Personal Info


Limei Zhang 

Assistant Professor


Organization and Management 

School of Management

Xi'an Jiaotong University






Research Interests

Employee voice, Creativity, Social network, Virtual team



2016 – 2023, Ph.D., Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2019 – 2020, Joint Ph.D. Student, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

2012 – 2016, Bachelor,  Business School, Jilin University

  Dual Degree,  School of Economics, Jilin University


Journal Publications

  1.  Pang, X., Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Liu, M., & Xia, Y. (2025). Who's on the boss's radar? Examination of the antecedent and consequence of leader voice solicitation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology98(1), e12565.

  2. Wong, S. I., Zhang, L.*, Matej, C., & Nils, B. M. (Forthcoming). The Influence of Digital Communication Configuration in Virtual Teams: A Faultline Perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems.

  3. Zhang, L & Chen, H*. (2023). From Opportunity to Threat: The Non-Linear Relationship between Voice Frequency and Team Performance via Voice Endorsement. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. doi:org/10.1111/1744-7941.12368
  4. Zhang, L.*, Liang, J.*, & Liu, F. (2023). I Spoke Up, Did You Hear? The Impact of Voice (In)Congruence on Employee-Initiated Constructive Changes. Human Relations, 76(10): 1567-1598.
  5. Dong, Y., Zhang, L.*, Wang, H. J., & Jiang, J. (2023). Why is Crafting the Job Associated with Less Prosocial Reactions and More Social Undermining? The Role of Feelings of Relative Deprivation and Zero-Sum Mindset. Journal of Business Ethics, 184(1): 175-190.
  6. 张丽美,梁建.(2021)员工建言如何影响团队有效性——基于微观动态性的分析视角[J].管理学季刊,6(03):42-60+183-184.

Books & Chapters

  1. 王海江,张丽美(译),梁建(校). 科学的道德领域(Heather Douglas).见 徐淑英, 李绪红, 贾良定,梁建,仲为国,井润田,希瑟·道格拉斯(编) 负责任的管理研究:哲学与实践 (pp. 46-67). 北京: 北京大学出版社.
  2. 王涛,张丽美(译),梁建(校). 客观性不可约的复杂性(Heather Douglas).见 徐淑英, 李绪红, 贾良定,梁建,仲为国,井润田,希瑟·道格拉斯(编) 负责任的管理研究:哲学与实践 (pp. 96-115). 北京: 北京大学出版社.


  1. Zhang, L., Liu, M., & Li, X. (2023) The Longitudinal Effectiveness of Directive versus Participative Leadership Amid the COVID-19: The Role of Disruption and Recovery Stages. Academy of Management.
  2. Zhang, L. & Liang, J. (2023) Who Should be Involved and Why: A Collective Interactional Process of Voice Implementation. Academy of Management.
  3. Geng, J., Zhang, L.*, & Li, Y. (2023) For the Sake of My Family at Any Cost: Why and When Family Motivation Predicts Unethical Behaviors. Academy of Management.
  4. Wong, S. I., Zhang, L., Matej, C., & Nils, B. M. (2022). The Influence of Digital Communication Configuration in Virtual Teams: A Faultline Perspective. Academy of Management.
  5. Zhang, L., Venkataramani, V., Tangirala, S., Liang, J., & Wu, J. (2021). Who Speaks to Whom? How Voice Flows within and across Demographic Faultlines in Teams Impact Team Effectiveness. Academy of Management.
  6. Guo, S., Liao, H., Han, J., Venkataramani, V., & Zhang, L. (2021). Too Much of a Good thing: Sharing Leadership When Stepping on Others’ Toes, The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Conference.