国际刊物论文Publications in International Journals (PDF articles downloadable) and cited by SCI

论文标题    A shock tube study of the ignition delay time of DME/ammonia mixtures: Effect of fuel blending from high temperatures to the NTC regime (PDF Available)
作者    Xue Jiang, Qiying Zhang, Xiyu Liu, Tianqi Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Fuquan Deng, Ningbo Zhao, Hongtao Zheng, Yingwen Yan
发表/完成日期    2024-07-01
期刊名称    Fuel
期卷    2024, 367, 131426
相关文章    A shock tube study of the ignition delay time of DMEammonia mixtures Effect of fuel blending from high temperatures to the NTC regime.pdf   