
论文标题    Spectrum reconstruction for five-channel autocorrelation function of spectropolarimeter
作者    Jirui Zhang, Chunmin Zhang , Tingyu Yan, Zeyu Chen
发表/完成日期    2018-03-01
期刊名称    Optik
期卷    157
相关文章    1-s2.0-S0030402617316856-main.pdf   
论文简介    The effect of the ratio of two retarders for the demodulation in the intensity modulation spectropolarimeter is proposed. The five-channel autocorrelation function is introduced for the first time, its forming conditions and the principle of spectrum reconstruction are analyzed. From the analysis of the spectropolarimeter based on the interference spectrom-eter, we can conclude that the spectral resolution of some Stokes parameters reconstructed by the five-channel interferogram is improved compared with the seven-channel interfer-ogram. The simulation experiment of spectrum recovery of five-channel autocorrelation function is carried out. The simulation results are in good agreement with the theory, and the results show that the scheme of the five-channel is feasible, which provides a good theoretical basis and reference for the optimization design of the spectropolarimeter