Enrollment Information

招生 (recruit students):


The research group recruits master and Ph.D. students every year. Students with majors in Physics and Materials are welcome to apply. We also welcome undergraduate students to study in the research group for graduation design and exchange study.


招聘优秀博士后 (recruiting excellent postdoctoral):


The research group is looking for a permanent postdoc (Assistant Professor), whose research is in the field of computational condensed matter physics or computational materials science.

生活保障 (living security)

1、年薪大于16万,西安交通大学提供学校附近的公寓住房 。

With an annual salary of more than 160,000 CNY, Xi'an Jiaotong University provides apartments near the university.


Xi'an Jiaotong University has high-quality basic education resources in kindergartens, primary schools, and junior high schools to fully guarantee the admission of postdoctoral children.


The university provides medical insurance, physical examination services, and other social welfare guarantees for post-doctor.


个人培养计划 (Individual training plan)


The research group actively supports the application of various scientific research projects and talent funding (provincial funding, post-doctoral funding, and the National Natural Science Foundation, etc.


The research group will provide planning guidance for the career development of postdoctoral researchers.


We will give priority to considering outstanding postdoctoral researchers for tenure and development.


应聘基本条件(Basic conditions for application)


A doctorate degree in physics and other related disciplines and rich experience in method development and programming are preferred.


Good English reading and writing skills


Have the ability to independently carry out scientific research, work hard and steadfastly, and have the spirit of teamwork and exploration.


申请材料和联系方式(Application materials and contact information)


Interested parties should email application materials (resumes, representative works, and other materials that can prove academic level) to: zjjiang [at] xjtu.edu.cn


Please indicate the title of the email: graduate student/applicant+name+graduate school. The research team will reply to the applicants who meet the requirements as soon as possible.