
出版物 作者 出版日期 出版社
Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG) Engines 黄佐华,马凡华,王金华 2023-12-06 Elsevier
Advances in Chemistry Research, Chapter 8: Premixed combustion of methanol-air-nitrogen flames 王显刚,黄佐华 2010-08-08 NOVA Publishing Ltd.
内燃机节能与洁净利用开发与研究的现状与前沿 黄佐华 2010-06-15 清华大学汽车安全与节能学报
内燃机燃烧研究及面临的挑战 黄佐华,蒋德明,王锡斌 2008-12-20 天津大学内燃机学报
Natural Gas Research Progress, Chapter 10 :Premixed laminar flame of CH4/O2/Ar 王金华,黄佐华 2008-08-28 NOVA Publishing Ltd
Natural Gas Research Progress, Chapter 11: Direct injection engine fueled with CNG-H2 mixtures 黄佐华,王金华 2008-08-28 NOVA Publishing Ltd
内燃机替代燃料燃烧学 蒋德明,黄佐华主编 2007-09-01 西安交通大学出版社
学科发展蓝皮书(内燃机篇) 黄佐华 2005-12-20 科学技术出版社
内燃机燃烧学 周龙保, 刘巽俊, 高宗英, 刘圣华, 黄佐华 2005-10-18 机械工业出版社
学科发展蓝皮书(内燃机篇) 黄佐华 2002-12-20 科学技术出版社
环境保护与节能 李荫堂,黄佐华 1998-08-15 西安交通大学出版社

国际刊物论文Publications in International Journals (PDF articles downloadable) and cited by SCI

论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
How to write and submit article to the international journals (PDF Available) Zuohua Huang 2025-12-31 Xi'an Jiaotong University
How to Write and Submit a Paper (PPT) Zuohua Huang 2025-12-31 Xi'an Jiaotong University
Exergy destruction analysis of coal gasification with O2-H2O combined with chemical kinetics (PDF Available📄) Honghuan Wu, Xiangxiang Chen, Muhammad Aziz, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang 2025-03-15 Fuel
Experimental study on pressure oscillation characteristics of di-n-butyl ether in a constant volume vessel Haochen Zhan, Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Jiaxing Li, and Zuohua Huang 2025-02-16 Combust Sci Technol
Effects of combustor wall temperature on the outer recirculation zone combustion modes transition in lean premixed DME/air swirling flames (PDF Available📄) Wenjun Lin, Weijie Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Huangwei Zhang 2025-02-01 Fuel
Effects of temperature on flame structures and local extinctions of swirl spray flames (PDF Available📄) Xiao Cai, Jinshi Wang, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Yi Chen, Di Jin, Yun Wu, Zuohua Huang 2025-01-15 Physics of Fluids
Experimental study on the propagation mechanism of acetylene-air detonation waves in a unilaterally intermittently constrained channel (PDF Available📄) Jingchun Gai, Hua Qiu, Cha Xiong, Minghao Zhao, Xinlu He, Zhan Yang, Zhiyuan Feng, Xitao Cehn, Zuohua Huang 2025-01-10 Exp Therm Fluid Sci
Flame stabilization and emission characteristics of ammonia combustion in model gas turbine combustors (PDF Available📄) Meng Zhang, Xutao Wei, Zhenhua An, Ekenechukwu C. Okafor, Thibault F. Guiberti, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang 2025-01-10 Prog Energy Combust Sci
Morphological and mechanistic study of a continuous flash boiling liquid ammonia spray (📄PDF Available) Jiawen Liu, Meng Zhang*, Zhenhua An, Jian Chen, Jinhua Wang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang 2025-01-05 Physics of Fluids
Non-adiabatic LES-FGM simulation of thermoacoustic instability in lean premixed CH4/air swirl flame (PDF Available📄) Guangya Hu, Weijie Zhang, Yutao Li, Jiawen He, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang 2024-12-30 Energy
Role of secondary hydrogen injection on flame stabilization of ammonia/air swir(PDF Available📄) Xutao Wei, Meng Zhang, Ruixiang Wang, Jinhua Wang, Houzhang Tan, Zuohua Huang 2024-12-16 Combust Flame
Dynamics of droplet impact on a rotating surface with different contact angles (PDF Available) Abrar A. A. Mohsen, Yuxin Song, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang 2024-12-10 Physics of Fluids
Laser ignition on single droplet characteristics of aviation kerosene at pressures and initial diameters: ignition, combustion and micro-explosion (PDF Available📄) Yang Yi, Senlin Lv, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Yingwen Yan 2024-12-10 J Energy Inst
Effects of secondary hydrogen injection on thermoacoustic instability of swirling premixed flames in a model combustor (PDF Available📄) Longjuan Ji, Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Xue-Song Bai 2024-12-01 Fuel
Assessment on the rings cleavage mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in supercritical water: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study (PDF Available📄) Hao Zhao, Shumei Zhou, Ruiqi Chen, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang 2024-12-01 J Molecular Liquids
High-pressure oxidation of ammonia–methanol mixture: An experimental and modeling study (PDF Available📄) Zhan Haochen, Shen Shujie, Yin Geyuan, Bao Yangyang, Hu Erjiang, Huang Zuohua 2024-11-20 Energy Fuels
In-depth exploration of multi-stage heat release phenomenon in high-temperature regions of PMH auto-ignition (PDF Available📄) Congjie Hong, Wuchuan Sun, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang 2024-11-16 Combust Flame
Investigation on the effects of swirl-strength on flashback phenomenon of premixed CH4/H2/air flame in a bluff-body swirl burner (PDF Available📄) Lei Cheng, Hao Xia, Shiyao Peng, Biao Pan, Shaohua Cui, Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang 2024-11-11 Int J Hydrogen Energy
Investigation on a combined system with methanol on-board hydrogen production and internal combustion engine (PDF Available📄) Haiyang Zhang, Yilan Yang, Chao Li, Qianqian Li, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang 2024-11-01 Fuel
Effects of preheated air temperature on liquid ammonia flash spray in swirl combustor Liu Jiawen, Zhang Meng, An Zhenhua, Wang Jinhua, Huang Zuohua 2024-10-29 Droplet