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  • Extended DMPs Framework for Position and Decoupled Quaternion Learning and Generalization      Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1186/s10033-022-00761-w

  • Interpolation-based virtual sample generation for surface roughness prediction      Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing                    https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-02054-4

  • Yuqiang Wu, Fei Zhao*, Tao Tao, A Framework for Autonomous Impedance Regulation of Robots Based on Imitation Learning and Optimal Control IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

  • Hanbo Yang, Fei Zhao*, Gedong Jiang,A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Machinery Prognostics Based on Time Windows, Applied Sciences, 2076-3417,2019

  • Wenwen Tian,Fei Zhao*,Xuesong Mei, Orderings of a class of trees with respect to the Merrifield–Simmons index and the Hosoya index, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 1382-6905,2019

  • Xing Liu, Fei Zhao*, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Yuqiang Wu, Xuesong Mei. End-Effector Force Estimation for Flexible-Joint Robots with Global Friction Approximation Using Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

  • Xing Liu, Fei Zhao*, Xuesong Mei, et al. High Efficiency Gear Hobbing Technics Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Spindle Torque, Proceedings of the iMeche, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.

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  • Fei Zhao, Xuesong Mei, Zhe Du, et al.Online Evaluation method of Machining Precision Based on Built in Signal Testing Technology[C].45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012 Greece,Athense. Procedia CIRP.2012,3:144-148

  • Fei Zhao,Chi Zhang, Guilin Yang.Vibration Analysis of High-speed Ball-screw Drive in Machine Tool Feed System, 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2014), singapore.

  • Peng Sun, Fei Zhao*, Chi Zhang, Jie Zhang, and Jinhua Chen, "Dynamic simulation of a novel free-piston linear generator, Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2015 IEEE International Conference, 2015, pp. 1641-1646.

  • Yingzhi Hu, Fei Zhao*, Peng Li, et al. A Novel Hybrid Excitation Eddy Current Damper for Vibration Suppression[C], ICIA2016.

  • Zhang chengning, Xia qinghua, Zhao Fei. “Analysis on local optimum existence form of K-means-type”, in the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision ( ICARCV 2014),Singapore

  • Jingchun Yin, Guilin Yang, Fei Zhao, Motion Planning Implemented in ROS for Omni-directional Wheeled Mobile Robot, ICIA2015

  • P SunC ZhangJh ChenF ZhaoDecoupling Design and Verification of a Free-Piston Linear GeneratorEnergies 2016, 9(12), 1067

  • Xing Liu,Fei Zhao,Multi-Point Interaction Force Estimation for Robot Manipulators with Flexible Joints Using Joint Torque SensorsInternational Conference on Intelligent Robotics and ApplicationsShenyang2019

  • C. Li, F. Zhao, T. Tao and X. Mei, "Dynamic modeling of robot based on neural network with incomplete state observations," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Macau, 2017, pp. 2320-2324.

  • L. Chen, Z. Wei, F. Zhao and T. Tao, "Development of a virtual teaching pendant system for serial robots based on ROS-I," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Ningbo, 2017, pp. 720-724.doi: 10.1109/ICCIS.2017.8274867

  • Xing Liu, Fei Zhao and Xuesong Mei, "A fuzzy adaptive controller for constant cutting torque in high-performance gear hobbing process," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Munich, 2017, pp. 1725-1730.doi: 10.1109/AIM.2017.8014267

  • S. Lin, F. Zhao, J. Chen, C. Zhang and J. Wang, "Design and control of eddy current damper for vibration suppression of direct drive feed system," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Ningbo, 2017, pp. 417-422.doi: 10.1109/ICCIS.2017.8274812

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  • 邢铭宗,赵飞,姜歌东,梅雪松.一种确定自回归滑动平均模型最小阶次的新方法[J].西安交通大学学报,201145(12):99-103 (EI:20120114659328)

  • 姚雨良,赵飞,张东升.基于球杆一的空间误差测试分析方法研究[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术,2011,(8):72-75

  • 李鹏勃,赵飞,梅雪松等.基于进给系统反馈信号的摩擦辨识方法,组合机床与自动化加工技术[J] 201211):4-7

  • 张彦龙,赵飞,张驰,基于频率和相位辨识的永磁同步电机推力波动补偿技术研究,组合机床与自动化加工技术.20164,1-


  1. 赵飞 , 吴玉强, 陶涛,梅雪松,一种移动操作机器人的零空间运动分配方法 202 1-1-28 中国 ZL202110120353.5 .
  2. 赵飞,龚陈威,孙铮, 陶涛, 梅雪松,姜歌东,基于平面表面摩擦的机器人自动轴孔轴线对齐方法及系统 2020-10-29 中国 ZL202010879529.0 .
  3. 赵飞 赵健壮,吴玉强, 孙铮, 梅雪松, 王恪典,基于全状态阻抗控制器的移动操作机器人通用控制方法 2020-10-22 中国 ZL202011141893.3
  4. 赵飞,梅雪松,黄晓勇,一种Airthoid曲线及基于Airthoid曲线的运动规划平顺方法,201911185499
  5. 赵飞,梅雪松,黄晓勇,一种几何光顺和速度规划同步设计的加工轨迹局部光顺方法,201911185509
  6. 梅雪松,赵飞,黄晓勇,S2T速度曲线的设计方法及基于S2T速度曲线的五轴轨迹加工方法,201911203626.1
  7. 闵超庆,梅雪松,赵飞,一种基于振动能储存的定位装置及其应用,201811607614.0
  8. 孙铮,陆介鑫,赵飞,一种综合利用三相电流与dq电流的电机驱动方法及系统,201910584133.0
  9. 孙铮,云强,赵飞一种直接控制三相电流的电机驱动方法,       201910339614.5
  10. 孙铮,陆介鑫,赵飞,一种基于正弦平方加速度前瞻的机床加工轨迹运动规划方法,201910465547.1
  11. 梅雪松,赵飞,陶涛等.一种数控机床进给系统动态特性在线测试仪.CN201110321242
  12. 赵飞,梅雪松,陶涛等,一种基于位置信息的数控机床工件加工质量在线评估方法.CN201110321051
  13. 梅雪松,赵飞,王恪典等,一种数控机床伺服进给系统扰动负载仿真装置及仿真方法CN201210162280
  14. 梅雪松,赵飞等,一种基于内置传感器的数控机床进给系统的模态测试方法.CN201210025291
  15. 梅雪松赵飞陶涛范胜乾姜歌东一种数控机床虚拟传动链测试仪及测试方法CN201310193350
  16. 陶涛范胜乾梅雪松赵飞姜歌东;一种基于三通方式的Endat信号采集卡CN201310193348
  17. 赵飞,孙鹏,张杰等,精密加工装置及其控制方法,CN201410535514
  18. 赵飞,廖有用,张驰,发明专利,“一种进给系统主动涡流阻尼装置及控制器”,申请号:201510451333.0
  19. 赵飞,张杰,张驰,发明专利,“自由活塞式内燃直线发电机”,申请号:201510071904.8
  20. 赵飞,张杰,张驰,杨桂林,发明专利,一种金属柔性材料滚卷输送机包缠(CN201511027458.7
  21. 赵飞,张驰,杨桂林,发明专利,一种齿轮误差在线预测方法(CN201511031965.8
  22. 赵飞,孙鹏,张驰,实用新型专利,“精密加工装置”,申请号:201410493517.9
  23. 陈进华,李荣,赵飞,同步磁阻电机的转子及同步磁阻电机,授权号:ZL201520106652
  24. 赵飞,陈进华,张驰,实用新型专利,自由活塞式内燃直线发电机,授权号:ZL 201520099490


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