ACS Central Science
发布者: 周迪 | 2015-03-03 | 587


Dear Colleague:

As you are an ACS Publications author, I wanted to reach out to you about ACS Central Science, a new open access journal characterized by cutting edge, high quality, high impact science that underscores the centrality of chemistry across many scientific disciplines. Whether your research is in the field of biomedicine, nanotechnology, energy, or perhaps earth and planetary sciences, we aspire to publish the most exciting and exceptional scientific research.

I am thrilled and honored to have been appointed founding editor of this highly selective journal, which will publish no more than 200 articles in 2015. We seek to publish important breakthroughs in fundamental chemistry that form a foundation for future developments in allied fields. And for the first time at ACS, the journal will be fully open access — free to both authors and readers — ensuring the broadest dissemination of research findings and front matter of general interest. ACS Central Science will submit for deposit full-text articles into PubMed Central upon publication, thus helping authors meet many funders' requirements for public access.

Over the past 2-3 months, I have assembled a marvelous team of senior editors and international editorial advisory board who share my passion for the goals and success ofACS Central Science.

As we prepare to publish the inaugural issue of the journal, we invite you to submit articles that provide substantive and compelling advances of significant interest to the scientific community for publication in ACS Central Science. We are committed to offering swift and fair peer review. We are also seeking a diverse and engaging selection of topical reviews, features and commentaries that highlight important new applications of chemistry and profile leading and emerging scientists.

For further details on the scope of the journal and a link to the submission site:pubs.acs.org/centralscience

My team of senior editors and I look forward to considering your research as we fulfill our mission to shape the chemical sciences for future generations and enhance our field's visibility in the public eye.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Professor Carolyn Bertozzi 

Editor-in-Chief, ACS Central Science
Howard Hughes Medical Institute 
University of California, Berkeley (Stanford University as of April 1, 2015)



Senior Editors
Prof. Christopher J. Chang
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of California, Berkeley

Prof. Ben G. Davis
University of Oxford

Prof. Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Northwestern University

Prof. David A. Tirrell
California Institute of Technology

Prof. Dongyuan Zhao
Fudan University