
雷东升论文被J Bio Chem接收发表并在网络版发行
发布者: 张胜利 | 2016-05-04 | 1989

MS ID#: JBC/2016/715565
Title: Insights into the Tunnel Mechanism of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer
Protein using All-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Congratulations! I am pleased to give you the good news that your manuscript
entitled "Insights into the Tunnel Mechanism of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer
Protein using All-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations" (JBC/2016/715565) has
been accepted for publication and is tentatively scheduled for a(n) July
The manuscript version of your paper will first be published online within
the next day or so as a JBC Papers in Press at This date is
considered the formal date of publication. The manuscript version of your
article will be freely available to all as a permanent part of the
scientific literature.
Shortly, you will receive a message from Deborah Koch, my editorial
assistant, with more information about the publication process.

Thank you for this opportunity to feature your work in the Journal of
Biological Chemistry.

George M. Carman, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
