1. 学术会议(Conferences)
2024.08.11-2024.08.15: Optics Frontier—The 15th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2024), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Corner solitons in fractal topological insulators
2024.07.01-2024.07.05: 21st International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO2024), @St. Petersburg, Invited talk: Nonlinear higher-order topological states and higher-order topological solitons, Program Committee Member in the Section "Nonlinear Photonics: Fundamentals and Applications".
2024.06.21-2024.06.24: 第十九届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议(LTO2024), @上海嘉定, 邀请报告: 分形光晶格中的拓扑角态孤子
2024.05.26: 先进光电科学技术论坛(天津大学), @天津, 邀请报告: 周期和非周期光晶格中的高阶拓扑态非线性调控
2024.05.09-2024.05.12: 第三届全国超材料大会, @乌镇, 邀请报告: 非线性分形高阶拓扑绝缘体
2024.04.21-2024.04.25: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2024), @Chengdu, Invited talks: ①Topological Valley Hall Edge Solitons, ②Nonlinear Higher-order Topological States and Higher-order Topological Solitons
2023.10.20-2023.10.22: 第七届量子物理青年学者研讨会, @无锡, 邀请报告: 拓扑边界态的非线性调控
2023.08.27-2023.08.30: 第六届全国光孤子学术研讨会 (NSOS 2023), @西安, 邀请报告: 拓扑边界态的非线性调控
2023.08.17-2023.08.20: The 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2023), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Nonlinear manipulation on higher-order topological edge states
2023.08.07-2023.08.10: Optics Frontier—The 14th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2023), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Nonlinear manipulation on higher-order topological edge states
2023.07.29-2023.07.31: 2023年中国光学学会学术大会, @武汉, 邀请报告: 高阶拓扑边界态的非线性调控
2023.07.19-2023.07.21: 微纳光学创新论坛, @长春, 邀请报告: 高阶拓扑边界态的非线性调控
2023.06.09-2023.06.11: 第五届光子学与光学工程国际会议(icPOE 2022)暨第十四届西部光子学学术会议, @西安, 邀请报告: 非线性二阶光学拓扑绝缘体
2022.11.05: 首届“量子通信及信息处理基础理论与前沿技术” 线上论坛, 邀请报告: 非线性二阶光学拓扑绝缘体
- 2022.10.22-2022.10.23: 非线性可积系统及相关物理问题学术研讨会, 线上, 邀请报告: 非线性二阶光学拓扑绝缘体
2022.08.04-2022.08.08: 第二十届全国凝聚态光学性质学术会议 (OPCM 2021), @曲阜, 邀请报告: 能谷霍尔效应拓扑边界态孤子
2022.07.22-2022.07.24: International Congress on Optics, Electronics, and Optoelectronics 2022 (ICOEO-2022), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Topological Valley Hall Edge Solitons
2021.10.07-2021.10.10: 中国工业与应用数学学会第十九届年会 (CSIAM 2021), @合肥, 邀请报告: Topological Valley Hall Edge Solitons
2021.07.23-2021.07.26: Optics Frontier—The 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2021), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Topological Corner State Laser in Kagome Waveguide Arrays
2021.06.21-2021.06.25: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Online, Oral: Topological Corner State Laser in Kagome Waveguide Arrays
2021.05.09-2021.05.14: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Online, Oral: Nonlinear valley Hall edge states in type-II Dirac lattices
2020.12.18-2020.12.20: 陕西省第一届非线性物理研讨会,@西安,口头报告:基于第II类狄拉克光晶格的能谷霍尔效应拓扑边界孤子
2020.09.25-2020.09.27: 光学前沿在线:微纳光子学会议(2020),口头报告:第II类狄拉克锥光晶格
2019.08.22-2019.08.25: 第五届全国光孤子学术研讨会,@西安,口头报告:极化激元拓扑绝缘体中拓扑边界态的空间控制(2019 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Xi'an, Oral: Spatial control of topological edge state in polariton topological insulators)
2019.08.06-2019.08.09: Optics Frontier—The 11th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2019), @Xi'an, Oral: Spatial control of topological edge state in polariton topological insulators
2019.06.30-2019.07.02: International workshop on “Topological Photonics and Beyond 2019” (TPB'19), @Tianjin, Poster: Rabi-like oscillation of photonic topological valley Hall edge states
2018.10.09-2018.10.12: The 7th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2018), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Topological edge state switching and tunneling inhibition in polariton topological insulators
2018.05.14-2018.05.19: 第19届纳米结构中光与物质相互作用物理国际会议(19th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, PLMCN19), @Chengdu, Oral: Topological edge state switching in polariton topological insulators
2018.04.21-2018.04.22: 第十三届中国电子信息技术年会 (The China Electronic Information Technology Conference), @Suzhou
2016.10.14-2016.10.17: The 2nd International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2016), @Xi'an, Invited talk: Control of Light Propagation in Fractional Schrödinger Equation (Co-chair of the second part of Branch of Session II)
2016.08.26-2016.08.28: International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2016), @Xi'an, Oral talk: Spatial control of light via harmonic potential and atomic topological insulators (Session Chair of "Technical Session 2: Laser Technology and Applications & Medical and Biological Applications")
2016.08.08-2016.08.11: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2016), @Shanghai
2016.07.18-2016.07.22: The 6th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO 2016), @Chongqing, Invited talk: Light Control due to the Flat Band and Dirac Cone in Artificial Optical Lattices
- 2016.07.17-2016.07.20: Optics Frontier—The 8th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2016), @Shanghai, Invited talk: Control of Light Propagation in Fractional Schrödinger Equation
- 2016.06.25-2016.06.28: The 4th International Conference Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications, @Beijing, Invited talk: Spatial control of light via harmonic potential and atomic topological insulators (on behalf of Prof. Yanpeng Zhang)
- 2015.12.13-2015.12.16: Photonics Middle East Conference 2015, @Doha, Poster: Spatial Control of Light via Harmonic Potential
with Prof. Albert Ferrando, Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, and Prof. Milivoj Belic [by Dr. Milan Petrovic]
2015.11.06-2015.11.08: 2015全国光孤子学术研讨会,@金华,口头报告:抛物势井对光束的空间控制(2015 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Jinhua, Oral: Light Control via Parabolic Potential)
2015.10.23-2015.10.25: 第五届原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛,@北京,口头报告:原子介质中光子拓扑绝缘体(The 5th Young Scientist Forum in Atomic, Molecular, @Beijing, Oral: Photonic Topological Insulators in Atomic Media)
- 2015.07.12-2015.07.15: Optics Frontier—The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2015), @Nanjing
- 2015.07.10-2015.07.12: The Third International Workshop: Frontiers in Photonics, @Tianjin, Poster: Photonic Floquet Topological Insulators in Atomic Ensembles
- 2015.06.18-2015.06.19: International Workshop on Solitons and Nonlinear Dynamics, @Shanghai
- 2014.11.07-2014.11.09: 2014年全国光孤子学术研讨会,@广州,口头报告:原子介质中光子拓扑绝缘体以及基于光怪波的非线性泰伯效应 (2014 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Guangzhou, Oral talk: Photonic Topological Insulators in Atomic Media and Nonlinear Talbot Effect based on Optical Rogue Waves)
with Prof. Zhigang Chen (middle) and Prof. Yanpeng Zhang (right) [by Dr. Xianglian Liu]
- 2014.09.18-2014.09.20: The 4th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2014), @Xi'an, Oral talk: Photonic Floquet topological insulators in an atomic ensemble
- 2014.08.22-2014.08.24: International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2014), @Suzhou, Oral talk: Interacting Airy and nonlinear beams
- 2010.06.21-2010.06.24: Nonlinear Photonics Coference held by OSA, @Karlsruhe, Poster: Azimuthons in weakly nonlinear waveguides
with Prof. Wieslaw Krolikowski [by Dr. Yongyao Li]
2. 访问交流(Visiting and Collaboration)
- 2020.09.07: 浙江大学在线交流,并作报告:第II类狄拉克锥光晶格(Type-II Dirac photonic lattices)
- 2020.08.04: 佛山科技学院在线交流,并作报告:第II类狄拉克锥光晶格(Type-II Dirac photonic lattices)
- 2016.07.19: 华东理工大学物理系学习交流,并作报告:光学系统中泰伯效应的研究 (Visited Department of Physics, School of Science, East China University of Science and Technology, and gave the talk: Talbot effect in optical systems)
- 2016.05.11: 西北大学物理学院学习交流,并作报告:光学系统中泰伯效应的研究 (Visited School of Physics, Northwest University, and gave the talk: Talbot effect in optical systems)
- 2015.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
- 2014.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
- 2014.08.19~2014.08.21: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校物理系教授Milivoj Belic教授来访,并作“舞动的光:光折变晶体中相向传输的光”等4个报告 (Prof. Milivoj Belic at Texas A&M University at Qatar visited our group, and gave 4 talks including "Dancing light: Counterpropagating beams in photorefractive crystals", etc)
Prof. Milivoj Belic is giving his talk [by Dr. Changbiao Li]
- 2013.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
- 2012.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
with Prof. Milivoj Belic [by Prof. Wei-ping Zhong]
- 2009.12~2010.12: 德国马普学会复杂系统物理研究所,@德国德雷斯顿 (Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, @Dresden)
with my supervisor Dr. Stefan Skupin [by Dr. Fabian Maucher]