
周艳辉  女

工学博士 副教授





西安交通大学 兴庆校区

电子与信息学部 信息与通信工程学院 信息工程专业





2005.09 - 2011.03  西安交通大学         信息工程专业             博士

2002.09 - 2005.04  西安交通大学         信息工程专业             硕士

1998.09 - 2002.07  西安交通大学      信息与控制工程专业      本科



2005.05 - 2009.06                    西安交通大学                                   助理研究员

2009.07 - 2016.12                    西安交通大学                                        讲师

2012.09 - 2013.12           瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)                  访问学者   

2017.01 -     至今                      西安交通大学                                      副教授 



1.  图像处理

2.  计算机视觉(CV) 三维感知

3.  机器学习 





  1. Zhiyuan Li, Yanhui Zhou, Hao Wei, Chenyang Ge, Jingwen Jiang, Toward Extreme Image Compression With Latent Feature Guidance and Diffusion Prior: IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology(TCSVT), 35(1): 888-899, 2025.

  2. Xin Qiao, Chenyang Ge, Youmin Zhang, Yanhui Zhou, Fabio Tosi, Matteo Poggi, Stefano, Mattoccia, Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequency features: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (CVIU), 237, 2023.

  3. Yanhui Zhou, WenChao Chen, Recurrent autoencoder model for unsupervised seismic facies analysis, Interpretation, 2022, 10(3)T451-T460.

  4. Weiwei Xu, Yanhui Zhou, Dawei Liu, et al., Seismic Intelligent Deblending via Plug and Play Method With Blended CSGs Trained Deep CNN Gaussian Denoiser, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and remote sensing, 2022, 60: 5913143.

  5. Weiwei Xu, Yanhui Zhou, Xiaokai Wang, Wenchao Chen,  MoG-Based Robust Sparse Representation for Seismic Erratic Noise Suppression, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19,1-5.
  6. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen, MCA-Based Clutter Reduction From Migrated GPR Data of Shallowly Buried Point Target, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, 2018, 56(9): 1-17.

  7. Yanhui Zhou, J. Gao, W. Chen, P. Frossard, Seismic Simultaneous Source Separation via Patchwise Sparse Representation: IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, 2016, 54(9): 1-14.

  8. Li, Xiangfang, Chen, Wenchao, and Zhou Yanhui*, A robust method for analyzing the instantaneous attributes of seismic data: The instantaneous frequency estimation based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition: Journal of applied geophysics, 2014,111(12):102-109.

  9. Yanhui Zhou, Chen, W., and Gao, J., Separation of seismic blended data by sparse inversion over dictionary learning, Journal of applied geophysics, 2014, 106(7), 146-153.

  10. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen*, Jinghuai Gao, Application of Hilbert-Huang transform based instantaneous frequency to seismic reflection data, Journal of applied geophysics, , 2012,82:68-74. 

  11. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen*, Jinghuai Gao, and Yongqiang He. Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Instantaneous Frequency and Seismic Thin-bed Analysis. Journal of Seismic Exploration , 2010,19(2): 161-172.


  1. Xin Qiao, Chenyang Ge, Huimin Yao, Pengchao Deng, Yanhui Zhou. Valid depth data extraction and correction for time-of-flight camera. Twelfth International Conference on Machine Vision, 2020, 11433: 114332K-1.

  2. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen, Zhensheng Shi, Seismic reconstruction via constrained dictionary learning,88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expand Abstract, Oct. 2018, Los angeles.

  3. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen. MCA  based clutter reduction from migrated GPR data. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 10-15, 2016, 7481-7484, Beijing. (IGARSS 2016)

  4.  Yanhui Zhou, Wei Zhao, Yan Ge, Jinghuai Gao. Seismic quality factor estimation using continuous wavelet transform. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010, 3941-3944, Hawaii. (IGARSS 2010).
  5. Yanhui Zhou, Wenchao Chen, Jinghuai Gao, Frossard Pascal, Seismic deblending by sparse inversion over dictionary learning, 83th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expand Abstract, Oct. 2013, 273-277, Houston.




  1. Yanhui Zhou, Chenyang Ge, Three-dimensional depth perception method and apparatus with an adjustable working range, 2018, 美国,US15/048296
  2. 周艳辉魏雅静葛晨阳一种基于弱监督学习的ISP实现方法, 202256中国,  ZL202110403165.3 
  3. 周艳辉,邓鹏超,乔欣,邓晓天,葛晨阳,一种OLED透明屏下ToF装置及测距方法,202110月,中国,ZL202010385176.9
  4. 周艳辉,卢泳冲,高亚宁,葛晨阳,一种基于相机标定和ICP算法的点云配准方法,2021101日,中国,ZL201711170159.8 
  5. 周艳辉,葛晨阳,一种即插即用的深度摄像装置,2016年,中国,ZL201410050742.5