国际刊物论文Publications in International Journals (PDF articles downloadable) and cited by SCI

论文标题    Large eddy simulation of the effect of hydrogen ratio on the flame stabilization and blow-off dynamics of a lean CH4/H2/air bluff-body flame (PDF Available)
作者    Lei Cheng, Meng Zhang, Shiyao Peng, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang
发表/完成日期    2024-02-23
期刊名称    Applied Sciences
期卷    2024
相关文章    Large Eddy Simulation of the Effect of Hydrogen Ratio on the Flame Stabilization and Blow-Off Dynamics of a Lean CH4-H2-Air Bluff-Body Flame.pdf    Large Eddy Simulation of the Effect of Hydrogen Ratio on the Flame Stabilization and Blow-Off Dynamics of a Lean CH4-H2-Air Bluff-Body Flame.pdf   