Basic Information of PI

 张华承  博士

Dr. Huacheng Zhang


Tenure-track Professor




Google ScholarHuacheng Zhang(张华承)

Researcher ID:L-7134-2013


 Ranking ReferenceHuacheng Zhang (张华承) - AD Scientific Index 2024

Fellow of IAAM/ Vebleo Fellow


Educational Experience

20012005   山东师范大学(SDNU  本科/学士B.S.

PI:Prof. Ping Li

20062011   山东大学SDU        研究生/博士Ph.D

PI:Prof. Aiyou Hao

2010—2011   Northwestern University  Joint Ph.D student  


PI:Prof. J. Fraser Stoddart (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2016)

Work Experience

2012—2013 Nanyang Technological University               Research Fellow   

PI:Prof. Yanli Zhao

2013—2014 Northwestern University                                Postdoc Fellow     

PI:Prof. J. Fraser Stoddart (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2016)

2014—2016 The University of Texas at Austin                 Postdoc Fellow     

PI:Prof. Jonathan L. Sessler

2017             Texas A&M University                                    Visiting Scholar     

PI:Prof. Lei Fang

20172018 山东大学SDU                                             特聘教授(PI、校聘教授

PI:Prof. Huacheng Zhang

2018—2019 Texas Department of State Health Service   Chemist

PI:Dr. Virginia Kammerdiener/ Sarah Martinez

2019至今      西安交通大学XJTU                                   特聘研究员(PI、校聘研究员

PI:Prof. Huacheng Zhang

Academic Positions

(1)《Frontiers in Chemistry》(影响因子5.5)

专刊客座编辑(Topic Editor)Research Topic:Advanced Self-assembled Materials with Programmable Functions

热刊客座编辑(Topic Editor)Hot Topic: Supramolecular Polymers and Gels

(2)《Frontiers in Materials》(影响因子3.2)客座编辑(Topic Editor)

(3)《Frontiers in Physics》(影响因子3.1)评审编委(Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics)

(4)《Polymers》(影响因子5.0)编委(Editorial Board Membership

专刊客座编辑(Guest Editor)Special Issue "Functional Polymeric Systems for Advanced Industrial Applications"

专刊客座编辑(Guest Editor)Special Issue "Functional Polymeric Materials for Engineering and Environmental Applications"


专刊客座编辑(Guest Editor)Special Issue: Applications of Advanced Nanomaterials in Sensor Devices

(6)2021 国际材料会议:先进和新兴材料2021 International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials分会主席(Session Chair)