论文1:“蠕形螨感染与酒渣鼻关联性的回顾性分析Retrospective analysis of the association between Demodex infestation and rosacea. Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(8): 896-902. 2010 IF=4.231”被MedWire News、Reuters和中国教育网等20余家新闻媒体关注和报道.
(1)MedWire News专题报道.
论文2:“蠕形螨感染与寻常痤疮关联性的meta分析A meta-analysis of association between acne vulgaris and Demodex infestation. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B. 2012 ;13(3):192-202. 2012 IF=1.108”受到了China Weekly News、Vertical News和美国学者的关注认同.
(1)Vertical News转载China Weekly News的专题报道.
(2)美国学者Kapoor S对此文章很感兴趣,发表了专题评论(Comments).
论文3:“蠕形螨与面部皮肤病的关联性— 一个病例对照研究Facial dermatosis associated with Demodex: a case–control study. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B. 2011, 12(12):1008-1015. 2011 IF=1.099.” 此文一发表,MedWire News继“Demodex folliculorum infestation vital risk factor for rosacea”之后,便以“Demodex infestation link with dermatitis and rosacea confirmed”为题就蠕形螨感染与面部皮肤病的关联性做了连续跟踪报道.