
  • Member of IEEE, IEEE Communications Society
  • Chair of IEEE ComSoc OTFS Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • Associated Editor for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (IF 8.0)
  • Guest Editor:
    • Special Issue ``Delay-Doppler Domain Communications for Future Wireless Networks'' in Entropy, 2023
    • 面向6G的时延多普勒域通信范式,电子与信息学报,2022
  • Workshop/TPC Co-Chair:
    • 2024 IEEE WCNC Workshop on Delay-Doppler Communications, Sensing, and Their Integration
    • 2023 IEEE ICCC Workshop on OTFS for Reliable High-mobility Communications
    • 2023 IEEE WCNC Workshop on Delay-Doppler Communications, Sensing, and Their Integration
    • 2022 ICC Workshop on OTFS and Delay-Doppler Signal Processing for 6G and Future High-mobility Communications
    • 2022 18th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems Special Session on OTFS
    • 2021 ICC Workshop on Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation (OTFS) for 6G and Future High-mobility Communications
    • 2021 IEEE ICCT Workshop on OTFS Modulation for Integrated Sensing and Communications
  • TPC Member:
    • IEEE GLOBECOM: 2017, 2018, 2020-2024
    • IEEE ICC: 2018, 2021-2024
    • IEEE ICCC: 2021-2023
    • IEEE WCNC: 2019, 2021- 2024
    • IEEE WCSP: 2018
  • Reviewer:
    • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
    • IEEE Wireless Communications
    • IEEE Communications Magazine
    • IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

    • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    • IEEE Transactions on Communications
    • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
    • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
    • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    • IEEE Communications Letters
    • IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
    • IEEE Signal Processing Letters

    • China Communications
    • Science China Information Sciences
    • IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

    • IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking

    • IET Communications
    • IEEE Access
    • IEEE Sensors Journal
    • IEEE Internet of Things Journal


  • [Online Tutorial]: IEEE VCC 2023 Delay-Doppler Communications and Sensing (Nov. 2023)
  • [天元前沿学术交流] 信息技术的前沿数学理论与方法研讨会 (Nov. 2023 @ 西安,中国)

  • [Tutorial]: IEEE ICCC 2023 Delay-Doppler Domain Communications and Sensing (Aug. 2023@Dalian, China)
  • [Webinar]: IEEE Signal Processing Society Webinar: ISAC-assisted Delay Doppler Communications in Vehicular Networks (Jul. 2023)
  • [学术报告]: 时延-多普勒域通信原理及其应用,全国航空电子信息技术高端论坛,2023
  • [Tutorial]: IEEE ICC 2023 Delay-Doppler Domain Communications and Sensing (May@Rome, Italy)
  • [Online Tutorial]: IEEE VTC 2022 Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation: Waveform for Future Wireless Networks (Jun. 2022)