018-05-01
期卷    90
相关文章    1-s2.0-S1350449517307971-main.pdf   
论文简介    The principle and experimental demonstration of a method based on channeled polarimetric technique (CPT) to measure spectrally resolved linearly Stokes parameters (SRLS) is presented. By replacing front retarder with an achromatic quarter wave-plate of CPT, the linearly SRLS can be measured simultane-ously. It also retains the advantages of static and compact of CPT. Besides, comparing with CPT, it can reduce the RMS error by nearly a factor of 2–5 for the individual linear Stokes parameters.