
[1] Z.J. Jiang, Z.C. Li, Z.G. Qu. Thermal Management for Batteries, Chapter 1: Battery Thermal Management Using Phase-Change Material. ISBN: 978-0-443-19025-4, Academic Press of Elsevier, 2024.

[2] 屈治国、王宁、张国宾等,氢燃料电池多物理过程建模与仿真,ISBN 978-7-111-74283-8,机械工业出版社,2023.10

[3] Z.G. Qu, H.J. Xu, T.S. Wang, W.Q. Tao, T.J. Lu. Thermal transport in metallic porous media (Chapter 8), Heat Transfer – Engineering Application, edited by Vyacheslav S. Vikhrenko. ISBN 979-953-307-656-9, Intech Publisher.

[4] Z. Liu, J. Hu, Z.G. Qu, F. Xu, Paper-based immunoassays (Chapter 8), Handbook of ImmunoassayTechnologies: Approaches, Performances, and Applications. edited by S. Vashist, J. Luong. ISBN:9780128117620. San Diego, California: Academic Press; 2018.



专利名称 申请号 专利类型 申请日期
基于吸附材料的热驱离子电渗水-电联产装置与方法 202210560406.X 发明 2022.05.19
一种燃料电池余热利用系统 202210267238.5 发明 2022.05.17
静电收水型冷却塔 202111259381.1 发明 2021.10.27
耦合催化层结块的质子交换膜燃料电池建模方法 202111200589.6 发明 2021.10.14
冷媒循环流量自适应调节系统 202111190571.2 发明 2021.10.12
基于太阳能的锅炉烟气处理系统及方法 202111167907.3 发明 2021.09.29
一种基于双动力驱动强化传热的重力热管 202110740054.1 发明 2021.06.30
管式空气预热器能效的定量评价方法 202011324698.4 发明 2020.11.23
Solar electroosmosis power generation device 201911321802.1 发明 2020.10.01
一种多通道的消雾节水装置及冷却塔 2020105322365 发明 2020.06.11
波浪能和太阳能耦合离子电渗发电装置及发电方法 202010343213X 发明 2020.04.27
太阳能光驱离子电渗发电和光热蒸发海水淡化耦合装置 202010343212.5 发明 2020.04.27
基于离子风的污泥干燥系统及干燥方法 2019113239437 发明 2019.12.19
全预混冷凝式燃气换热设备及换热方法 201910714834.1 发明 2019.08.07
基于共轭梯度法的多层复合材料导热系数测量方法 201910598394.8 发明 2019.07.04
温度传感器套管处理方法、温度传感器套管及温度传感器 201910598393.3 发明 2019.07.04
管壳式换热器能效定量的测量方法 201910422002.2 发明 2019.05.20
绝缘介电泳矿石分选系统 201811343838.5 发明 2018.11.12
太阳池 201811338834.8 发明 2018.11.12
侧流试纸检测装置及其制备方法 201810591801.8 发明 2018.06.08



  1. D. Tian, Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, H.J. Zhang. Enabling direct flue gas electrolysis by clarifying impurity gas effects on CO2 electroreduction. Nano Energy, 2025, 134: 110563.
  2. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*. Nanoconfined ion transport: Common foundations driving innovative theories and transformative applications. The Innovation Energy, 2025, 2(1): 100075.
  3. M.X. FuX. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*J.F. ZhangS. Guo. Graphene oxide/silica nanoparticle composite membrane for enhanced ion migration and osmotic energy conversion. Journal of Membrane Science, 2025, 717: 123645.
  4. T. Lai, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Pore-scale study of liquid water transport in gas diffusion layers with in-plane non-uniform distributed pore size of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Applied Energy, 2025, 379: 124933.
  5. Z.Y. Jiang, H.B. Li, Z.C. Li, Z.G. Qu*. Bidirectional mist cooling of lithium-ion battery-pack with surface hydrophilic treatment. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2025, 210: 109620.
  6. H. Wang, M. Wang, Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*. A universal structure of neural network for predicting heat, flow and mass transport in various three-dimensional porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2025, 241: 126688.
  7. Z. Liu, W.W. Yang*, J.R. Zhang, Y.W. Lin, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Gradient catalyst layer design for low-Pt-loading PEM fuel cell based on artificial neural network and multi-objective optimization. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2025, Doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.12.520


  1. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, D. Tian. Electric double layer theory of interfacial ionic liquids for capturing ion hierarchical aggregation and anisotropic dynamics. Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 2402974.
  2. H.Y. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*, Z.L. Guo, J.F. Zhang. Data-driven framework for general explicit formula of ionic thermoregulated osmotic energy conversion based on similarity principle and deep learning. Nano Energy, 2024, 128: 109955.
  3. J.Q. Pu, H.Y. Zhu, Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Bifunctional device for osmotic energy conversion and photothermal water evaporation enabled by synergy of salinity and pressure gradients with thermal assistance. ACS Energy Letters, 2024, 9(5): 2410–2419.
  4. G.F. Ren, Z.G. Qu*, Y.F. Hai, Y. Wang*. Liquid and gas permeabilities of nanostructured layers: Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulationInternational. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 92(1): 27-36.
  5. X. Zhang, J.J. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*. Segmental-porosity regulation of nanochannel membranes with anomalously improved ion selectivity for enhanced osmotic power generation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 500: 157329.
  6. Z.L. Guo, H. Wang, H.Y. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*. Constraint-incorporated deep learning model for predicting heat transfer in porous media under diverse external heat fluxes. Energy and AI, 2024, 18: 100425.
  7. W.K. Wang, Z.G. Qu*. Molecular level study on oxygen transport mechanism based on three-phase interfacial features in catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 623: 235421.
  8. B.B. Hu, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, X.L. Wang, H. Sun, Y.Z. Wang. Operating performance and energy flow modeling for a hundred-kilowatt proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack test system. Applied Energy, 2024, 372: 123851.
  9. N. Wang, Z.T. Tang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Wang*. A model reduction framework of flow maldistribution and mitigation strategy for parallel flow field based polymer exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 470: 143289.
  10. G. Sun, T.Y. Shu, S.Y. Ma, M. Li, Z.G. Qu*, A. Li*. A submicron forest-like silicon surface promotes bone regeneration by regulating macrophage polarization. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2024, 12: 1356158.
  11. G.F. Ren, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang, G.B. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Electrospun fabrication and experimental characterization of highly porous microporous layers for PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 55: 455-463.
  12. Y.Q. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*, G.B. Zhang, B. Yu*. A one-dimensional model for Pt degradation and precipitation in proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering Pt nucleation, particle size growth, and band formation. Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 475: 143590.
  13. G.F. Ren, T. Lai, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang, G.B. Zhang. Electrospun gas diffusion layers with reverse gradient pore structures for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under low humidity. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 239: 122109.
  14. X. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.T. Tang, M. Iqbal. pH-temperature coupled regulation for promoted nanofluidic osmotic energy conversion. Desalination, 2024, 572: 117131.
  15. G.F. Ren, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang, G.B. Zhang. Enhancing the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell using nanostructure gas diffusion layers with gradient pore structures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 52: 1161-1172.
  16. J. Guo, Z.G. Qu*. Transient freeform thermal metamaterials via inverse-design. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 240: 122247.
  17. D. Tian, R.B. Wu, Z.G. Qu*, H. Wang. A systematic analysis and optimization of bicarbonate electrolysis based on a bipolar membrane through multiscale simulation. Applied Energy, 2024, 364: 123144.
  18. X.H. Wen, N. Wang, X.J. Huang, Q.Y. Wang, Z.T. Tang, Z.G. Qu*, G.Y. Xie. Dynamic transport characteristics and performance response of commercial-size polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stack: An experimental study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 486: 150270.
  19. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Numerical investigation of the performance of a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer under various outlet manifold structure conditions. Materials, 2024, 17: 3694.
  20. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, N. Wang, X.L. Wang, Y.H. Wu, Y. Wang. Structured mesh material with gradient surface wettability for high-power-density proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Green Energy, 2024, 21(13): 3001-3009.
  21. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, H.T. Yang, Y.T. Mu, Y. Wang. A one-dimensional model of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack integrating fan arrangement and operational characteristics. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 249: 123353.
  22. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, H.T. Yang, Y.T. Mu, Y. Wang. Integrating full fan morphology and configuration in three-dimensional simulation of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Fuel, 2024, 368: 131628.
  23. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, N. Wang, Y. Wang. Spatial distribution characteristics in segmented PEM fuel cells: Three-dimensional full-morphology simulation. Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 484: 144061.
  24. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao, Y.T. Mu, K. Jiao, H. Xu, Y. Wang*. Advancing next-generation proton-exchange membrane fuel cell development in multi-physics transfer. Joule, 2024, 8: 1-19.
  25. Z.Y. Jiang, H.B. Li, Z. Sun, Z.G. Qu*. Experimental study on 18650 lithium-ion battery-pack cooling system composed of heat pipe and reciprocating air flow with water mist. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 222: 125171.
  26. H. Wang, B.Z. Lai, Y. Yin, F.F. Qin, Z.G. Qu*. A novel framework for modeling hydrogen convection-diffusion-heat-reaction coupling transport in evolving three dimensional porous fibrous materials across rarefied to continuum regimes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 81: 148-164.
  27. J.F. Zhang, W. Li, G.B. Zhang, H.W. Bai, Z.G. Qu*. Enhancing water hydration in air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell using a staggered tapered slotted flow field. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2024, 17: 100239.
  28. X.L. Wang, Y.H. Wu, H. Cai, Z.G. Jin, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. Achieving triple improvements in intrinsic properties for porous flow field materials and the proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrochemical performance. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 604: 234508.
  29. X.L. Wang, S.J. Wei, Y.H. Wu, H. Cai, Z.G. Qu*, P. He. Achieving high electrochemical performance of PEMFCs with ultrathin and highly conductive graphite-resin composite bipolar plates. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 55: 654-664.
  30. T. Xiao, X.Y. Song, W.H. Peng, Y.J. Li, Z.Y. Jiang, X.H. Yang*, Z.G. Qu*. Melting of PCM-graphite foam composites with contact thermal resistance: Pore-scale simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 232: 125924.
  31. Y.M. Wei, Y.W. Yang*, Q. Zhao, Y. Ma, M.Y. Qiang, L.J. Fu, Y.H. Liu, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, W.X. Que*. Numerical simulation technologies in solar-driven interfacial evaporation processes. Small, 2024, 2312241.


  1. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao, X.L. Wang, L.Z. Wu, S.Y. Wu, X. Xie, C. Tongsh, W.M. Huo, Z.M. Bao, K. Jiao*, Y. Wang*. Porous flow field for next-generation proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Materials, characterization, design, and challenges. Chemical Reviews, 2023, 123(3): 989-1039.
  2. Q. Liu, H.Y. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*. Experiment and simulation analyses of GOM based salinity gradient osmotic energy conversion with nonsymmetric photothermal effect. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 198: 117783.
  3. W.K. Wang, Z.G. Qu*. Molecular dynamics simulation of the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of aromatic electrolytes in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 585(30): 233622.
  4. D. Tian, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Electrochemical condition optimization and techno-economic analysis on the direct CO2 electroreduction of flue gas. Applied Energy, 2023, 351: 121787.
  5. N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.B. Zhang, Z.T. Tang, Y. Wang. Cross flow and distribution characteristics in automobile polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: A three-dimensional full-scale modeling study. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 580: 233348.
  6. B.B. Hu, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. A comprehensive system-level model for performance evaluation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell system with dead-ended anode mode. Applied Energy, 2023.347: 121327.
  7. Q. Liu, Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Interfacial binding rope theory of ion transport in sub-nanochannels and its application for osmotic energy conversion. Nano Energy, 2023, 113: 108545.
  8. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, H. Wang. Enhanced sound insulation performance by a staggered phononic crystal with fins. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 208: 109398.
  9. J. Guo, Z.G. Qu*. Adaptive thermal convective cloak via inverse design. International Journal of Heat and Mass transfer, 2023, 212: 124314.
  10. Q. Wang, X. Zhang, H.Y. Zhu, X.F. Zhang, Q. Liu, M.X. Fu, J.J. Zhu, J.Q. Pu, Z.G. Qu*. Nanochannel-Based Ion Transport and its Application in Osmotic Energy Conversion: A Critical Review. Advanced Physics Research, 2023, 2: 2300016.
  11. T. Lai, Z.G. Qu*. Pore-scale parametric sensitivity analysis of liquid water transport in the gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 229: 120616.
  12. Q. Liu, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Photothermal enhanced salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion for sustainable power generation with phase change material. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 257: 112369.
  13. T. Lai, Z.G. Qu*. Two polytetrafluoroethylene distribution effects on liquid water dynamic behavior in gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with a pore-scale method. Energy, 2023, 271: 126920.
  14. H.Y. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*, Q. Wang, J.F. Zhang. Dimension unification and dominance evaluation of multi-physical parameters for nanochannel-based ionic thermoelectric energy conversion using similarity principle. Energy Conversion & Management, 2023, 276: 116589.
  15. M.J. Zeng, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Experimental study on water collection performance of wire-to-plate electrostatic fog collector at various fog generation rates and fog flow velocities. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 305: 122465.
  16. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, M. Prodanović, C.J. Landry. Identifying the dominant transport mechanism in single nanoscale pores and 3D nanoporous media. Fundamental Research, 2023, 3(3): 409-421.
  17. G.B. Zhang, L.Z. Wu, C. Tongsh, Z.G. Qu*, S.Y. Wu, B. Xie, W.M. Huo, Q. Du, H.Z. Wang, L. An, N. Wang, J. Xuan, W.M. Chen*, F.Q. Xi, Z.X. Wang, K. Jiao*. Structure design for ultrahigh power density proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Small Methods, 2023, 7: 2201537.
  18. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Wang. Proton exchange membrane fuel cell of integrated porous bipolar plate-gas diffusion layer structure: Entire morphology simulation. eTransportation, 2023, 17: 100250.
  19. Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, Q. Wang. Experimental and numerical investigation of fast preheating of lithium ion pouch cell via low-power inductive heating in cold climate. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 214: 124381.
  20. Z.Y. Jiang, W.K. Wang, H.Y. Zhu, Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*. Review of shale gas transport prediction: Basic theory, numerical simulation, application of AI methods and perspectives. Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37(4): 2520-2538.
  21. H. Wang, Z.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Deep-learning accelerating topology optimization of three-dimensional coolant channels for flow and heat transfer in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Energy, 2023, 352: 121889.
  22. J.F. Zhang, M. Yang, H.Y. Zhu, Q.L. Ren, Z.G. Qu*. Physical similarity and parametric sensitivity analysis of the capacitive deionization process, International Journal of Green Energy, 2023, 20(12): 1284-1296.
  23. X.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.F. Ren. Collective enhancement on hydrophobicity and electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layer and the electrochemical performance of PEMFCs. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 575: 233077.
  24. B. Cong, Y.M. Kong*, Y.X. Ye, R.W. Liu, X.B. Du, L.H. Yu, S.Q. Jia, Z.G. Qu*, B.B. Jiao*. A combined solution of thermoelectric coolers and microchannels for multi-chip heat dissipation with precise temperature uniformity control. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 219: 119370.


  1. J. Guo, G.Q. Xu, D. Tian, Z.G. Qu*, C.W. Qiu*. A real-time self-adaptive thermal metasurface. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34: 2201093.
  2. X. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Q. Wang, M. Iqbal. Geometry design and mechanism analysis of artificial nanoroughness for enhanced osmotic energy conversion. Energy Conversion & Management, 2022, 273: 116373.
  3. M.J. Zeng, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Negative corona discharge and flow characteristics of a two-stage needle-to-ring configuration ionic wind pump for temperature and relative humidity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 201: 123561.
  4. X.F. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, J.Q. Pu, Q. Wang. Thermal-enhanced nanofluidic osmotic energy conversion with the interfacial photothermal method. Applied Energy, 2022, 326: 120005.
  5. D. Tian, Z.G. Qu*, T. Lai, G.D. Zhu. A prediction model for nanoparticle diffusion behavior in fibrous materials considering steric and hydrodynamic resistances. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24: 24394-24403.
  6. N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, G.B. Zhang. A unified catalyst layer design classification criterion on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance based on a modified agglomerate model.   Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 447: 137489.
  7. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, X. Zhang, L. Chen. Electronic-level insight into interfacial effects and their induced anisotropic ion diffusion and ion selectivity in nanochannels. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14: 37608-37619.
  8. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Diode model of nonuniform irradiation treatment to predict multiscale solar-electrical conversion for the concentrating plasmonic photovoltaic system.  Applied Energy, 2022, 324: 119698.
  9. N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.B. Zhang. Modeling analysis of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with regard to oxygen and charge transport under operating conditions and hydrophobic porous electrode designs. eTransportation, 2022, 14: 100191.
  10. J.H. Yu, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, S.J. Hu, J.L. Song, Y.D. Chen. A comprehensive energy efficiency assessment indicator and grading criteria for natural draft wet cooling towers. Energy, 2022, 254: 124375.
  11. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. MCRT-FDTD investigation of the solar-plasmonic-electrical conversion for uniform irradiation in a spectral splitting CPVT system. Applied Energy, 2022, 315: 119054.
  12. J. Guo, G.Q. Xu, D. Tian, Z.G. Qu*, C.W. Qiu*. Passive ultra-conductive thermal metamaterials. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34: 2200329.
  13. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Viscous and thermal dissipation during the sound propagation in the continuously graded phononic crystals. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 189: 108606.
  14. J.H. Yu, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, S.J. Hu, J. Guan. Comprehensive coupling model of counter-flow wet cooling tower and its thermal performance analysis. Energy, 2022, 238: 121726.
  15. G.F. Ren, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang, J.F. Zhang. Liquid water transport and mechanical performance of electrospun gas diffusion layers. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022, 19(2): 210-218.
  16. W. Rehman, Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, S. Ahmed, A. Ghani, Y.L. Xu. Highly crystalline Prussian blue cubes filled with tin oxide as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 604: 154533.
  17. G.B. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Wang. Full-scale three-dimensional simulation of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack: temperature spatial variation and comprehensive validation. Energy Conversion & Management, 2022, 270: 116211.
  18. Z.Y. Jiang, J.Y. Li, Z.G. Qu*, L. Wang, J.Y. Miao. Theoretical analysis on thermal grease dry-out degradation in space environment. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 179: 107694.
  19. Z.Y. Jiang, H.B. Li, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Recent progress in lithium-ion battery thermal management for a wide range of temperature and abuse conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(15): 9428-9459.
  20. H. Wang, R.T. Ji, G.M. Xiao, Z.G. Qu. Pore scale visualization of thermal-fluid-structural evolution in the ablation of carbon/carbon composites. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 130: 107924.
  21. H. Wang, B.Z. Lai, Z.G. Qu*, P.W. Ming. Moving impingement heat transfer in a three-dimensional rarefied hydrogen gas jet based on the direct simulation Monte Carlo method coupled with the finite difference method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 188: 122586.
  22. Wang M#, Wang H#, Y. Yin, S. Rahardja, Z.G. Qu*. Temperature field prediction for various porous media considering variable boundary conditions using deep learning method. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 132: 105916.
  23. J.F. Zhang, X.W. Wu, J.G. Qu, D.W. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Electrohydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of a planar ionic wind generator with flat electrodes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211:118508.
  24. X.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, T. Lai, G.F. Ren, W.K. Wang. Enhancing water transport performance of gas diffusion layers through coupling manipulation of pore structure and hydrophobicity. Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 525: 231121.
  25. X.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, H.T. Yang, G.B. Zhang, Y.C. Zhang*, C.F. Liu. Collective enhancements on thermal-electrical and mechanical properties of graphite-based composite bipolar plates through the coupled manipulations of molding and impregnation pressures. Membranes, 2022, 12: 222.  
  26. Q.L. Ren, K.L. Chen, H.Y. Zhu, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Nanoparticle enhanced salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion under photothermal effect. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 251: 115032.
  27. Q.L. Ren, H.Y. Zhu, K.L. Chen, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Similarity principle based multi-physical parameter unification and comparison in salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion. Applied Energy, 2022, 307: 118312.


  1. Q. Liu, Z.T. Tang, Z.G. Qu*, Q.L. Ren, J.F. Zhang, R.X. Tang. A capacitor-based power equivalent model for salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 250: 114862.
  2. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Q. Wang, J.F. Zhang, Y.L. He. Multiscale investigation of the plasmonic solar cell in the spectral splitting concentrating photovoltaic-thermal system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 250: 114846.
  3. Z.N. Duan, Z.G. Qu*, Q.L. Ren, J.F. Zhang. Review of bipolar plate in redox flow batteries: materials, structures, and manufacturing. Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 2021, 4(4): 718-756.
  4. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, J. Xuan, H.Z. Wang. A pluggable current collector for in-operando current measurements in all-vanadium redox flow batteries with flow field. Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 389: 138725.
  5. Z.N. Duan, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Thermodynamic and electrochemical performance analysis for an electrochemical refrigeration system based on iron/vanadium redox couples. Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 389: 138675.
  6. R.P. Fu, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao, X.B. Zhu, J.R. Liu. Experimental and numerical study on performance of hybrid refrigeration system that combines vapor compression and thermoelectric systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 194: 117107.
  7. D. Tian, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, Q.L. Ren. Enhancement of solar pond stability performance using an external magnetic field. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 243: 114427.
  8. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, C.Y. Zhu, J.F. Zhang. Visualizing gas diffusion behaviors in three-dimensional nanoporous media. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(3): 2075-2086.
  9. J. Guo, X.N. Chen, Z.G. Qu*, Q.L. Ren. Reverse identification method for simultaneous estimation of thermal conductivity and thermal contact conductance of multilayered composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 173: 121244.
  10. W.K. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang, J.F. Zhang. A molecular model of PEMFC catalyst layer: Simulation on reactant transport and thermal conduction. Membranes, 2021, 11(2): 148-162.
  11. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, A. Maharjan. A three-dimensional numerical study of coupled photothermal and photoelectrical processes for plasmonic solar cells with nanoparticles. Renewable Energy, 2021, 165: 278-287.
  12. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, Y. Yin, L. Chen. The numerical study of vanadium redox flow battery performance with different electrode morphologies and electrolyte inflow patterns. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 33: 101941.
  13. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Yin, J.F. Zhang, P.W. Ming. Thermal management for hydrogen charging and discharging in a screened metal-organic framework particle tank. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(51): 61838-61848.
  14. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Yin, J.Q. Bai, C. He. Prediction of the effective thermal conductivity of an adsorption bed packed with 5A zeolite particles under working conditions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 159: 106630.
  15. X.L. Wang, W.K. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.F. Ren, H.C. Wang. Surface roughness dominated wettability of carbon fiber in gas diffusion layer materials revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 26489-26498.
  16. J.F. Zhang, D.W. Zhang, X.W. Wu, Q.L. Ren, Z.G. Qu*. Current-voltage characteristics and breakdown of different structural planar microelectrodes in atmospheric air. AIP Advances, 2021, 11(6): 065301.
  17. M.J. Zeng, J.F. Zhang*, S. Wang, Z.G. Qu*.  Analysis of a two-stage ionic wind pump with multiple needle-to-mesh electrodes for cooling electronics. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 185: 116340.
  18. Q.L. Ren, Z.X. Wang, T. Lai, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*. Conjugate heat transfer in anisotropic woven metal fiber-phase change material composite. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116618.
  19. Q.L. Ren*, Z.X. Wang, J.J. Zhu, Z.G. Qu*. Pore-scale heat transfer of heat sink filled with stacked 2D metal fiber-PCM composite. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 161: 106739.
  20. X.C. He, L.X. Li, Y.Y. Yang, Z.T. Dong, L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu. Tailoring patchy nanoparticle design to modulate serum albumin adsorption and membrane interaction. Soft Matter, 2021, 17: 2071.
  21. H.T. Xu, N. Wang, C.Y. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, F. Karimi. Energy conversion performance of a PV/T-PCM system under different thermal regulation strategies. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 229: 113660.


  1. J. Guo, Z.G. Qu*, X.L. Wang. A reverse thermal cloak design method based on inverse problem theory. ES Energy & Environment, 2020, 7: 71-83.
  2. Y. Fang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, H.T. Xu, G.L. Qi. Charging performance of latent thermal energy storage system with microencapsulated phase-change material for domestic hot water. Energy & Buildings, 2020, 224: 110237.
  3. Y. Fang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, H.T. Xu, G.L. Qi. Simultaneous charging and discharging performance for a latent thermal energy storage system with a microencapsulated phase change material. Applied Energy, 2020, 275: 115353.
  4. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, H. Wang. Engineering acoustic metamaterials for sound absorption: From uniform to gradient structures. iScience, 2020, 23(5): 101110.
  5. Z.G. Qu*, Y. Yin, H. Wang, J.F. Zhang. Pore-scale investigation on coupled diffusion mechanisms of free and adsorbed gases in nanoporous organic matter. Fuel, 2020, 260: 116423.
  6. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, T. Zhang, J.F. Zhang, Q.Q. Wang. Three-dimensional pore-scale study of methane gas mass diffusion in shale with spatially heterogeneous and anisotropic features. Fuel, 2020, 273: 117750.
  7. Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, Z.H. Rao. Rapid prediction method for thermal runaway propagation in battery pack based on lumped thermal resistance network and electric circuit analogy. Applied Energy, 2020, 268: 115007.
  8. H. Wang, X.Y. Hui, Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, J. Q. Bai. Screening Study of the Effects of Impurity Gases on Hydrogen Storage in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020, 146(6): 04020065.
  9. H. Wang, Y. Yin, X.Y. Hui, J.Q. Bai, Z.G. Qu*. Prediction of effective diffusivity of porous media using deep learning method based on sample structure information self-amplification. Energy and AI, 2020, 2:100035.
  10. H. Wang, L. Chen, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Yin, Q.J. Kang, B. Yu, W.Q. Tao. Modeling of multi-scale transport phenomena in shale gas production — A critical review. Applied Energy, 2020, 262: 114575. 
  11. J.P. Wang, J.F. Zhang*, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. An adaptive inner iterative pressure-based algorithm for steady and unsteady incompressible flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2020, 30(4): 2003-2024.
  12. J.F. Zhang, G.M. Wei, Z.G. Qu*. A time-saving method to evaluate the thermal insulation performance of cryogenic vessels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258: 120632.
  13. X.L. Wang, B. Li, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, Z.G. Jin. Effects of graphite microstructure evolution on the anisotropic thermal conductivity of expanded graphite/paraffin phase change materials and their thermal energy storage performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 155: 119853.
  14. X.L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, G.F. Ren, C. Feng, F. Cheng. Prolonged yield platform in bioinspired three dimensional carbon materials derived from crack deflection. Materials Letters, 2020, 270: 127759.
  15. W.Z. Li, W.W. Yang*, N. Wang, Y.H. Jiao, Y. Yang, Z.G. Qu*. Optimization of blocked channel design for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell by coupled genetic algorithm and three-dimensional CFD modeling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45:  17759-17770.
  16. X.C. He, Z.L. Gu, L. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of dendrimer transmembrane transport with temperature-dependent membrane phase states. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 155: 119797.
  17. Z.Y. Jiang, M.Z. Jing, X.B. Feng, J.C. Xiong, C. He*, M. Douthwaite, L.R. Zheng, W.Y. Song, J. Liu*, Z.G. Qu*. Stabilizing platinum atoms on CeO2 oxygen vacancies by metal-support interaction induced interface distortion: mechanism and application. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 278: 119304.
  18. H.T. Xu, C.Y. Zhang, N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, S.Y. Zhang. Experimental study on the performance of a solar photovoltaic/thermal system combined with phase change material. Solar Energy, 2020, 198: 202-211.
  19. H.T. Xu, N. Wang, C.Y. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, M. Cao. Optimization on the melting performance of triplex-layer PCMs in a horizontal finned shell and tube thermal energy storage unit.  Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 176: 115409.
  20. P.Z. Lyu, X.J. Liu, J. Qu, J.T. Zhao, Y.T. Huo, Z.G. Qu*, Z.H. Rao*. Recent advances of thermal safety of lithium ion battery for energy storage. Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 31: 195-220.
  21. P.Z. Lyu, Y.T. Huo, Z.G. Qu*, Z.H. Rao*. Investigation on the thermal behavior of Ni-rich NMC lithium ion battery for energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 166: 114749.
  22. Y.S. Pang, J.J. Zhang, R.M. Ma, Z.G. Qu*, E. Lee*, T.F. Luo*. Solar-thermal water evaporation: a review. ACS Energy Letter, 2020, 5: 437-456.


  1. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Multiple diffusion mechanisms of shale gas in nanoporous organic matter predicted by the local diffusivity lattice Boltzmann model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 143: 118571.
  2. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. C. Xu. Enhanced sound absorption in two-dimensional continuously graded phononic crystals. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 589: 090904.
  3. Z. Liu#, X.C. He#, A. Li, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. A two-dimensional mathematical model for analyzing the effects of capture probe properties on the performance of lateral flow assays. Analyst, 2019, 144(18): 5394-5403.
  4. Y. Liu, Z.G. Qu*, J. Guo, X.M. Zhao. Numerical study on effective thermal conductivities of plain woven C/SiC composites with considering pores in interlaced woven yarns. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 140: 410-419.
  5. Z.N. Duan, Z.G. Qu*, Q. Wang, J.J. Wang. Structural modification of vanadium redox flow battery with high electrochemical corrosion resistance. Applied Energy, 2019, 250: 1632-1640.
  6. Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*. Lithium-ion battery thermal management using heat pipe and phase change material during discharge-charge cycle: A comprehensive numerical study. Applied Energy, 2019, 242: 378-392. 
  7. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, D. Tian, Y. Fang. Acoustic characteristics of continuously graded phononic crystals. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 151: 22-29.
  8. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, A. Maharjan. Numerical investigation of coupled optical-electrical-thermal processes for plasmonic solar cells at various angles of incident irradiance. Energy, 2019, 174: 110-121.
  9. Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, Q. Wang. Experimental study on pulse self-heating of lithium-ion battery at low temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 696-705.
  10. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. Pore-scale prediction of the effective mass diffusivity of heterogeneous shale structure using the lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 133: 976-985. 
  11. L. Zhou, Z.G. Qu*, G. Chen, J.Y. Huang, J.Y. Miao. One-dimensional numerical study for loop heat pipe with two-phase heat leak model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 137:461-481. 
  12. H. Wang, J.Q. Bai*, Z.G. Qu*, M. Chang. Numerical study of heat transfer in process of gas adsorption in a Cu-benzene- 1, 3, 5-tricarboxylic acid particle adsorption bed. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 11989-12002.
  13. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Yin, J.Q. Bai, B. Yu. Review of molecular simulation method for gas adsorption/desorption and diffusion in shale matrix. Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 28 (1): 1-16.
  14. J.F. Zhang, S. Wang; M.J. Zeng, Z.G. Qu*. Experimental and numerical investigation on flow characteristics of large cross-sectional ionic wind pump with multiple needles-to-mesh electrode. ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, 2019, 141(3): 031105-1.
  15. X.L. Wang, Y.P. Wang, Y. Su, Z.G. Qu*. Synergetic strengthening effects on copper matrix induced by Al2O3 particle revealed from micro-scale mechanical deformation and microstructure evolutions. Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 14889-14895.
  16. X.C. He#, Z. Liu#, Y.Y. Yang, L.X. Li, L. Wang, A. Li, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Sensitivity enhancement of nucleic acid lateral flow assays through a physical-chemical coupling method: dissoluble saline barriers. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4(6): 1691-1700.
  17. H.T. Xu, Z.Q. Luo, N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J. Chen, L. An. Experimental study of the selective catalytic reduction after-treatment for the exhaust emission of a diesel engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 198-204.
  18. D.Z. Huang, T. Zhang, G.P. Xiong, L.J. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, E. Lee*, T.F. Luo*. Tuning water slip behavior in nanochannels using self-assembled monolayers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11: 32481-32488.


  1. Z. Liu#, X.C. He#, J.X. Han, X.H. Zhang, F. Li, A. Li, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Liquid wicking behavior in paper-like materials: Mathematical models and their emerging biomedical applications. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018, 22(110): 132.
  2. Z.G. Qu*, G. Chen, L. Zhou, J.Y. Miao. Numerical study on the operating characteristics of cryogenic loop heat pipes based on a one-dimensional heat leak model. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 172: 485-496.
  3. J. Guo, Z.G. Qu*. Thermal cloak with adaptive heat source to proactively manipulate temperature field in heat conduction process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 1212-1222.
  4. Z. Liu, Z.G. Qu*, R.H. Tang, X.C. He, H. Yang, D. Bai, F. Xu*. An improved detection limit and working range of lateral flow assays based on a mathematical model. Analyst, 2018, 143(12): 2775-2783
  5. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J.Q. Bai, Y.S. Qiu. Combined grand canonical Monte Carlo and finite volume method simulation method for investigation of direct air capture of low concentration CO2 by 5A zeolite adsorbent bed. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126: 1219-1235.
  6. Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, L. Zhou. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of ion and electron transport during the discharge process in a randomly reconstructed porous electrode of a lithium-ion battery. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 123: 500-513.
  7. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, W.W. Yang*. Numerical study on vanadium redox flow battery performance with non-uniformly compressed electrode and serpentine flow field. Applied Energy, 2018, 220: 106-116.
  8. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, L. Zhou. Coupled GCMC and LBM simulation method for visualizations of CO2/CH4 gas separation through Cu-BTC membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 550: 448-461
  9. Z.G. Qu*, Y.D. Fu, Y. Liu, L. Zhou. Approach for predicting effective thermal conductivity of aerogel materials through a modified lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 132: 730-739.
  10. X.B. Feng, Z.G. Qu*. Methane combustion with cobalt-substituted barium-lanthanum hexaaluminate catalysts supported on porous monolithic honeycombs. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2018, 144(3): 04018015.
  11. Q. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.Y. Jiang, W.W. Yang*. Experimental study on the performance of a vanadium redox flow battery with non-uniformly compressed carbon felt electrode. Applied Energy, 2018, 213: 293-305.
  12. J.P. Wang, J.F. Zhang*, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. Adaptive inner iteration processes in pressure-based method for viscous compressible flows. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2018, 74(3): 603-622
  13. J.F. Zhang, S. Wang, H.Y. Li, Z.G. Qu*. Parametric study and optimization of flow characteristics of wire-nonparallel plate-type electrostatic air accelerators. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2018, 140(10): 101105.
  14. X.L. Wang, X. Wang, M. Liu, M. A. Crimp, Y.P. Wang, Z.G. Qu*. Anisotropic thermal expansion coefficient of multilayer graphene reinforced copper matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 755: 114-122.
  15. H.T. Xu, Y.B. Miao, N. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, X.C. Wang. Experimental investigations of heat transfer characteristics of MPCM during charging. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144: 721-725.
  16. L.Q. Ren, S.J. Yang, P.R. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.M. Mao, P.H. Huang, Y.C Chen, M.X. Wu, L. Wang, P. Li, T. J. Huang*. Standing surface acoustic wave (SSAW)-based fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Small, 2018, 14(40): 1801996.


  1. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, L. Zhou. A combined GCMC and LBM simulation method for CH4 capture in Cu-BTC particle adsorption bed. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 88: 48-53.
  2. Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, L. Zhou, W.Q. Tao. A microscopic investigation of ion and electron transport in lithium-ion battery porous electrodes using the lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Energy, 2017, 194: 530-539.
  3. Y. Yin, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang. An analytical model for shale gas transport in kerogen nanopores coupled with real gas effect and surface diffusion. Fuel, 2017, 210: 569-577.
  4. M.M.U. Rehman, Z.G. Qu*, R.P. Fu. Numerical study on free-surface jet impingement cooling with nanoencapsulated phase-change material slurry and nanofluid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 109: 312-325.
  5. Y. Fang, Z.G. Qu*, Y.D. Fu. Experimental study of the thermal characteristics of microencapsulated phase change composite cylinders. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114, 1256-1264.
  6. X.C. He, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu. Simulation study of interaction mechanism between peptide and asymmetric membrane. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43(1): 34-41.
  7. Z. Liu#, J. Hu#, A. Li, S.S. Feng, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. The effect of report particle properties on lateral flow assays: A mathematical model. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 248: 699-707.
  8. H.B. Gao, X.B. Feng, Z.G. Qu*. Combustion in a hybrid porous burner packed with alumina pellets and silicon carbide foams with a gap. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2017, 143(5): 04017032.
  9. Z.G. Qu*, H. Wang, W. Zhang*. Highly efficient adsorbent design using a Cu-BTC/CuO/ carbon fiber paper composite for high CH4/N2 selectivity. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 14206-14218.
  10. H.T. Xu, T.T. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, J. Chen, B.B. Li. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the double diffusive natural convection and oscillation characteristics in an enclosure filled with porous medium. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 81: 104-115.
  11. H.T. Xu, X.W. Liao, Z.G. Qu*, Y.Z. Li, J. Chen. Experimental study of the effect of a radiant tube on the temperature distribution in a horizontal heating furnace. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 1-7.


  1. Z.G. Qu*, A. Li, W.Q. Tao. A numerical study of film condensation on a metallic foam-sintered plate with considering convection and super-cooling effects. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 79: 105-113.
  2. X.H. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, X.C. He, D.L. Lu. Experimental study on the sound absorption characteristics of continuously graded phononic crystals. AIP Advances, 2016, 6(10): 105205.
  3. X.B. Feng, Z.G. Qu*. Lean methane premixed combustion over a catalytically stabilized zirconia foam burner. International Journal of Green Energy, 2016 13(14): 1451-1459.
  4. M.M.U. Rehman, Z.G. Qu*, R.P. Fu. Three-dimensional numerical study of laminar confined slot jet impingement cooling using slurry of nano-encapsulated phase change material. Journal of Thermal Science. 2016, 25(5): 431-439.
  5. X.B. Feng, Z.G. Qu*, H.B. Gao. Premixed lean methane/air combustion in a catalytic porous foam burner supported with perovskite LaMn0.4Co0.6O3catalyst with different support materials and pore densities. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 150: 117-125.
  6. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Y. Liu. Numerical study on the melting thermal characteristics of a microencapsulated phase change plate. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, 2016, 70 (4): 399-419.
  7. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, W. Zhang, L.Q. Zhang. A multi-scale porous composite adsorbent with copper benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate coating on copper foam. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 52888-52897.
  8. L. Zhou, Z.G. Qu*, T. Ding, J.Y. Miao. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the gas-solid adsorption process in reconstructed random porous media. Physical Review E, 2016, 93, (4): 043101.
  9. X.C. He, M. Lin, J. Guo, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Experimental and simulation studies of polyarginines across the membrane of giant unilamellar vesicles. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(36): 30454-30459.
  10. H.B. Gao, G.H. Huang, H.J. Li, J. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y. J. Zhang. Development of stove-powered thermoelectric generator: A review. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 96: 297-310.
  11. H. Wang, Z.G. Qu*, W. Zhang, Q.N. Yu, Y.L. He. Experimental and numerical study of CO2 adsorption on copper benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate (Cu-BTC) metal organic framework. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 859-863.
  12. X.C. He, M. Lin, T.J. Lu, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Molecular analysis of interactions between PAMAM dendrimer-paclitaxel conjugate and biomembrane. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(44): 29507-29517.
  13. X.C. He, M. Lin, B.Y. Sha, S.S. Feng, X.H. Shi, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics studies of the translocation mechanism of polyarginines across asymmetric membrane under tension. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 12808.
  14. Z.G. Qu*, Y. H. Bai, L. Pu. One-dimensional numerical study of thermal performance of an organic Rankine cycle system using liquefied natural gas as a cold source for cold energy recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26: 1399-1413.
  15. L. Zhou, Z.G. Qu*, L. Chen, W.Q. Tao. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of gas-solid adsorption processes at pore scale level. Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 300: 800-813.
  16. W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*. Experimental study of effective thermal conductivity of stainless steel fiber felt. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 86: 119-126.
  17. Z. G. Qu*, X. B. Feng. Catalytic combustion of premixed methane/air in a two-zone perovskite-based alumina pileup-pellets burner with different pellet diameters. Fuel, 2015, 159: 128-140.
  18. Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, J.J. Zhang, W.Q. Tao. Numerical study of heat conduction with a chemical reaction at the moving frontal surface for a graphite plate. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 2015, 67(2): 189-209.
  19. Z.G. Qu*, H.B. Gao, X.B. Feng, W.Q. Tao. Premixed combustion in a porous burner with different fuels. Combustion Science and Technology, 2015, 187(3): 489-504.
  20. X.C. He#, M. Lin#, F. Li, B.Y. Sha, F. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, L. Wang*. Advances in studies of nanoparticle-biomembrane interactions. Nanomedicine, 2015, 10(1): 121-141.
  21. J. J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, R.P. Fu, Y. L. He. Experimental study on the transient thermal characteristics of an integrated deflector under the periodic impingement of a supersonic flame jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85: 811-823.
  22. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, R.P Fu, W.Q. Tao. Part II: Numerical study on the flow and thermal characteristics of an integrated deflector under the periodic impingement of a supersonic high temperature jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85: 1095-1111.
  23. Z. Liu#, J. Hu#, Y.M. Zhao, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*. Experimental and numerical studies on liquid wicking into filter papers for paper-based diagnositcs. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 88: 280-287.
  24. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, H.J. Xu, W.Q. Tao. Semi-analytical solution for fully developed forced convection in metal-foam filled tube with uniform wall temperature. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(12): 2487-2499.
  25. H .Wang,  Z.G. Qu*, W. Zhang,  Y.X. Chang, Y. L. He. Experimental and numerical study of CO2 adsorption on Ni/DOBDC metal-organic framework. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 73: 1501-1509.
  26. Z.G. Qu, H. Wang, W. Zhang*, L. Zhou, Y.X. Chang. Prediction and experimental verification of CO2 adsorption on Ni/DOBDC using a genetic algorithm-back-propagation neural network model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(30): 12044-12053.
  27. Z.G. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, C.Y. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Experimental correlation for pool boiling heat transfer on metallic foam surface and bubble cluster growth behavior on grooved array foam surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Trasnfer, 2014, 77: 1169-1182.
  28. J.J. Zhang, Z.G. Qu*, Z.G. Jin. Experimental study on the thermal characteristics of a microencapsulated phase-change composite plate. Energy, 2014, 71: 94-103.
  29. X.C. He, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu, M. Lin, J.L. Wang, X.H. Shi, T.J. Lu. Molecular analysis of interactions between dendrimers and asymmetric membranes at different transport stages. Soft Matter, 2014, 10(1): 139-148.
  30. H.J. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. Numerical investigation on self-coupling heat transfer in a counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger filled with metallic foams. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 66: 43-54.
  31. W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He, Y.B. Tao. Experimental study of a passive thermal management system for high-powered lithium ion batteries using porous metal foam saturated with phase change materials. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 255: 9-15.       
  32. Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, W.Q. Tao. Numerical model of the passive thermal management system for high-power lithium ion battery by using porous metal foam saturated with phase change material. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(8): 3904-3913.
  33. H.B. Gao, Z.G. Qu*, X.B. Feng, W.Q. Tao. Methane/air premixed combustion in a two-layer porous burner with different foam materials. Fuel, 2014, 115: 154-161.
  34. H.B. Gao, Z.G. Qu*, X.B. Feng, W.Q. Tao. Combustion of methane/air mixtures in a two-layer porous burner: A comparison of alumina foams, beads, and honeycombs. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2014, 52: 215-220.
  35. L. Pu, Z.G. Qu*, Y.H. Bai, D. Qi, K. Song, P. Yi. Thermal performance analysis of intermediate fluid vaporizer for liquefied natural gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 65: 564-574.
  36. Z.G. Qu, X.C. He, M. Lin, B.Y. Sha, X.H. Shi, T.J. Lu, F. Xu*. Advances in the understanding of nanomaterial-biomembrane interactions and numerical modeling. Nanomedicine, 2013, 8(6): 995-1011.
  37. Z.G. Qu*, H.J. Xu, W.Q. Tao. Conjugated natural convection in horizontal annuli partially filled with metallic foams by using two-equation model. Journal of Porous Media, 2013, 16(11): 979-995.
  38. W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, B.L. Zhang, K. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Thermal behavior of porous stainless-steel fiber felt saturated with phase change material. Energy, 2013, 55: 846-852.
  39. H.B. Gao, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao, Y.L. He. Experimental investigation of methane/(Ar, N2, CO2)-air mixture combustion in a two-layer packed bed burner. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 44: 599-606.
  40. Z.G. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, C.Y. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Experimental study of pool boiling heat transfer on metallic foam surface with U-shaped and V-shaped grooves. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2012, 19(6): 549-559.
  41. H.B. Gao, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao. Experimental study of combustion in a double-layer burner packed with alumina pellets of different diameters. Applied Energy, 2012, 100: 295-302.
  42. Z.G. Qu*, H.J. Xu, W.Q. Tao. Fully developed forced convective heat transfer in an annulus partially filled with metallic foams: An analytical solution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(25-26): 7508-7519.
  43. Z.G. Qu*, T.S. Wang, W.Q. Tao, T.J. Lu. Experimental study of air natural convection on metallic foam-sintered plate. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2012, 38: 126-132.
  44. Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, J.L. Wang, W.Q. Tao. Passive thermal management using metal foam saturated with phase change material in a heat sink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 39 (10): 1546-1549.
  45. Z.G. Qu*, T.S. Wang, W.Q. Tao, T.J. Lu. A theoretical octet-truss lattice unit cell model for effective thermal conductivity of consolidated porous materials saturated with fluid. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 48(8): 1385-1395.
  46. Z.G. Qu*, H.J. Xu, W.Q. Tao. Numerical simulation of non-equilibrium conjugate heat transfer in tubes partially filled with metallic foams. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2012, 7(1): 151-165.
  47. Z.G. Qu*, Z.G. Xu, C.Y. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Experimental study of pool boiling heat transfer on horizontal metallic foam surface with crossing and single-directional V-shaped groove in saturated water. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2012, 41: 44-45.
  48. Z.G. Qu*, D.G. Li, J.Y. Huang, Z.G. Xu, X.L. Liu, W.Q. Tao. Experimental investigations of pool boiling heat transfer on horizontal plate sintered with metallic fiber felt. International Journal of Green Energy, 2012, 9(1): 22-38.
  49. W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao. Experimental and numerical studies on melting phase change heat transfer in open-cell metallic foams filled with paraffin. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 37: 1-9.
  50. H.J. Xu, Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Tao. Analytical solution of forced convective heat transfer in tubes partially filled with metallic foam using the two-equation model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(17-18): 3846-3855.
  51. Y.P. Du, Z.G. Qu*, H.J Xu, Z.Y. Li, C.Y. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Numerical simulation of film condensation on vertical plate embedded in metallic foams. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2011, 11(3-4): 198-205.
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