King-Siong Si, Lu Sun, Weizhan Zhang, Tieliang Gong, Jiahao Wang, Jiang Liu, Hao Sun, Accelerating Non-Maximum Suppression: A Graph Theory Perspective. NeurIPS. 2024 (CCF A), to appear.
Jiahao Wang, Caixia Yan, Haonan Lin, Weizhan Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Tieliang Gong, Guang Dai, Hao Sun. OneActor: Consistent Subject Generation via Cluster-Conditioned Guidance. NeurIPS. 2024 (CCF A), to appear.
Xuanyu Wang, Weizhan Zhang*, Christian Sandor, and Hongbo Fu*. Real-and-Present: Investigating the Use of Life-Size 2D Video Avatars in HMD-Based AR Teleconferencing. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024 (CCF A) to appear.
Yingchun Wang, Jingcai Guo*, Song Guo, Liu Yi, Jie Zhang, Weizhan Zhang*. SFP: Spurious Feature-Targeted Pruning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization. ACM Multimedia. 2024 (CCF A) to appear
Danfu Yuan, Weizhan Zhang*, Yubing Qiu, Haiyu Huang, Mingliang Yang, Peng Chen, Kai Xiao, Hongfei Yan, Yaming He, and Yiping Zhang. Context-aware Cross-layer Congestion Control for Large-scale Live Streaming. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 2024 (CCF A) to appear
Xuanyu Wang, Weizhan Zhang*, and Hongbo Fu*; A3RT: Attention-Aware AR Teleconferencing with Life-Size 2.5D Video Avatars; IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2024: 211-221. (CCF A)
Yuanhong Zhang, Weizhan Zhang*, Haipeng Du, Caixia Yan, Qinghua Zheng, FHVAC: Feature-level Hybrid Video Adaptive Configuration for Machine-centric Live Streaming. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2024, 35(5) :780-795. (CCF A)
Jiahao Wang, Caixia Yan*, Weizhan Zhang*, Huan Liu, Hao Sun, Qinghua Zheng; SAUI: Scale-Aware Unseen Imagineer for Zero-Shot Object Detection; The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024: 5445-5453. (CCF A)
Wang, Yingchun; Guo, Song; Guo, Jingcai; Zhang, Weizhan*; Zhang, Jie; Zheng, Qing-Hua; Zhang, Yuanhong, Data Quality-aware Mixed-precision Quantization via Hybrid Reinforcement Learning, (CCF B,西交最具). IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, to appear
Yuan, Muyao; Zhang, Weizhan∗; Yan, Caixia∗; Gong, Tieliang; Zhang, Yuanhong; Ying, Jiangyong, Adaptive Token Selection for Efficient Detection Transformer with Dual Teacher Supervision, (西交最具). Knowledge-based Systems, to appear.
Wang, Y., Guo, S., Guo, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, W.*, Yan, C., & Zhang, Y. . Towards performance-maximizing neural network pruning via global channel attention[J]. Neural Networks, 2024, 171: 104-113. (CCF B,西交最具)
Zhang Z, Chen Y, Zhang W, et al. Tile Classification Based Viewport Prediction with Multi-modal Fusion Transformer[C]//Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2023: 3560-3568. (CCF A类)
Wang, X., Ye, H., Sandor, C., Zhang, W., & Fu, H. Predict-and-Drive: Avatar Motion Adaption in Room-Scale Augmented Reality Telepresence with Heterogeneous Spaces[J]. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022, 28(11): 3705-3714. (CCF A类)
Yuan D, Zhang Y, Zhang W, et al. PRIOR: deep reinforced adaptive video streaming with attention-based throughput prediction[C]//Proceedings of the 32nd Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video. 2022: 36-42. (CCF B)
Wang Y, Wang J, Zhang W*, et al. A survey on deploying mobile deep learning applications: A systemic and technical perspective[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2022, 8(1): 1-17.
Liu J, Zhang W* , Huang S , et al. QoE-driven HAS Live Video Channel Placement in the Media Cloud[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2021, 23:1530-1541. (CCF B)
Wang X, Wang Y, Shi Y, Zhang W* et al. AvatarMeeting: An Augmented Reality Remote Interaction System With Personalized Avatars[C]//Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Mulitmedia). 2020: 4533-4535. (CCF A,demo and video track)
Liu X, Wang J, Zhang W*, et al. EmotionTracker: A Mobile Real-time Facial Expression Tracking System with the Assistant of Public AI-as-a-Service[C]//Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Mulitmedia). 2020: 4530-4532. (CCFA,demo and video track)
Wang Xuanyu; Du Haipeng; Zhang Weizhan; Zheng Qinghua; Deploying Fused Sharable Video Interaction Channels in Mobile Cloud, 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom), Taipei, China, 2020.12.7-2020.12.11.
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