










担任The Innovation、GCB、CEE等多个国际知名期刊审稿人,担任地球科学领域学术会议(如AOGS2024)session chair,担任《农业环境科学学报》青年编委,担任《Climate Smart Agriculture》青年编委,担任国家自然科学基金评审专家。


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Address: Western China Science And Technology Innovation Harbour, Fengxi City, Xi Xian New Area, Shaanxi Province  





教育/工作经历 Education/Work Experiences

2024.07~至今        副教授      西安交通大学 地球环境科学系/全球环境变化研究院

2020.07~2024.07    助理教授  西安交通大学    地球环境科学系/全球环境变化研究院

2016.09~2020.06    博士         西安交通大学           导师 吴一平

2018.10~2019.05    博士         英属哥伦比亚大学    导师 Adam Wei

2014.09~2016.06    硕士         中国农业大学           导师 王敬国

2010.09~2014.07    本科         山东农业大学  

部分论文 Publications

  1. ​​​​​​​Zhao, F., Wang, X., Wu, Y. et al. Prefectures vulnerable to water scarcity are not evenly distributed across China. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 145 (2023).

  2. Zhao, F., Wang, X., Wu, Y., Sivakumar, B., & Liu, S. (2023). Enhanced dependence of China's vegetation activity on soil moisture under drier climate conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2022JG007300.

  3. Zhao, F., et al., Widespread Increasing Ecosystem Water Limitation During the Past Three Decades in the Yellow River Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2023. 128(2).

  4. Zhao, F., et al., The role of climate change and vegetation greening on evapotranspiration variation in the Yellow River Basin, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022. 316: p. 108842. 

  5. Zhao, F., et al., Toward Sustainable Revegetation in the Loess Plateau Using Coupled Water and Carbon Management. Engineering, 2022. 15: p. 143-153. 

  6. Zhao, F., et al., Multi-environmental impacts of biofuel production in the U.S. Corn Belt: A coupled hydro-biogeochemical modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 251: p. 119561. 

  7. Zhao, F., et al., Predicting the climate change impacts on water-carbon coupling cycles for a loess hilly-gully watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 2020. 581: p. 124388. 

  8. Zhao, F., et al., Climatic and hydrologic controls on net primary production in a semiarid loess watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 2019. 568: p. 803-815. 

  9. Zhao, F., et al., Projected changes in population exposure to drought in China under CMIP6 forcing scenarios. Atmospheric Environment, 2022. 282: p. 119162. 

  10. Zhao, F., et al., Increased Water Use Efficiency in China and Its Drivers During 2000–2016. Ecosystems, 2022. 

Full list:

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主持/参与项目 Research Funding


  • 国家重点研发青年科学家项目(2022YFF1302200):黄土高原人地系统耦合机制与系统调控途径研究,课题二负责人90万元,2022-2025

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金(42101029):黄土高原植被恢复的土壤水碳效应模拟研究,负责人30万元,2022-2024
  • 博士后科学基金特别资助(2022T150513):基于耦合模型的植被建设的水-沙-碳效应模拟研究,负责人18万元。2022-2024
  • 博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M683451):土壤水分对植被变绿的响应,负责人8万元,2022-2024​​​​​​​


  • 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(31961143011):气候变化下黄土高原农田生态系统土壤有机碳时空动态模拟与预测,参加,190万元,2020-2024
  • 国家重点研发计划(2019YFC0507403):祁连山自然保护区生态环境评估、预警与监控关键技术研究,参加,290万元,2019-2022
  • 中国科学院战略先导科技专项(B类):黄土高原地表过程对气候环境变化的响应与反馈机制,参加,100万元,2020-2024

荣誉 Honors

  • 2024/06,陕西省高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果特等奖(4/5
  • 2022/09,陕西省生态科技进步一等奖(2/7
  • 2020/06,西安交通大学青年优秀人才支持计划(A
  • 2019/10,西安交通大学第十届学术之星(提名)